The Endless W4r
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Appro. (March 26, 2023). It's becoming increasingly evident that the USA is pushing for a war with Russia and China, but why?
The reason, however, It's due to the dominance of the U.S. dollar that the USA became such a powerful economic Nation with a substantial military presence across the world.
1.-First, a little bit of?history?of why the U.S. dollar to such prominence in the first place.
After the end of World War II, the USA controlled more than half of the world's productive capacity. However, devastated by War, the U.S. allies could not pay for U.S. exports. The U.S. set up two organizations to solve this problem: the international monetary fund and the World Bank.
2.- Some of the Russian & China′s conflict?Context.
The reason why China sees such an existential threat to the USA is.
Not because of its growing military, or because they do not operate a western style democracy, and not even because the West thinks it will invade Taiwan or the intervention policy with African and Latin-American countries. It's all because China threatens the U.S. dollar dominance and the USA's Financial Monopoly.
The U.S.'s campaign to isolate China and Russian Republic has been underway for many years, as clear signs of the China-led economic alternative emerged around a decade ago. However, recent events have accelerated the timeline for the prospect of War. Firstly in 2016, China surpassed the USA's economy to become the largest economy in the world when GDP adjusted for purchasing power, and will more than likely reach the USA in raw GDP terms sometime in the next decade or sooner.
Especially concerning to the USA is the BRICS organization, which is an alliance between Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. The combined population of these countries is 3.2 billion, which is 42 percent of the world's population, and the group account for 30 percent of the world's GDP.
Additionally, many other countries are lining up to join BRICS, including Argentina, Indonesia, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Egypt, Nigeria, Sudan, and numerous others. Many of these countries have already applied to join the organization. However, as yet, BRICS has yet to officially announce the list of applicants or the criteria for admission.
China is now making considerably more trade with Russia, and a large portion is settling in the Chinese Yuan. China is also negotiating with Saudi Arabia regarding Breaking the petrodollar Monopoly and looking towards pricing some of their oil contracts in RMB.
Back to BRICS
The BRICS countries are working on creating a new Reserve currency based on a basket of their cash to reduce their dependence on the U.S. dollar.
The de-dollarisation?in favor of other currencies will take time. However, events are now in motion that not be stopped. The USA weaponizing the dollar has effectively shot itself in the foot, and many people in the U.S. can see the writing on the wall.
As the U.S. dollar diminishes as the reserve currency of the world, the U.S. economy will face much upheaval and turmoil; the U.S. currently has more than 31 trillion dollars of debt, it will also mean the end of almost one trillion dollars a year in the military budget which keeps the U.S.'s 800 plus military bases around the world funded and which its Empire depends on.
The First Crypto War and Russian intervention in Ukraine on Feb, 2022
When Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022, many analysts and commentators anticipated that it would become the world’s first crypto war. There were several reasons for such predictions. The offensive spurred the first major international conflict since the mainstream emergence of crypto in the 2010s. It also coincided with the top of the crypto bull run, when bitcoin and blockchain-enabled goods such as NFTs reached historic highs and maximum hype.
While conflicts between international countries occur, fear of a third world war spreads like wildfire among markets and emerging countries' governments (less developed). It is causing uncertainty, where a few groups of dominant private companies benefit from this inflation and are related to food supply chains, natural resources exploitation, the Internet, satellites, and aerospace technology in a monopolistic way. Now the governments are faced with two options to import their goods or services, the Eurasian world led by China and Russia or the American world dominated by the United States of America, still living under the rules of a globalized world that will soon propose a new international order and a new adaptive economic system for the challenges of the following years.
Like never before, other companies benefiting from this crisis are related to the manufacture, distribution, and sale of military weapons, ballistic equipment, and surveillance software to the governments of countries in the throes of conflict with no one to help. Can avoid it, justifying their activity as "High Priority National Security Activities" who work hand in hand with researchers from the technology centers of the most technologically developed countries, speaking as the Military Defense Unit & Defense Innovation Unit, the particular DARPA program (Defense Advanced Research Projects) in the USA or the SASTIND (State Administration for Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense) in China with the REEMDP (Russian Europe and Euroasian Military Defense Program).
All these companies smile at the possibility of an endless war, as Julian Assange said in his last statements about the war 12 years ago.
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