Energy All the Way Down

In further thinking about the fact that all money is energy, it dawned on me that, really everything is about energy.

It’s energy all the way down.

At the cellular level, as far as I understand it, it’s a constant process of energy being moved around.

On the spiritual level, what is the difference between a living person and a corpse? It’s energy.

On a call the other day, my friend and I were talking about the difference between inspiration and motivation.

We decided to look up the etymology of the word “inspire.” Here’s what Google’s AI had to say:

The word "inspire" comes from the Latin word "inspirare," which means "to breathe in." This root can be traced further back to the Indo-European root *in-spir-," meaning "to breathe into."

The original sense of "inspire" was to breathe life into something, or to fill someone with divine or supernatural influence. Over time, the meaning evolved to include the idea of filling someone with enthusiasm, creativity, or motivation.

Maybe that’s the answer (for me) about the abortion debate. It’s the moment when the fetus is “inspired.”

And maybe that’s the realization that is dawning on me, that the divine influence is omnipresent, infused at all levels of creation, from the largest planets to the smallest quarks and tau particles.

Again, according to Gemini:

According to Einstein's famous equation E=mc2, energy and mass are interchangeable. This means that even a tiny particle with a small mass has a corresponding amount of energy.

  • Kinetic energy:* Particles in motion have kinetic energy.*
  • Rest energy:* Even when a particle is at rest, it has energy due to its mass.*

So, whether it's a massive proton or a tiny neutrino, all particles possess energy in some form.

So, no matter where you go or where you start, everything is based on energy.

I guess I am trying to come to terms with the idea of what it means to look at everything through the lens of energy.

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