Ending Age-Related Diseases 2023 is Almost Here!

Ending Age-Related Diseases 2023 is Almost Here!

Summer is in full swing, and our most important event of the year draws near. In this special edition of our editorial, we want to update you on our conference and what we have in store for you this year.

Ending Age-Related Diseases 2023 is almost here!

We are delighted to announce our sixth?Ending Age-Related Diseases conference?on August 10-11 at the Capitale building in New York City and online.

With many interventions against aging already in human clinical trials, the rejuvenation industry seems to be reaching the stage of bearing fruit. However, much has yet to be done before our society can benefit from scientific progress in this field. We are bringing together experts in aging and rejuvenation research, biotech investment, policy, investment, and decentralized science?(DeSci) to foster scientific and business collaborations in to accelerate the development of therapies that target the causes of aging.

We are also delighted to welcome the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) to the conference this year. You can find out more about them and how they are helping to accelerate progress below.

There will be talks, workshops, and discussion panels, among other things to enjoy. Join us for two exciting days focused on how we can end age-related diseases sooner!

Conference speakers and program

ike in previous years, we have an action-packed schedule and have included a link to the conference program below. Check out the full list of?confirmed speakers; below is just a small sample.

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Tickets are available HERE. If you are in education and would like to attend, we are offering a special?student discount?this year. You can learn more about the event by visiting the?Ending Age-Related Diseases 2023 page. Use?keeponthinking?to get 20% off the price of regular tickets.

The Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health will be joining us

This year, ARPA-H, the?Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health, is going to be at the conference. ARPA-H is a US government research funding agency modeled after DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency). ARPA-H is committed to supporting high-impact research to drive transformative, sustainable, and equitable biomedical and health breakthroughs for everyone.

This organization is seeking the most innovative approaches to tackle the most challenging health issues, leveraging advances in research for real world impact, and you have the opportunity to be a part of it. Don’t miss the exclusive Program Manager 101 Workshop taking place at EARD 2023, where ARPA-H will share insights, answer questions, and debunk misconceptions about the programs they are looking to fund, what it takes to be a program manager, and more. Be part of this transformative event, and shape the future of healthcare and biomedical innovation.

Lots to look forward to at Ending Age-Related Diseases 2023

We have pulled out all the stops this year to make this our best conference yet. We have a great?program of events?this year; below are some of the highlights.

First up is a discussion panel exploring if aging can truly be reversed or not. Lifespan.io’s Vice President Oliver Medvedik chairs what is sure to be a robust and entertaining discussion panel featuring Peter Fedichev from?GERO, Reason from?Repair Biotechnologies?and the?Fight Agingblog, Hanadie Yousef from?Juvena Therapeutics, Hans Keirstead from?Immunis, and last but not least, Aubrey de Grey from the?LEV Foundation.

Some researchers like Peter Fedichev believe that slowing down or halting aging is more likely to result from current research before rejuvenation, which he explains along with his?theory of aging?in a recent interview.

On the other hand, Aubrey de Grey believes that rejuvenation is possible if we approach the problem from a damage repair position and directly tackle the reasons we age. It should be an interesting discussion, and perhaps these two ideas may find a productive middle ground during the panel.

Steve Horvath’s talk, Epigenetic Clocks to Identify Novel Anti-Aging Interventions, is another highlight. Horvath has been working on increasingly more accurate methylation clocks that can measure the biological age of a person. Developing reliable aging biomarkers helps us to determine if an intervention against any of the aging processes has been successful or not and will be critical in getting potential rejuvenation treatments through human trials.

Staying on the subject of biomarkers is another of our discussion panels, which will be exploring the process of establishing accurate biomarkers of aging. Oliver Medvedik once again chairs this panel with Lifespan.io President Keith Comito, Vadim Gladychev from Harvard Medical School, Maximilian Unfried from VitaDAO, and Mahdi Moqri from Harvard Medical School.

There are currently a number of biomarkers used to measure how someone is aging, but most if not all have their shortcomings. What is needed is a cost-effective and accurate panel of biomarkers to determine if an approach has worked on not.

Without being able to demonstrate that a treatment has worked to modify age-related diseases and show that it has achieved this by directly targeting one or more of the aging processes, it will not be possible to get such things into the healthcare system and available for us to use. This panel promises to be an interesting discussion about the challenges and way ahead in developing those much needed aging biomarkers.

You can?buy tickets on our?ticket page on Eventbrite. If you are in education and would like to attend, we are offering a special?student discount?this year. You can learn more about the event by visiting the?Ending Age-Related Diseases 2023 page. Use?keeponthinking?to get 20% off the price of regular tickets.

We look forward to seeing you in New York City or online!

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