Ending Humiliation in Your Life

Ending Humiliation in Your Life

Ways to end humiliation and depression in your life

1. You need to realize you are not alone.

People need to find people that is dealing with same crisis and situation. If you are homeless at a homeless shelter or living on the streets, you can find people that are dealing with the same situation and crisis. Survival sex and turn homosexual is hot an option for homeless people because homeless men and women leading down the path to provide lusts and sin. If you are living in poverty and struggling financially, you need to find people with similar crisis and situation as you. Congregation created messaging for low-income and community outreach to let them know they are not alone because governments are not doing enough to end homelessness in this nation. People with mental health need to talk and find people dealing with same situation with mental Heath, such as wickedness, anger, depression, flesh and drunkenness.

* Make Homeless People Hopeful Again

* Make Homeless People Prosperous Again

2. You have to be resilient.

You need to set goals in our lives while we are young to prevent setbacks in your life. Do not give up on staying in school and study hard to work towards your success. Do not give up taking challenges while you are young to succeed in your life. You do not want to lead your life during path of righteousness, such as drunkenness, drugs, alcohol, living and acting like a hoodlum, get involved in gangs, bear false witness against other people in public and private settings, Kill and steal.

If you do not fit something or career, you need to avoid taking it personally. People need to move on to place in your life that better fit you. If you are a successful or conservative person with a good career living in bad neighborhood, you need move on and get in a better place with better neighborhood as well as living environment. For example, I am moving out of east Detroit to suburban area that is better neighborhood that I know hoodlums and thugs will not wane to live based on what I heard from local neighborhoods recently. If you are not fit to join gangs and end up in prison; do not do it to prevent evil, sin, enemies, violence, abuse and harassment. You need to determine in high school what your strengths and weakness are. For example, I found out about about strong subjects are math, political science and business in high school that lead me to business administration, religion and political science as an undergraduate.

Church provided food and clothing to African Americans in Michigan and Illinois last month by Homelessness Ministry staff. Homelessness Ministry provided clothing, food, personal care packages and supplies to 1,085 Americans living in destitute and poverty since 2014. Church new Illinois office phone is (847) 756-8536 that can be used for making donations to the church, voicemail message to staff. Bylaws and Rules Committee members will amend contact information by information. Phone number is posted on website.

3. Learn from your past and previous experience

4. Seek out support network to help you move on in your life.

Homeless people need to be highly motivated to work with the network to get them out of their destitution and homeless people situation. People with mental health need to seek out support network to help themselves. People with mental health including the woman at 5806 Lemay Street that have mental health. She needs help from mental health programs that is accessible at organizations that offer mental health programs. She has serious mental health problems and act like a psycho path mental patient that needs to be admitted to psychic hospital. People that do not want to be involved in gangs to kill and steal need to seek out network of support to overcome it in their lives. Congregation host Celebrate Recovery support groups on Saturday at 12 pm since 2015. When I was in high school and elementary school, mental health was not top issue because people in my generation knew how to plan their lives while getting an education. Before my high school graduation year 2002, schools had mental health and special education programs that help students with their problems. People knew how to plan their goals and accomplishments. All friends that i attended school with on south side of Chicago have own families, good jobs and higher education background. Special education and mental health programs witnessed budget cuts from governments and 30+ year politicians. Operations will be restored in state of Michigan on April 26, 2021 based on executive order I signed two days ago. Operations will remained in Illinois temporary. First lady Jennifer preached Thursday morning services to 20+ people in attendance in Chicago on Full and Rewarding Life in Holy Spirit, Life and Relationship Complications, and Restoring Broken Relationships. Board of trustees email is posted on church website and others soon by communications director.

5. Use any downtown you have to do sometime you really enjoy

6. Think twice before striking back

Do not plot your or revenge against anybody because it is no need to be an enemy. If you have hate towards person or people, you need to talk to someone to prevent you for going out and doing stupid and evil things. You need to talk to people like support network that can help you with your problems, depression and evil ways.

7. Don't hide your problems from people

8. View crisis as opportunity To pursue what you love and motivate yourself

9. Move on and plan your future

Do not provide necked to God and Holy Spirit because you are providing sin

Do not make people feel ashamed and feel stupid in public

Do not follow others and look down at others. Rich people look down at others when they rather hold on to their wealth and not pay more taxes to the government to help the poor and homeless in this nation for many years. If rich do not look down on poor and homeless people, they will not threaten the government when politicians tax their wealth to help the poor, middle-class, low-income and homeless. People need to stop humiliation in public because it leads to mental health, such as stop cursing people out, telling people off, intimidating and negatively gossiping about each other. If you are tired of people making you look bad, you need set promising and good goals for yourself while you are young by preparing for good career and life. You need to stop conversation and attacks when people humiliates you. People need to apologize for their humiliation even when you speak on the facts. I feel uncomfortable around people with mental health because they are crazy and wicked. Everyone from my high school graduation class along with 2003-2005 have good jobs with higher education background. Only 3-4 of seniors did not graduate from each graduation class dropout of school and did not graduate. I want to make shout out to my former high school and all alumni, Go Mustangs! I have been a Chicago Cubs fan since childhood: Go Cubs! Chicago is still consider a hometown for me because I will never put Chicago in rear view mirror. I was born and raised on south side of Chicago.

* ignore the person that humiliates you like I do in past and present in daily basis

* Turn the behavior around without rudeness from other people

* Talk to person in private

2 Timothy 1:8

Isaiah 50:7

Proverbs 26:11

Leviticus 19:28

Psalm 25:1

African Americans are always the people that intimidation and humiliation because they do acknowledge their mistakes. They blame their mistakes on others trying to make them fill bad like it is their fault. It is not no one else mistakes that you messed up and want to blame it on someone else. Christians and disciples do not do that because they are blameless. For example, young people and women health woman is not blameless and Christians. It is your fault as an African American young man and woman that you did not set goals and accomplishments that cause you to live in poor neighborhoods. I am a moving on starting next month to live better for myself because I have goals for myself in high school and undergraduate. You cannot blame schools and teachers on yourselves that you failed to educate yourself as African Americans. You cannot blame politicians on your failures either because they took challenges needed to succeed. That's why African American men and women hate and discriminate African Americans on their success and be sophisticated people.

I have seven more days left to live in east Detroit because first lady Jennifer is scheduled to be back in Detroit on July 31, 2020 to move in our new house. It means my time is limited to be living in Detroit and be a Detroit resident. Goodbye Detroit! I am counting down daily because I a happy I am moving out of Detroit and Wayne County. I found out from new neighbors that police is prejudice and rules are strict in the county with no liquor stores. Neighborhood and local communities are mostly Caucasian/white people with very few black people in local communities. Next board meeting for all aboard members are September 9, 2020 and we have long agenda that the meeting can take place all day in Illinois office. All nine board members will be at the board meeting on September 9 and some volunteers will be promoted to board of directors jobs. First lady Jennifer had briefings when she was in Chicago from Subcommittee on Pandemics on Covid-19 guidelines for congregation. First Lady were appointed by myself in 2014. She will brief me on the briefings when she return on July 31, 2020. 

Do not hate on people that study hard and stay in school

Do not hate on people that prepare themselves and go to college


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