Endometriosis: Discussion of Origin of disease

New suggestions about reflux and Dr Redwine reminds us to think

David Redwine

December?6,?2022? ·

The world’s most dangerous medical theory:

Why we know reflux menstruation is not the origin of any form of endometriosis

You’ve heard the drill before, but please indulge this fantasy again: during menstruation, some of the menstrual fluid doesn’t go out the cervix but refluxes back up the fallopian tubes and out the ends of the tubes into the pelvis. The menstrual blood contains 3 main kinds of cells which result from menstrual shedding of the uterine lining: red blood cells, glandular cells, and stroma cells. Of these, a red blood cell is the smallest, with a diameter of about 8 microns. Stromal cells are larger, varying around 20 - 40 microns in diameter, while the taller glandular cells vary between 75 – 100 microns. A micron is a millionth of a meter, so at first glance it is easy to assume that these sizes are quite small, requiring microscopy to detect. Gland and stroma cells are not necessarily shed individually like red blood cells, which are singular to begin with. Gland cells compose glandular tissue and stromal cells compose stromal tissue which surrounds the glands. During menstruation, gland and stroma cells may be shed individually or more commonly in tissue fragments, as can be seen on a pad or tampon. Such tissue fragments would necessarily consist of 3 or more cells stuck together, so the smallest tissue fragments resulting from menstruation would be about 100 – 200 microns in size. Most tissue fragments would be larger. The larger tissue fragments would be unable to reflux up the fallopian tube because of the small internal diameter of the isthmus, where the fallopian tube joins the uterus.

During reflux menstruation, the fluid containing refluxed cells or tissue fragments of whatever size oozes out of the ends of the fallopian tubes and bathes surrounding structures. There is the possibility that some of the fluid may not stay in the pelvis but could be carried into the abdomen to bathe the bowel or the diaphragm.

While a pelvic or abdominal surface is bathed by this menstrual blood, the stromal and glandular cells are supposed to stick to that surface, where they proliferate in number and begin to invade the surface, eventually burrowing into the tissue to become endometriosis. Simply put, the steps followed by refluxed endometrial cells on their way to become endometriosis include 1. reflux; 2 attachment; 3. proliferation and invasion.

And the process of reflux menstruation as the origin of endometriosis is supposed to be occurring monthly in millions of menstruating females, with billions upon billions of cells and tissue fragments bathing the pelvises of the world. The inevitable result is that more and more of the pelvis becomes involved by endometriosis, like dandelions seeding a pasture. It all sounds absolutely hopeless unless something can be done to the menstrual flow, like stopping it altogether with drugs that suppress the ovaries or hysterectomy.

Let’s stop for a minute and go back a few paragraphs where the sizes of the various components of the menstrual flow were expressed in microns. All would agree that a micron is a very tiny length which can’t be detected by human visual acuity under standard conditions. Now pull out a single strand of hair and hold it at arm’s length and look at it. You are looking at something that is 100 microns in diameter. Wow. And that’s with unaided vision. Obviously a microscope will magnify objects that are smaller than 100 microns. Steps 1, 2 and 3 may involve individual cells but even those are easily seen by light microscopy. Steps 1, 2 and 3 which involve tissue fragments can be easily seen by light microscopy or even by laparoscopy, which magnifies things by about 5 times. And once the attached tissue has theoretically proliferated and invaded, the process becomes even larger and easily seen using laparoscopy or the naked eye. If any of it were to occur.

There is only one acceptable proof of Sampson’s theory: robust documentation of each step by taking photographs through a microscope. Any other ‘proof’ relies on circumstantial evidence, often put together in a strained way to come up with something that eventually looks a little scientific.

The fatal flaw with reflux menstruation as the origin of endometriosis, of course, is that by now our textbooks should be filled with thousands of photomicrographs clearly showing steps 1, 2 and 3, but other than a handful of pictures that I’ve seen regarding steps 1 and 2, all we have are cartoons. I’ve opposed the theory of reflux menstruation probably longer than any other living physician, and I’ve often asked why we don’t have any scientific proof of steps 2 and 3 in the form of easily-obtained photographs taken through a microscope.

Many supporters of reflux menstruation say that proof is unimportant when everyone agrees on something. But that’s consensus, not science. Other supporters say proof is lacking because the processes involved are too small, which is dispelled by my discussion above on the size of the cells involved which would be impossible to miss by any method of observation. And of course if you go a step further and accept that genetics is the root cause of endometriosis, then you automatically have a cause (genes) which can't be seen by conventional imaging. So genes perfectly fit the requirement of reflux menstruation that the reason you can't see evidence of it is that it is too small.

Others say the steps occur so rapidly that it would be very difficult to obtain proof, although proof could not escape billions of episodes of steps 1, 2 and 3 no matter how rapidly they occur.

Endometriosis differs from the uterine lining in many fundamental ways, including genomic, proteinomic and other realms of investigation. So do all these differences arise during the reflux journey of the cells - in other words they start off 'normal' but become abnormal by passing back up and out the tubes? Or do all of these known differences, including genetic differences, occur because of the ‘splat’ which occurs when the refluxed cell slams into a pelvic surface? All are questions which should not be asked of Sampsonites because an annoyed expression accompanied by a roll of the eyes will occur.

Why is it still called a Theory? Difficult to prove? The reason there is no proof of Sampson’s theory is simply because reflux menstruation is not the origin of endometriosis in any form or any location anywhere in the body. We would have incontrovertible proof by now and we have none. But it's only been 100 years. Endometriosis is a genetic disorder which is expressed during embryogenesis by a problem of differentiation and migration of the developing mesoderm during gastrulation which lays down tracts of tissue in predictable locations and patterns that experienced endometriosis surgeons see again and again. Dozens or hundreds of genes are involved in this Mulleriotic gene ensemble which extends out to include other gyneco-urological problems. Each patient’s genetic load will vary, resulting in the huge spectrum seen with the disease, from superficial to deeply invasive, from pelvic to extra-pelvic, from painful to painless, from females to males, and so on. The very first theory of origin of endometriosis was that it was embryonic.

How long can a profession which claims to be populated by intelligent people go on believing such a fantasy? It’s more than an academic question, because the origin of the disease affects treatment. If the origin is thought to be reflux menstruation, then stopping the menstrual flow becomes the goal. If the origin is genetically-dictated patterned tracts of tissue laid down during embryonic development, then removal of the tissue tracts becomes the goal, which is what endometriosis surgeons do.

Beyond the mistreatment of patients, the question comes up: how many dollars and careers have been spent jousting with the windmill of reflux menstruation? Have people invested too much to go back now? Who wants to admit they were so wrong? And yet without introspection of what medical practice has done to patients based on cartoon proof, the problem will continue. Reflux menstruation has been accepted on the basis of faith that it occurs, which makes it a religion since religions are based on faith. Some day the profession may wake up but by then it will be too late for millions of patients. What do we say to them? Sorry, we were wrong? A profound apology and some type of reparations would be in order. It seems impossible for a profession to have gotten something so totally wrong, but gynecology has done it. But problems are inevitable if one believes in the most dangerous theory in the history of medicine.

What can an individual patient do? Seek expert diagnosis and excision. Don’t believe in reflux menstruation. Don’t let your medical treatment be affected in any way by cartoons. Ask for the pictures of proof if someone preaches reflux menstruation but don’t be surprised when none is offered.

I looked for evidence of early attachment or secondary proliferation and invasion in patients with endometriosis. I did so by looking for peritoneum that was normal by 5 criteria. I took biopsies of normal peritoneum in patients who had endometriosis elsewhere in the pelvis. I found no evidence of attachment, proliferation or invasion that would support reflux menstruation as the origin of endometriosis.

Redwine DB. Is "microscopic" peritoneal endometriosis invisible? Fertil Steril, 1988;50:665-6.

Redwine DB, Yocom L. A serial section study of visually normal peritoneum in patients with endometriosis. Fertil Steril 1990;54:648-51.

Redwine DB. 'Invisible' microscopic endometriosis: A review. Gynecol Obstet Invest 2003;55:63-7.

Redwine DB. Was Sampson wrong? Fertil Steril, 2002;78:686-93.

“A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.” Max Planck

So we can see the spikes on covid but we can't see the steps of reflux menstruation? Please. Enough. Just show me the pictures.

We need more cemeteries.

The pictures below show the components of menstrual fluid and their approximate sizes based on the known 8 micron diameter of a red blood cell (RBC). I've also added a picture showing the range of size that can be imaged by scientists. On the left is a covid virus which is about 100 nanometers in diameter, with visible spikes. On the right is Tycho Super Nova 1572 remnant, which is 35 light years across. This was the supernova seen in 1572 by Tycho Brahe.


Finally! Science and common sense in action!

Jeffrey Blake, MD, FACOG, FPMRS

Advanced Gynecology & Pelvic Health Specialists, LLC 14540 Prairie Lakes Blvd N, Suite 110 Noblesville, IN 46060 317 982 5222

1 年

As a fan of Dr Redwine I mostly agree. BUT, I still believe that we must remain open to other potential etiologies for endometriosis origins. So many different appearances and scenarios and presentations that do support other possibilities. For instance, I have seen many patients with cervical obstruction and extensive endometriosis; it seems that women with uterine anomalies have higher rates of endometrial implants for what it's worth. Either way, the main impetus should be proper diagnosis and treatment which, independent of any theories, is the priority. Thank you, Nancy, for continuing to carry the flag!

Pamela Koelbel RN MSN(FNP/CNS) MPHA?????????????????????

Certified Grief Counselor Candidate | Camouflaged Losses | Grief Survival | Sponsor A Veteran | Suicide Prevention & Postvention Advocate | Author | Speaker | Theorist | Educator | Coach | Connector | Innovative Leader

1 年

Why does he say from female to male. Some time back, there was some talk endometriosis was found in males but then I heard only trans gender males? He was right. We had no choice but to tolerate the disease and all it’s raminifications.

Nancy Petersen

Co-founder of the first LAPEX program for the complete excision of endometriosis with David Redwine MD, Founder Nancy’s Nook Endometriosis Education, Facebook

1 年

Thank you Jodie Hughes



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