Ending the Era of Single-Use Data Collection
"Data silos" is a topic that keeps cropping up at tradeshows and in conversations with leaders in our industry.
Data silos are problematic for many reasons, but I want to focus on how they can lead to short-sighted decision-making and wasted resources.
Data Collection For Make Ready
Most of the data collection our teams perform is for pole attachment requests. We do mapping, measurement, make ready, and pole loading for utility poles that communication providers want to attach to.
Occasionally, this data gets a second life during post-construction inspections or to assist the safe design of overlapping application requests. In most cases, however, it's more of a one-and-done situation.
But this doesn't take full advantage of the value data offers. Data is often used to solve one issue without asking if it can address multiple priorities or pain points. So instead of harnessing data to its potential or projecting the future value of work done, teams end up gathering the same information multiple times.
Breaking Down the Silos
It doesn't have to be this way. Make ready photos and measurements could be re-used by different groups to provide ongoing, meaningful value:
Second Life
Our team is working on features to prolong the useful life of the data you collect in the field. Whether it's a pole lookup page, improved online deliverables, or a way to track and improve the proficiency of your staff—we want your tools to be aligned with what makes your hard work more valuable.
In the meantime, here are a few things to consider that might affect whether or not your data collection gets a second life.
I'd like to see single-use data collection projects dwindle as software, workflows, and communication improve in our industry. I'm also excited to write more about the features we're building that address data silos in a meaningful way—at least in our small corner of the telecom/utilities space. If you have thoughts or ideas, please comment below or reach out at [email protected]!