Ending my affair with the Criminal Justice System By Trevor Hercules
It seems so long ago, that at the bequest of a dear friend much against my better nature i found myself in my Local MP surgery that of Justine Greening.
Being a black ex-offender and having changed my life around i had found it difficult to find work in the field of youth work even after taking several courses. You've been to prison was the common cry for my rejection. As if i was somehow diseased and unclean and unfit to be near any young person. The fact that i had written a book entitled Labelled a black villain documenting my life in prison and how i had arrived at such a low point in my life. The book did not glorify villainy, far from it, seemed to make no difference to the attitudes, prejudices, of those in control. As i have documented before Justine Greening was the first person in authority who had ever really listened to what i had to say, and backed it up with real help. The outcome was that i mentored in 2 of her schools in South London to high praises to such an extent that the schools themselves have changed for the better. With my experience of working in the schools i was approached by several people who thought my style and programs would benefit many others. Jo Baden and Mark Bright were instrumental in acquiring funding for me but not before the influential letter from Justine Greening to the funders. The outcome was highly successful and from it came the SOCIAL DEPRIVATION MINDSET. i was also validated by NOMS after much hard work from myself and others. Here then my problems began. It seemed that all and sundry wanted to try and replicate my work the Social Deprivation Mindset with out giving me props my dues for creating such a game changing revolutionary ideology to the Criminal Justice System. Before i came along with my expertise by experience, the Criminal Justice system was trying to change offending and re-offending behaviour. I came along with my experience of being in children's homes detention centre, borstal, prison, broken home and being black. I challenged that as old and antiquated and said before you could change your offending behavior you first had to change a certain mindset because without that change of mindset you were highly unlikely to change. I wrote an academic paper SOCIAL DEPRIVATION MINDSET explaining my ideology, with thanks to my good friend professor Mike Nellis who has always believed in me. Mike also asked me to give a talk to some of his trainee probation officers when my book labelled a black villain now updated {labelled a black villain /Social Deprivation Mindset] first came out in 1989.
They asked me to come into prisons praised my work but all they wanted was my knowledge and know how. They made up petty excuses that i hadn't filled in a certain form or i didn't pass a security test all the while smiling saying it was just a minor glitch. Which in fact all they ever did was sit me down and get stupid me to explain how the Social Deprivation Mindset programme worked. Even the people at the very top came to see me and they all wanted one thing. No one could steal it because i had it trade marked. Now everyone in the Criminal Justice System talks about is the mindset, and they can never take that away from me. I honestly believe if i was someone else i would be given an honorary award, people have got them for much less for working in the Criminal Justice System, for nigh on nothing. Throwing money at much of the problems are never going to solve the real root causes of crime and social unrest in our society especially concerning black youngsters. I am just fed up with this old antiquated medieval way of dealing with things and tackling many of our social ills. The number of black youths in our penal systems should give rise for great concern and the numbers are rising daily. The authorities seem to have no answer to the problem. They are unable to relate to them or understand, or perhaps do not want to acknowledge their mindset. The antiquated measures to deal with them obviously do not work. Yet when others come along with a genuine understanding of these young peoples feelings of alienation and mindset and can genuinely help you put barriers up. Yet these young people will be released one day into our society with an anger and rage within. If you think we have problems now then i am afraid to say this is just the tip of the iceberg. The final straw for me was Justine Greening arranged for me to meet the Mayor or his people concerning the bout of knife crime and i said i would be happy to lend my experience for nothing i wanted no money. Unlike all those so called experts making a fortune. I would have with other high profile ex offenders gone on screen which the Guardian were willing to film explaining that we as ex villains tell you its okay to go to the police its not grassing or snitching if you are being threatened. I was also calling on the black police federation to get involved and myself and other high profile ex offenders would also give our time and input free of charge. This was the first step of many we had to offer the Mayors people. Anyway they kept me waiting for 3 months while many other young people died. In the end i met with 2 young women who had not a clue as to who i was what we were meeting for. Nor did they have any to mind any real understanding of the real problem. One young lady Julia Mllambo was extremely rude and hostile, and i thought why am i doing this putting myself through this. And if the Criminal Justice System believe that using people like me, parading us around as a black ex offenders, and nothing else, as if that, is what defines us. With no real voice in an environment and institution where our knowledge, and understanding and expert experience would undoubtedly make a difference. Yet with all your so called experts still trying to figure out black youth and their dissatisfaction of feeling alienated in a white society, and then again perhaps you really do know. But are afraid to open up a can of worms that goes way back to colonialism and slavery. But at some stage your going to have to confront the elephant in the room. With all that has gone, i have come to love this country, after a love hate relationship that came with understanding and an identity of who i am in the scheme of things. You cant buy that, nor do your so called experts even begin to understand or have real empathy of such a cultural journey. You cannot buy me i would gladly give my help free of charge, but the madness has to stop. We are willing to talk and we can work things out no matter what has gone before. This is not about blame or repercussions its about making our society a better place and inclusive for us all.
MP Justine Greening has done so much for this community she cares about this country and the people in it and showed a fairness that goes beyond that of politics. The fact that she thought someone like me with my expertise and knowledge could make a difference to people killing each other is commendable. That she genuinely interceded to the Mayor, and to my mind was not given the full cooperation in that someone should be taken seriously someone she hoped could make a difference to people killing each other on our streets to me is deplorable. Justine does not know i have done this and i hope she will forgive me. But i have had enough ?.
Trevor Hercules
4 年Thank for all your comments
CMI Chartered Companion, Head of Professional Qualifications at The Inspirational Development Group, Former Member - Task Force Steering Group, Executive Mentor, Leadership Bloke, Writer & Speaker
5 年Trevpr. whatever 'they' say, think or do - you have made a real and important difference. Respect.
Youth Engagement, Alternative Provision, SEMH Development
5 年Wow Trevor! Never heard of you before but definitely going to have a good google on you now. Thanks for the add.?
Youth Offending Team Officer at Birmingham Youth Offending Service
5 年So sorry to hear your experience with 'the powers that be' its not a time for change at the moment and?this country seems to be backward thinking with its head in the sand. I hope it changes with the next generation. The social deprivation mindset makes a lot of sense to me and I am trying to work this into my work with young offenders in helping them understand themselves and their situation a bit more. Wishing you all the best, Vanessa