The end of 'We do this' advertising?
Paul Scott
Specialist Urban Landscaping Photographer, Specialist Facade Photographer, Youtube Superstar Songwriter 30,000+ followers "Giving Construction A Better Image" since 2010
Why Case Studies are the best form of promotion.
With so much choice it becomes far more difficult to put together any advertising strategy especially when social media can distribute your output far more cost effectively. The smart tagline and eye catching graphics can only direct viewers to your website and if there is nothing specific on there, or indeed if the website is over complicated, then the message opportunity is lost. The days of 'We do this' advertising are far behind the smarter businesses who have moved on, they are still however a stalwart income stream for many publications where they subsidise other material, so lets not knock those that haven't moved on, yet.
What is your message?
To be honest many smaller businesses are a bit confused on this but let's try to look at the real message here, without the marketing hype. We are experts in our own field and of course 'the customer is always right' ahem!! Let's leave that for now.
In the majority of cases the client, architect or, let's face it, the main contractor, asks for what they think they want and it is our job to steer them very gently towards what they need. Not always the same thing!!
However good your product might be. Sometimes the client needs to be steered in the right direction
One of the great things about any visuals is that they stimulate interest and very often we will all get the 'I want one just like that' scenario.
In that one instant the visual has done its job. In the vast majority of cases the client will see the product, contact you and say, I have just seen your (list) Brochure, Website, Blog, Facebook Page, Tweet, Instagram, Article, Editorial, Case Study and the doors, security channel, raised planter, stone cladding, raised flooring, windows, grass roof, porcelain tiles, access machine, aluminium soffit (I could go on) is just what I want.
A Striking image can really grab the attention and get the Sales ball rolling
It is only when you meet up or view the drawings or perhaps receive the specification (very dangerous instruments) that you can then go into detail of what they are trying to achieve. It is only then that their request, or indeed the specification itself is, shall we say, inappropriate. However you are now in the proverbial driving seat and best possible position to put them right.
Whilst all your competitors have quoted against a questionable specification, you can now show why YOUR products or services are exactly what are required. That visual has now got you in front of the client or specifier.
The visual interest can start the ball rolling so that YOU are in the driving seat controlling the direction of the sales process or specification.
As we know about all our products and services, we presume that this is 'common' knowledge and anyone like me who has 'just' gone to buy a phone is suddenly bombarded with not only a bewildering choice of handsets, but a plethora of features that I haven't a clue about. The salesman, or woman, isnt starting from the bottom they are starting at the top. We must avoid that because we are not understanding the needs before offering the solution and could indeed loose the sale because we are offering an F Type Jaguar when a Ford Focus is all they need.
Digressing slightly, my son lives in Jersey which is one of the channel islands measuring roughly 8 miles x 4 miles. It has one stretch of road around two miles long where you can get up to 40mph. His neighbour has a ï¿¡160k Lamborghini Gallardo, I dont know who he was but that was a REAL salesman.
The fact that the product was wholly unsuitable didn't seem to be a problem!!
We cannot presume the buyer knows all there is to know about our product so quite often there may be more suitable alternatives which could secure the sale.
How does a Case Study help?
Link to Front Elevation Case Study
The above is a pretty technical Case Study but shows what this client can achieve
Having already shown the power of a visual image, the Case Study can go beyond that. With Hi-Res visual images and text it is now possible to not only show your products and services but also explain EXACTLY why that product or work was chosen. This gives the added option of listing the features and benefits. So for example if it was a set of revolving doors, to you and me they are all the same. Of course not and this gives you the chance to show Why they are not the same and exactly what your products offer that made the architects not only choose your product but also your company to install it. Let's not forget that the visual cannot show the other benefits. Your product was the same spec but A, You offered an installation service, B, You offered a better warranty, C, Your products require less maintenance, D, Your company is ISO 1401
(lets face it, the 'unseen' extras can go on and on). It is exactly these extras which have not only won you that project but will secure you further business. If it has worked on this project then it will work on others, well YES but only if other people know about it.
The visual is great here (no point in us being modest) but doesn't explain WHY these particular doors were exactly what the project needed. A Case Study can do that.
OK so you have sold a folding, revolving, sliding, door to Berkeley Homes and you can now sit back and everyone at Berkeley Homes speaks to one another and you can have a look at the new Ferrari website now.
Sorry, that is never going to happen.
One order with a big developer is no guarantee of future business, put the Ferrari on hold for now
Many major developers have loads of independent offices, staffed by independent 'buyers' and unfortunately they not only don't talk to one another but you just go onto the Supply Chain register and may never be heard of again. Its far more complicated than that.
How you make the Case Study work for you.
Many companies pop a few images and words on their website but it could be much better. A pdf Case Study can be printed off in hard copy and popped in the file. We are not paperless just yet. This is ideal for the lower tech projects, of which the vast majority are. However the pdf can also be printed and popped in a presenter for your sales meetings great for people to flip through and can really show the breadth of your capabilities. They are also just as good on the tablet but in all forms really can show the detail especially with good images. The real benefit is that you can use hyperlinks within the document going into website docs and links.
Another Case Study by Front Elevation
This is a Case Study for one of our clients ^
This is where Social Media comes into its own. These Case Studies are highly transferable either by whole document in pdf or a link to the document. If this is of interest to the reader they will share it and of course this really is limitless. Whoever finds the Case Study of interest has a whole range of options open to them via social media.
A ' We do this' advert will soon be languishing within the recycle bin whilst your Case Study is still whizzing around hyperspace.
What we shouldn't forget is that regardless of the age of the project, it is the application which is relevant. If it suited the needs last year, it will do so again this year and next.
The reach of a Case Study on social media is almost limitless
Social Media can be your postman and with the price of a First Class stamp, it is far cheaper. A good pdf Case Study in hard or soft copy will continue to work for you long after your 'advertising campaign' has been forgotten. There is no better way to get your message across. It is not just the fact that your product was chosen it is the WHY and HOW that is important and regardless of changes to regulations the Why & How will always be relevant.
Good visuals will create the interest and Great Case Studies can create the orders that keep on giving.
Every order is a potential Case Study and every Case Study is a potential order.
For more info on great images and Case Studies see our website or even better get in touch
All images, apart from the title image, by Paul Scott, (RPS member) of Front Elevation
Front Elevation 01227 364115
Nice article and some cracking snaps of Goodwood!
Director of 3R Restoration
9 å¹´Milton Keynes Midsummer Place flooring!!
Director of 3R Restoration
9 å¹´Nice work Paul, last image is another one of mine!
Specialist Urban Landscaping Photographer, Specialist Facade Photographer, Youtube Superstar Songwriter 30,000+ followers "Giving Construction A Better Image" since 2010
9 å¹´Thanks for the 'Likes' and feedback