An Enduring Respect

An Enduring Respect

It was another back to the grindstone early today with more little chores to be done before the phones started ringing. It was definitely chilly out again this morning but at least it didn't get frosting-cold overnight. The time is drawing closer for me to get those tomatoes and pepper plants in the ground, just so they'll have a good start on being productive. I'm hoping for a good crop out of them and likely be sharing with whomever wants.

There were more bills to pay and then phone calls to make regarding an offer that came in last night on 114 - 11th St. NE. I called both the seller and the attorney representing its estate, just so I could get the correct numbers I needed to figure out what it'll take to get that home's expenses cleared. What really gripes me, is knowing a certain bank, which for now remains nameless, continued to add on late charges and monthly interest on a loan that has an interest rate in it of 9 1/2%. We've been trying for months to get them to make concessions on their unpaid interest and late fees, but still nothing. I dare not even mention how much greater the balance on that payoff has risen these past twelve months. If that isn't another form of extortion, I don't know what is. If I were that bank, I'd be happy to get my original principal balance back, but not them. When and if it does sell, I'm likely going to send a stinging email to someone closer to the top of that bank. Companies that treat the general public in such fashions, need to be called out on their heartless ways, and truth be told, I have very little respect for today's banking industry, along with saying it's nothing like it was back when I worked for one. If we do have a repeat of the 2008 mortgage crisis, once again, I'll not be feeling a bit sorry for them.

I had a good showing on one of my listings today which was to a young couple with two darling children. It's always a joy whenever working with down-to-earth people who know the value of a dollar and willing to work at making a home their own instead of getting duped into buying one of those many lip-sticked pigs that've been hitting our market of late, and don't even get me started on these crazy wider than wide-angled photos some of my competitors are posting, as they're about as mis-representative as you can get. Looking at them, reminds me of those carnival "house of mirrors" which make a person look super tall and really fat. I should start referring to them as "carny photos".

While waiting for them to arrive, I happened to notice a familiar young man down the street who was working in his yard, so I took a stroll over and had a delightful chat with him. Since I'd not seen him since last Fall, we played catch-up on the happenings in our lives. I kiddingly scolded him for not stopping down to look at that small desk I have in my office which has two accompanying vintage photos of it when it was originally stationed in a grand old home here in our City. There's a name for having something directly tying a vintage item to another, but I can't recall what it is. That young man sure has got the gift of communication, along with a touch of charisma which is why I do enjoy visiting with him. He gave me some much-needed laughs while there, but we had to cut our visit short due to the buyers having arrived. Yes, he's quite the character.

By the time I was finished with my showing, it was nearing the hour where I had to be on the road to Garner for a closing this afternoon, so I headed out to the house and grabbed my sold sign and removed the lockbox from its front door. I was nearly tearful when saying farewell to my favorite ancient Red Elm tree that's in its yard, which from judging by its size, one would easily consider it being well over a 100 years old. What I've always loved about the hard Elms, is they're being very weather resistant and forming canopies which remind me of a bouquet of flowers in a fluted vase, and above all, their seeds are much small that those falling from other hardwoods, as they quickly disappear in the grass. I truly don't understand why our City isn't planting more of them instead of those trashy Locusts, messy Crabapples, Kentucky Coffee trees with their seed pods, and those unmanageable Lindens. Since they're native to North Iowa, wouldn't you think they'd be more of an Arborist's choice? Some say it's a "soft" hardwood, but I can assure you, it's as dense and durable as oak.

It was a pleasant drive over to Garner with the exception of the crazy drivers I nearly always seem to encounter on Hwy 122. For the life of me, I'll never understand why people pull nearly right out in front of you when the speed limit is 45 mph, which creates a quick braking. They seem to be the worst when driving thru Clear Lake.

Since the buyers' agent was late on arrival, I had an opportunity to have a nice chat with those young buyers. Somehow we got on the subject of these recent grass fires, which prompted the husband to tell a story of one that got started on his acreage a few days ago. After that near disaster, he'll likely never start burning anything when strong winds are blowing. I couldn't help sharing my own story about a grass fire which nearly caught a cornfield on fire, and from that time on, I've had an enduring respect for fire. I believe that particular fire and one other, is likely why my mother was never comfortable if there was even one candle burning within.

I stopped at a groceteria in Clear Lake to pick up a few needs, and while there, I ran into a gentleman whom I've known for many years. Since he's been involved in the construction industry from many years, he shared his thoughts about these recent spikes in prices of building materials. I was delighted to hear him also being of the belief that China and Russia are working very hard at putting as much pressure on our Country by creating political division, social unrest, cyber-hacking, stealing proprietary information, bottle-necking our supply lines, and even to the point of politicizing this pandemic. The leaders and politicians in those two countries would lie if the truth were staring them right between their eyes. Yes, we're living in exceptionally challenging years, but in times of struggles, it only makes our free Nation stronger. Right?

Tonight's one-liner is: To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved.

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