Angie Buxton-King is one of the most dedicated leaders and innovative pathfinders within the holistic healthcare movement. She transformed
the tragic loss of her son Sam into the most exceptional work to bringhealing, love and tender care to people at their very most vulnerable moments within the heart of mainstream oncology care. She has found
her way through the resistance,scepticism and cost barriers to get
this crucial care through to the people that need it and created new
pathways to establish gold standard Integrative healthcare within .
Britain’s National Health Service. This is an extraordinary
achievement and I salute you Angie for the bravery, brilliance and
determination you have showed in your exceptionally important and
beautiful work. This book will show all of us on this pioneering path how to achieve our vision and follow in Angie’s awesome footsteps to
make holistic care of body, mind and spirit the norm within Medicine.”