End your KPI struggles in Sydney, August 19 & 20

End your KPI struggles in Sydney, August 19 & 20

Your struggles with performance measurement are caused by bad habits you don’t know you have!

Most people – whether executives, managers, strategy or performance professionals, or analysts – struggle to do measurement well.

Most people struggle to:

  • easily find meaningful measures
  • get true buy-in to performance measurement
  • strongly align measures to strategy
  • use measures to drive improvement to reach targets

Our KPI struggles are due to some bad habits that, in the absence of a proper performance measurement methodology, have become common practice.

Put your KPI struggles behind you, with a deliberate approach to performance measurement…

Some of the bad performance measurement habits that have become common practice are:

  • brainstorming KPIs and measures
  • writing objectives and goals with words like effective, efficient, sustainable, reliable, quality…
  • ‘consulting’ people in developing measures
  • interpreting performance by comparing this month to last month

If you want performance measures that really do dramatically improve performance, you have to unlearn these bad habits. The PuMP? Blueprint Workshop helps you do that. It will give you powerful new habits that will rock your world, as it has done for thousands of people since 2000.

"The PuMP process is amazing. It is addressing problems that I have experienced for over 10 years with performance and measurement projects and now that I have been moderately educated I can see (almost daily) where co-workers and partnering organizations are setting themselves up to fail with bad measurement habits. I've turned into the office PuMP evangelist and will keep trying to spread the word. I recommend Stacey's website to people regularly. I am halfway through my first small scale PuMP pilot (measure gallery is tomorrow!) and have achieved enough buy in to start planning a second PuMP implementation for another program. Thank you all so much."

Karen Howard
Program Administrator, USA

PuMP is the most deliberate approach we know of for ending your KPI struggles.

Our next PuMP Blueprint Workshop is in Sydney, on August 19 & 20. 

Read more here: https://performancemeasureblueprint.com


