The Endless Loop

Your humble but still frustrated writer plans to open your eyes and share her grumblings. Some things in life are almost inevitable in their predictability. Mundane chores and certain types of people are at the top of the list.

For example, we rinse the dirty dishes, load them in the dishwasher, and once the machine does its thing, we unload the bloody thing. However, more dirty dishes are in the sink by that point, ready to fill the briefly empty dishwasher.

Of course, if we think about it, dishwashers are overpriced sanitizing machines because we have already removed the food particles. Yes, some dishwashers claim to clean the dirtiest pots and pans, but we suffer from a touch of skepticism regarding the machines' ability to do their jobs, which compels many of us to pre-rinse.

Laundry is yet another endless chore. Unless we run around the house naked as the day we were born, the next batch of potentially dirty clothes are on our bodies while the washer and dryer clean the last pile of laundry.

The lady of the manor recalls the time she wanted to prolong that "all the laundry is clean and put away" moment. She asked and perhaps demanded that Hubby strip off his clothes in order for her to actualize that fantasy briefly. Although he grumbled, the dear man complied with his wife's strange request. Good thing they were not expecting company.

Mowing the lawn falls into the category of cyclic chores. First, you cut the grass and put away the lawnmower. But almost within a few minutes, the bloody grass is already an inch taller. If you doubt this, mow while dandelions litter the lawn. By the time you heave a sigh of satisfaction at yet another chore completed, new dandelions peek above the blades of grass, tempting you to run around the yard, plucking them out by hand. Believe it or not, an unexpected visitor caught this writer doing just that.

Personal hygiene also falls into a task we must deal with on a daily or twice daily basis. The alternative makes this lady shudder. But if you choose to neglect such niceties, it should not bother you when folks remark on how your unwashed scent precedes you. In that case, perhaps a cave or cliff dwelling would be the perfect abode for you.

On second thought, if folks did not take care of their hygiene and appearance, perhaps there would be fewer selfies on social media platforms. So, there is a silver lining around every dark and dingy cloud, after all.

Something else we must repeat over and over again is eating and drinking. If we do not drink plenty of water to hydrate our bodies, the aging process tends to speed up. Likewise, eating helps us keep up our strength. Grocery shopping is yet another item on our list of repeated chores.

The option to stop refilling our larders is always there, but the results might not be pleasant. Without the consumption of food, we will stop moving around. The use of the treadmill will be one of the activities to bite the dust. Why? Walking or jogging skeletons are disturbing and unattractive.

We must not overlook the people whose very existence wastes oxygen, and they tend to trample on our last nerve. The folks who fall into this category cross all social and economic lines, and some may even be relatives.

Humans whine about things they have the power to change but cannot seem to find the backbone to do so. It costs nothing to complain or make unrealistic and endless demands and blame everyone for their troubles. But, unfortunately, taking a good look in the mirror and facing the actual author of their misery rarely happens.

What if we stopped doing things like the laundry? A college professor we knew never did laundry. Instead, he bought new clothes when he ran out. Not an option for most folks.

According to Albert Einstein, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results.

The lady of the manor says: Welcome to the loony bin.





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