Energy: 2 great metrics

Brazil as a country and the corporate world (industry, commerce and institutions) have 2 wonderful energy related metrics to evaluate their performance.

I - $/MWh

It is the amount paid for the electricity bill based on the volume consumed. Multinational companies use this metric to compare the cost of energy they bear in the different countries in which they operate. This metric depends, of course, on the cost of the entire value chain in the electricity sector. Brazil is in last place (most expensive) in the BRICS power ranking.

And, of course there are intrinsic (to each client) factors:

  • Voltage level (access to the public grid)
  • Regulated or deregulated power contracting
  • Demand management

II - MWh/activity ?

It is the "specific consumption" of each consumer unit. Reflects the initiatives of:

  • Energy efficiency,
  • Cost arbitration between energy sources, ?
  • Transfer of consumption to off-peak, among others.

The first step is to create these metrics for your case. Then find out how to improve them!

If you wish to follow this path, I am available to help!


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