The Energy of Beliefs: How to Choose Your Illusions
Allison Ross
?? Forgiveness Advocate & Marketing Innovator | Changing the tools of engagement, one vibration at a time.
"How do we choose our illusions?" I was asked. And with the implementation part of the Vibrational Marketing Institute's (VMI) curriculum about to kick off in February, best I find a way to articulate it concisely in January.
If you've followed along, here are the key constructs:
1. As humans, we are both matter and energy at the same time.
2. Matter, the lower frequencies, consists of the physical seen-and-felt evidence of what we perceive is true. As the frequency of energy increases, the more invisible it becomes.
3. As matter, we are limited by time and space; as energy we are limitless and can traverse time and space, hobnob with other high-vibrational unseen entities, and switch timelines to versions of ourselves that reflect our beliefs.
What It Means To Be Limitless
As energy, we're able to quantum leap, shifting our reality based on the beliefs we choose to hold.
For example, if you believe the earth is flat, you are creating a perceived reality where the earth is flat. Consequently, your beliefs will be validated. Those who believe the opposite will also have their beliefs validated. Both are true by the very nature of our beliefs because both are illusions. They both exist as potentialities in the quantum world, transmuted through our beliefs.
As a humanity, our beliefs also influence how we all experience this planet. That's our collective consciousness and why I can look outside my window and see Table Mountain and my neighbour doesn't see Mars. If enough of us believed Mars was in Cape Town, we might find ourselves on a timeline where Mars somehow resides comfortably within view of my front door. Inconceivable to our limited time-and-space illusion, sure. Impossible? Only because we believe it is.
Same for our political, religious, money, health, and relationship beliefs.
If enough of us believe that benevolent aliens exist, well, have you seen the news? Watched Gaia? Hung out with the "flaky" folk?
If enough believe the earth is flat... I'm rooting for you, flat-earthers!
And if enough of us agreed on what abundance for all looked like, it's inevitable that it happens purely by the power of collective belief.
We Choose Our Illusions By Challenging Them
So how do we change our illusions on a personal level? By challenging our beliefs: Be willing to find something that validates that the other could possibly be true. Life responds by giving you more evidence of the other also being true.
That's how we move towards unity consciousness, Christ consciousness, and that all-evasive peace on earth and abundance for all.
What's This Got To Do With The VMI Curriculum?
Choosing our illusion is a conscious choice.
Do we approach life as matter or energy? Human or divine? Accept our beliefs or all beliefs?
Choosing our illusion means constantly challenging our beliefs, unlearning what we've been taught was true, embracing the unseen, and creating new beliefs that serve the whole.
The implementation part is going to be interesting. How do we embody energy, divinity, unity consciousness, and Christ consciousness instead of just saying we believe in it?
Which illusion do we choose? Which timeline are we switching to? Which beliefs are we challenging? How are we contributing to a vibration where everyone wins? Are we changing marketing from serving of self to serving of all? Can we inspire others to do the same so that we create a collective consciousness where it's natural to thrive?
The biggest challenge in challenging your beliefs: Do you believe anything I've just said?