Dr. Gajanan Shirke
★#1 Author of 64 Bestselling Books★ Hotel Revamping Consultant★ Educational Consultant ★Trainer ★Educator ★comprehensive staff training organizer ★ Been named 100 influential Indian by Fox Story India★
CATCH ME IF YOU CAN: Players should be paired up. All players divide into two lines (facing in) shoulder to shoulder, with partners facing each other. Participants should be given approximately 30 seconds to look at their partners, taking in all details about the individual. The leader then instructs the two lines to turn and face away from the center. One or both lines has 15-20 seconds to change something about their appearance (i.e. change a watch to different wrist, unbutton a button, remove a belt, etc.). The change must be discrete, but visible to the partner. The players again turn in to face each other and have 30 seconds to discover the physical changes that have been made. Players get to interact with each other and have fun.
HOG CALL: Break the group into pairs. Each pair must choose two things; a machine and an animal. They then have to decide who is which. The pairs then divide up on opposite sides of the room. Everyone must close their eyes (if they feel comfortable), and by making only the noise that their character would make, they must find their partner. When they find their partner, they can open their eyes and wait until everyone else is done. Note: When conducting an activity with eyes closed, have the group raise their hands in front of their chests as ―bumpers,‖ and have at least one person (facilitator) acting as a spotter
HUM THAT TUNE: Each person in the group is given a small piece of paper with the name of a nursery rhyme or other song written on the paper. (i.e. ―Row, row, row your boat,‖ ―Rock-a-bye baby,‖ etc.) All of the people who are given the song must hum that tune and fine everyone else singing the song. MUMBLE JUMBLE: Before the activity begins, the leader will cut up a few pictures into puzzle pieces. Each group member will grab a piece of a puzzle from a bag. The group members will keep their puzzle piece to themselves until the leader says, ―GO!‖ At this point, the group members will try to locate the other members of the group with the pieces to form the appropriate pictures. Whichever group does it first, wins. Good activity for breaking into retreat/activity groups.