The Energised Alert needs your connection
I am writing this because there can seldom have been a product that needed a strategic "connection" like the Energised Alert does and I hope that you may be able to help make that connection.
The Energised Alert is an innovative and patented sensor that senses any rise in electrical potential on whatever it is attached to and does so without any connection to earth. It really is as simple as that and when attached to key parts of a vehicle, machine or heavy plant, it can show if the vehicle becomes live by accident and that crucial information, can help to save lives.
On you will find a 2 minute animation explaining how it operates in the workplace.
This is the sensor module during installation. The sensor on its own is a fully functional electrical contact alarm and has further potential for miniaturisation.
The full modular, commercial retrofit kit has additional sounders, an external speaker, flashing lights, the Base Unit (which sits in the cab that operates the system of lights), audible alarms and speakers (the base unit also records details of all events for periodic download and analysis), then there are cables, bespoke brackets for the sensor beneath the vehicle and another for the base unit in the cab.
This new sensor was conceived to modify the risks associated with vehicles and plant potentially coming into contact with electricity supply infrastructure. Sensing a rise in electrical potential of whatever it is connected to, causes an alarm which informs the operatives that something has gone wrong and that their next actions should be very carefully considered.
We have received an Innovation Fund Incentive (IFI) grant from four Electricity Supply Companies. That funding was to take this project from our "Prototype" start point to "Pre Production Ready Prototype". That IFI project was completed earlier this year when we delivered and fitted units for independent assessment in the workplace.
The commercial retrofit kit that you can see above, is in principle ready for market once CE testing has been done but we would really like to refine the design by further miniaturisation and homogenisation to vehicle systems to make fitment simple, reduce unit retail price and we would also like to continue to refine the functionality and sensitivity.
Below is my design partner Roger Link, (with the first United Utilities vehicle fitted with the Energised Alert), and he is formally handing over the operators manual to Lindsay Howarth of Amey, so the field trials in the workplace can begin.
All of the final steps, general refinement and testing of the finished product will require further funding to complete. The scale of the opportunity reflects the scale of the funding and commitment required and hints at the commercial capacities that we are seeking to place this with.
We don't have the funding needed to finish this final refinement of the device and that has prompted me to ask you if you might know somebody that would be interested in taking this on.
Perhaps, just by making a connection you may help us to find our strategic ally who will successfully take it to markets around the world as well as exploring all of the diverse niche applications for this new electrical sensing genre.
I am perhaps understandably biased. My job is all about managing risks and I used to prune trees around power lines myself. That brought me and the Arborists that I employ face to face with this deadly risk on a daily basis, so through exposure I naturally feel moved to help mitigate against this risk any way I can. The Energised Alert is the result.
Think of the Energised Alert as the electricity industry equivalent of a Smoke Alarm.
The commercial applications for a device the size of a smoke alarm that senses when whatever it is connected to becomes live are many and various. This device helps people save their own lives or avoid horrific injuries while at the same time reinforcing the constant need for vigilance in all operatives working around electricity supply infrastructure.
The Energised Alert achieves all of these things by giving timely and essential H&S information or warnings, just when the need is most acute.
If you think that your company or anybody you know would want to help us to take this product the rest of the way to market, please do get in touch.
David Lloyd-Jones [email protected]
Follow #TreeMorph on Twitter
LiveAlert Ltd.
Unit 3 The Grove
Parkgate Industrial Estate
WA16 8XP