Energetic Etiquette
I absolutely love this title, but it’s not my creation. Thank you, Steff!
Energy workers (should) know that we don’t work on anyone without receiving their permission first. This is Energetic Etiquette 101.
But what about those who can’t verbally give us their permission? We ask the person’s (or animal’s) Higher Self for permission. In other words, you ask energetically.
Now what about doing energy work on places or situations? You can energetically ask the location for permission. In both of these two instances, you will receive a “yes” or “no”; please respect the answer you receive.
For energy work on a situation, I recommend you offer the Light – with the intent that those who wish to receive it will partake of your offering. Those not interested will simply ignore it.
Energetic Etiquette
Etiquette is defined in part by Google as, “…code of polite behavior in society…” So let me ask you this: What is the etiquette of not just doing energy work on a place, but what is the energetic etiquette for visiting a place?
When you go to visit family or friends, you usually let them know you’re coming, right? It’d be no fun...Read More