Endorsement for Tim Scott for President

My criteria for endorsing a presidential candidate are that they support the following policies:

1) cut taxes 2) reduce spending 3) pay down the debt 4)?reduce deficit??? 5)?balance the budget 6) reduce the size, cost of the federal government

Reading over Sen. Scott’s proposals on Wikipedia, Ballotpedia and Tim Scott Faith In America – votetimscott.com (presidential campaign website) turned up the following as pertaining to the items listed above.

On Wikipedia, it states that “Scott believes that federal spending and taxes should be reduced, with a Balanced Budget Amendment and the FairTax respectively implemented for spending and taxes.”

On Ballotpedia, it states that “Scott highlighted the economy, schools, and public safety as central themes of his campaign. Scott said he would reduce taxes and the national debt, increase U.S. manufacturing, support charter schools, and support investment in the military, law enforcement, and security at the U.S.-Mexico border. He also spoke about his background growing up in a low-income household, saying, "I'm the candidate the far left fears the most. I disrupt their narrative. [...] I'm living proof that America is the land of opportunity and not a land of oppression."[4]

From Tim Scott Faith In America – votetimscott.com

Cutting Spending, Government, and Taxes

Tim Scott will stop the runaway socialist spending, shrink the government, and help you keep more of your money in your pocket.

Proverbs 22:7 says “the borrower is the slave to the lender.” But the Biden Democrats have made us a nation of borrowers. The deficit is doubling this year alone. Soon, the fastest-growing category of federal spending will be interest on the national debt. In five years, we’ll spend more on interest than our entire military. And Biden’s inflation has families drowning in record debt — from credit cards to car loans to student loans.

Tim Scott will:

Stop Democrats from turning the temporary pandemic into permanent socialism. Snap non-defense discretionary spending back to the pre-COVID 2019 baseline — saving trillions of dollars plus interest.

Lead the charge for a Balanced Budget Amendment.

Create a 10th Amendment Commission to right-size the federal government and return power to the states.

Replace automatic raises for federal bureaucrats with merit pay and make it easier to fire underperformers.

Move cabinet agency staff out of Washington D.C. and push money and jobs back into the Heartland.

Make bank CEOs sign over their bonus check to taxpayers before they ask for government bailouts.

Prevent the looming Biden Tax Hike and make your 2017 personal and family tax cuts permanent.

Deliver pro-life and pro-family tax cuts to support expectant moms and adoptive families.

Kill the death tax and protect family farms.

Cut and simplify taxes for small businesses and educators.

Get America Working

Tim Scott will restore the culture of hard work that built America by rebuilding the skilled trades, strengthening work requirements with Welfare Reform 2.0, and defending the dignity of every job.

We have millions of missing workers. The work rate for prime-age men has plummeted. Blue-collar work is looked down on, assistance programs are overused, job openings are going unfilled, and able-bodied Americans are sitting on the sidelines.

Tim Scott will:

Defeat victimhood culture and rebuild an America that motivates, inspires, and celebrates the dignity of all work. Hard work is a blessing, not a curse, and it’s the price of American citizenship.

Honor and support the American workers who make things, grow things, and fix things.

Enact Welfare Reform 2.0 to eliminate marriage penalties, strengthen work requirements, close loopholes, and help more citizens off the sidelines.

Stop Joe Biden from making waitresses and mechanics pay off the student loans of doctors and lawyers. If you take out a loan, you pay it back.

Strengthen the skilled trades by significantly expanding apprenticeships, career and technical education, workforce development, and trade schools.

Open up Pell Grants for short-term skills-training programs at vocational and technical schools and community colleges.

Promote opportunity with financial literacy education and pathways to simplify retirement savings.

Made In America

Tim Scott will rebuild our manufacturing base, reclaim our supply chains, and create six-figure American jobs. We have to stop borrowing and start building — so the next century is Made in America.

On Joe Biden’s watch, China builds while America borrows. While Chinese manufacturing just hit its hottest level in more than a decade, the share of America’s workforce in manufacturing is the lowest it’s ever been. In the last 25 years, we have lost millions of manufacturing jobs and closed nearly 100,000 plants and factories. China is gaining fast on the United States in research and development. And we have become dependent on our adversaries, outsourcing supply chains we cannot live without.

Tim Scott will:

Eliminate the “Factory Tax” and unleash American manufacturing. Allow full expensing of all capital investments — factories, buildings, equipment, machinery, and research – to reward American businesses that build.

Supercharge American innovation and outcompete China by expanding and simplifying the R&D tax credit and letting small businesses and startups fully benefit.

Stop Biden’s war on fossil fuels, reverse all rules and executive actions on energy, and accelerate permitting and development of oil and gas.

Reverse the far left’s campaign against nuclear energy and sprint towards doubling nuclear energy production in 10 years.

Champion ethanol and biofuels with year-round E15 certainty and support for American farmers.

Expand TARGETED ‘Made in America’ requirements to rebuild our industrial base in crucial sectors that we cannot afford to outsource — medicines, microchips, minerals, and military technology.

Reform permitting laws, cut red tape, and speed up approvals by limiting the time for review.

Build on the success of Opportunity Zones with Opportunity Zones 2.0 that strengthens the program and expands more into rural America.

Stand with American farmers, growers, and ranchers. Drive a stake through the heart of WOTUS, repeal Biden’s other executive orders, and protect Midwestern and Western states against radical environmentalists and federal land grabs.

Make housing more affordable through comprehensive federal housing policy reform and make credit-building more straightforward so young Americans can have the chance to get some skin in the game and build their own futures.

After reading the above information, and considering information regarding the other GOP presidential candidates, my choice was quite easy to make.

I am quite honored to endorse US Sen. Tim Scott for President of the United States.

If YOU would like to help Tim Scott for America please contact Tim Scott for America at 843 – 302 – 9839 or send email to [email protected] or go to the campaign web site votetimscott.com and sign up to help!

Thank YOU for your time and attention!


James M Hardin




