

There is a well-known distinction between energisers and energy sappers. People who lift our mood, and people who lower our mood.

An observation I have is that energisers tend to praise more than penalise whereas the sappers tend to find fault more often than favour.

So what are the characteristics of energisers?

For a start we must bring energy, positive energy. Furthermore, we must look for what went right more than what went wrong. It is incredibly draining to be constantly told what was done wrong; morale will suffer if criticism is constant. Recognition and praise for progress or perseverance can be incredibly uplifting. Positive words can recharge teams when their batteries are drained. Of course, things do go wrong and we must analyse to improve, however, discussion can focus on solutions. Failure can be framed as an opportunity to learn.

Failure can be framed as an opportunity to learn.

Energisers are situationally aware. We must be sensitive to the prevailing mood and indeed the ongoing task. Sensitive awareness enables the best contribution to the situation such that a team feels grateful for our support rather than frustrated by our interruption. Leaders especially have to develop hypersensitivity to the way our own energy, words, expressions and body language, impact the collective mood. Research has proven that productivity is eroded by stress which is definitely affected by insensitive leadership.

Research has proven that productivity is eroded by stress which is definitely affected by insensitive leadership.

Energisers always add value. No matter how brief the involvement, or how short the task, energisers are remembered for the value added by what we said or did. Sometimes the best way to add value is out of sight, behind the scenes. Sometimes getting involved can involve getting in the way! Sometimes letting go is better than digging in. So adding value builds on positive energy and situational awareness as a subtle art which takes effort and experience.

So adding value builds on positive energy and situational awareness as a subtle art which takes effort and experience.

In summary, energisers help drive progress through positivity, awareness, and value-add. Something we all have the power to control is what we say and do. Let's recognise effort and reframe error to help our teams feel energised.

If you enjoyed this article, I would encourage you to check out my popular book on performance improvement;?Accelerating Automatic !

Tim Wigham?is Head of Performance at Exceed Energy. He is an Amazon#1 bestselling co-author of?Purposeful People ?and a?TEDx Speaker ?on the topic of Moodset and Team Performance.

Michael Bailey

Help Entrepreneurs Achieve Financial Freedom through Alternative Investments!!! 1/2 Billion Assets & $100M+ Equity Raised 2-1/2 yrs Wealth Creation - Financial, Spiritual, Emotional ??

1 年

Everything is About energy be in the positive end do not get zapped ??????

Eric Doyle (F.ISP)

Digital Commercial Strategist - Developing people and organisations to become leaders in their sectors - TedX Speaker - Keynote speaker, event host/compere/moderator - Artist

1 年

Great peice Tim. I used to joke about ‘Mood Hoovers’, ‘Fun sponges, ‘Colour Theives’…people who going around stealing peoples colour and turning everything to grey. They walk among us. For many years I sought to convert them but it didn’t always work and caused some problems. I learned the hard way that not everyone is as excited about ‘’this thing’ as me and that’s ok, forcing thier excitement or viewing thier lack of excitement as problematic would only lead to drama… I learned to do something which you gave a name to on our last The Crux Cast and it’s stuck with me…. ‘Meet them where they are…’ And everything became easier.

Marc Wicks MBE

Coaching Skills Director, Coaching Consultant and Retired Royal Marines Commando

1 年

Providing an organisational culture that allows energisers to thrive is key, and that culture will be driven by the leadership team. Unfortunately, sappers who may be SME's, can spread their negativity like a virus very quickly, which will be detrimental to team productivity and morale. I suppose the next question is, do personal values and positive behaviours outweigh expertise? The answer for me is yes all the time. Great article Tim and have really enjoyed the Moodset for Mastery series.


