The Energetic Power Of Color
Ty Walking Deer Life Coach/Spiritual Counsellor/Shaman/Holistic Healer/shamanic healing
The Energetic Power Of Color
We are energetic beings, and one of our most important sources of energy lies within the spectrum of colors derived from light. [2] In fact, it is so important that life on earth is highly dependent on the electromagnetic spectrum and wavelengths of colors, with each wavelength carrying a different frequency with its own unique energy. Our biochemical system, and thus our overall well-being, is strongly influenced by these energies.
Each color invokes different emotions, thereby possessing the ability to profoundly affect our moods and how we see ourselves and the world around us in different ways. What’s more, colors not only shift the light in which you see yourself, they have the power to change how others see you too. For example, people may subconsciously perceive, and therefore interact, with you differently based on the energy of what color(s) you are wearing.
Each color in the color spectrum created by light is associated with different areas of the body, and each has different spiritual, emotional, and physical impacts on us. Becoming aware of how each one affects us empowers us to make conscious changes in various areas of our lives by choosing to surround ourselves with certain colors, or even by visualizing certain colors using techniques such as colour meditation. [2] Since we are talking about the spectrum of colors derived from light, as light is the only form of energy we can actually see, we will focus on the seven color energies it consists of – also known as the rainbow of colors. [3] Each of the 7 colors symbolizes one of the 7 chakras in the body. Click here to learn more about the chakras and the important role they play in determining the quality of different aspects of our lives.
The 7 Colors of the Color Spectrum
1. Yellow: Most often associated with the sun, yellow represents joy, happiness, and optimism. It is also said to mentally ground us, helping us tap into our innate inner wisdom and enhancing our ability to perceive and comprehend the meaning of things and new information. It may also enhance concentration since it is the color of “caution” and demands full awareness, which is precisely why it is the color of school buses and traffic signs. Yellow is linked to the Solar Plexus Chakra, the 3rd Chakra, located in the upper abdomen. This chakra affects feelings of self-worth, confidence, and self-esteem.
2. Orange: Orange is the anti-depressant of colors. It can support us in getting through difficult life challenges, instill a sense of hope and an appetite for life, and help us overcome feelings of doom. By manifesting feelings of motivation, orange can help us move forward in life after tragedies. In the body, orange is home to the 2nd Chakra – the Sacral, or “Spleen”, Chakra located approximately 2 inches below the navel. On a physical level, the Sacral Chakra is believed to effect the reproductive system, sexual organs, the lumbar plexus, and the gonads. On a spiritual and emotional level, it is related to our sense of sexuality, prosperity and abundance, and is the center from which we create. It is also the chakra that represents our emotional body as a whole, defining the extent to which we are willing to feel any given emotion and the manner in which we do so.
3.Red: Physically, red is very powerful and helps us feel grounded in our bodies when we feel scattered in life. It may provide energy to get through a long, demanding day, as it is believed to provide power from the earth that enhances energy on all levels – physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Since it is linked to physical well-being, red motivates us to care for our bodies and place effort towards leading healthy, balanced lifestyles. Red governs the 1st Chakra, also known as the Root Chakra, located at the base of the spine. Just like the color that represents it, the Root Chakra is the most physical chakra, and it is strengthened by physical activity that promotes awareness of that part of the body such as yoga, chair tea, martial arts, and walking. As the name implies, the Root Chakra helps us feel more “rooted,” or stable, in life and supports a sense of safety and security.
4. Violet: Energy from the color violet inspires creativity and artistic work, purity in thoughts and feelings, and brings us guidance by providing a sense of spiritual well-being and/or inner strength and intuition by influencing a deeper connection with our inner selves. It is often indicative of personality traits of humanitarians and inspirational, humble, and just leaders. Violet is home to the 7th Chakra, the Crown Chakra, which connects us to higher intelligence and grace. It is related to spiritual clarity, empathy, humanitarianism, and, like its color symbol, intuition.
5. Indigo: Characteristics such as organization, self-discipline, responsibility, and professionalism are influenced by the energy of indigo. Surrounding yourself with, wearing, or visualizing the color indigo is beneficial when you need assistance in areas such as focus, clarity of direction, and discipline. Its energy depicts intelligence and strengthens self-reliance and the extent to which we understand deep truths about ourselves and life as a whole. Indigo symbolizes the 6th Chakra, known as the Brow Chakra, located in between the eyebrows. The Brow Chakra is commonly called the “Third Eye Chakra.” The third eye is a term referring to the pineal gland, which has long been revered as “the spiritual eye,” considered a portal into different spiritual dimensions in Hinduism and ancient civilizations. The ability to see things intuitively, as well as physically and morally, is strongly linked to the Third Eye Chakra. Many believe this chakra, when balanced, manifests psychic abilities, enabling a person to predict future occurrences and actually create desired outcomes in life by placing visual and mental intention on them.
6. Blue: The calming energy of blue can relax a racing mind and aid in the ability to “go with the flow” in life, which is why many people tend to feel more at ease by the water and travel to beaches for relaxing vacations. It amplifies feelings of inner peace, and instills a trust in life to unfold as it should. It is also beneficial for developing a deep trust in self, including trust in one’s ability to make sound decisions in the future, which naturally eases anxiety and aids in present moment awareness by preventing the compulsion to excessively worry about the future and constantly create stories in the mind about what “might happen.” Blue represents the 5th Chakra, the Throat Chakra, located at the bottbom of the throat in the center of the collarbone. The Throat Chakra primarily influences speech and communication. It is dubbed “the centre of purification,” as it is the chakra used to vocalize either honest or dishonest thoughts, choices, opinions, and claims.
7. Green: As the color in the middle of the color spectrum, green symbolizes peace and harmony and gives off balancing, healing, and calming energy. It also represents confidence in following desires of the soul and, coincidentally, is the color at stoplights indicating it is safe to “go.” Giving yourself the “green light” to do something is quite fitting, as the energy the color green emanates promotes emotional and spiritual growth and the strength to follow your passions regardless of other’s opinions. Green is an excellent color to have present when struggling to make important decisions, especially ones concerning family, friends, romantic relationships, or any other matter close to the heart, because green governs the Heart Chakra, the 4th Chakra. The Heart Chakra, located in the chest area, is considered “the center of love.” Our ability to give and recieve love stems from this chakra. When balanced, the Heart Chakra creates joy and happiness, and is a source of what Buddhists call “Mahakaruna,” or “the Great Compassion” – a flow of unconditional love for self, others, and the universe in general. When unbalanced or blocked, however, our hearts become closed and hardened, we lack empathy, have trouble loving ourselves or others, and lack motivation in life. A blocked heart chakra is said to create love-related issues, grief, jealousy, hatred, anger, betrayal, isolation and loneliness, and an inability to heal ourselves. Heart chakra meditations can help avoid or resolve such issues.
3. Van Der Werff, T. (2015 Annual). The Power of Color. The Best of the Law of Attraction. pp. 30-33