The End..of the Beginning
2018 has been a year to remember, many happy days, some sad days and days that were truly exceptional. This year has been a breakthrough year for Glantus, we started the year with one fundamental goal...
To deliver a software platform that "Makes Data Simple" for organisations to take ownership of
their Data, put it to work and realise value quickly - without the necessity for IT.
Good things come to those who wait, but the best things take a more proactive approach. The Glantus Platform was released early in the year and since then, things have moved quickly. Throughout 2018, we have on-boarded customers across industries including Retail, Financial Services, Construction and Property Management and we're just getting started...
Our partnership network has grown steadily and we have had great success in 2018 with our Castleton PLC embedded analytics, as well as the recent strategic planning dashboard integration for HousingBrixx.
Another key area for us is intelligent automation and in 2018, we delivered innovative RPA based solutions through our long standing relationship with Kofax.
It's always special to be recognized by your industry peers, we were delighted to be presented with an award for "Vertical Market Specialist of the Year" at the Tech Excellence awards in March.
Academic and Community Based Activity
During 2018, we worked with a number of Colleges, Universities and further educational bodies to increase collaboration across industry and education. This truly is a win-win situation and our on-going collaboration with the likes of The National College of Ireland (NCI), The Analytics Institute, The Regional Skills Forum, The Northside Partnership and many others continues to achieve great things.
The Only Constant is Change
As with anything, change is inevitable and in 2018 we embraced many changes as an organisation. One of the key changes from this point of view was the appointment of Judith O'Brien as Glantus CEO. Judith has brought a wealth of experience and capability to the team and leads from the front as we embark on another year of growth in 2019.
Among the other big wins for us this year was the achievement of ISO 27001 Certification and the acquisition of Hedgehog Analytics, along with the establishment of our office in New York - which I had the pleasure of visiting during the year.
Overall, it's been an amazing year and I'm looking forward to 2019 being the most exciting and challenging year for us yet!