Ending U.S. Political Turmoil
Harlow Giles Unger
Author, more than 30 books, lecturer, historian. Former syndicated columnist; broadcaster; magazine and newspaper news and features writer/editor. Former assoc. prof. journalism
Exhausted by the current political turmoil? Read how our fifth President James Monroe united the nation during an Era of Good Feelings that saw political parties disappear! –and made Monroe the only president other than George Washington to win unanimous re-election to a second term. Like Washington, Monroe had been a larger-than-life hero in the Revolutionary War, charging into battle and suffering wounds at Trenton, then risking death to save the life of French hero Lafayette. Later, as U.S. ambassador to France, Monroe and his wife risked their lives helping Lafayette’s wife and children escape prison and death on the guillotine, sending Adrienne and her daughters to safety in Scandinavia and Lafayette’s son to George Washington’s home at Mount Vernon. You can read about Monroe’s breathtaking heroics in my best-selling book, The Last Founding Father: James Monroe and a Nation’s Call to Greatness—available with a click (along with my gripping award-winner Lafayette) on my website harlowgilesunger.com.