The End of The Upper Class Slaves

The End of The Upper Class Slaves

I warn all who read this to not develop a hatred of any kind towards anyone for any reason.

Forgive all who were involved in the matter which will lead all wealthy people to poverty.

The poor, lower class, middle class, and upper class will all see poverty and homelessness.

We can't blame anyone but ourselves for not taking or making time to be part of the solution and not part of the problem. 

Our choice creates outcomes we either learn from or prosper from and the ones who have worked to amass the world wide control are in a way doing a wonderful service to the land of nod. 

How else would we ever wake up if they weren't working painstakingly slow so as not to be detected in this grand racketeering and swindle taking place?

We're all going to learn a hard lesson and one that will assure none ever sleep again where our lives are concerned. We have all been told lies and those lies will serve us in the most positive ways none could imagine.

This may sound like bad news but it will be the end of the world as we know it but will pave the way for a world without banks and without classes of any kind. 

The international banks and their faithful servants won't see the end from the beginning and all they believe will happen as a result of this long-standing effort is going to backfire on them. Therefore seek not to do anything about what I'm going to share with you.

After years of study and research into the economic monster, we call the economy nearly everything any of us hear on mainstream news from the subject matter experts about the market is all designed to manipulate by rumors and hearsay. 


To engineer a collapse that involves the world to bring about a worldwide depression.  

The claim is going to be proven herein so before any think this is conspiracy theory I suggest any who read this set aside any judgment until after you've read the last word.

Minimum Wage and the Consumer Price Index were created to bring about an economic disaster so great that it will crush every income class in its path worse than a million nukes dropping from the sky on the world. 

The world has been governed by the international bankers for over 1500 years and contrary to what many think about the governments of the world they actually take their orders from the international banking families leaders, not the people whom they claim to be serving.

The following has been the aim of the bankers' agenda to bring the world to one government which is run of course by them and one currency controlled of course by them.

Control of the money supply

Control of the countries 

Control of the government

Control of the military

Control of the lawmakers

Control of the laws

Control of the regulators

Control of the courts 

Control of the states

Control of the stock market

Control of the corporations

Control of the wages

Control of the energy markets

Control of the housing

Control of the farming

Control of the food

Control of our health

Control of the environment

Control of the weather

Which eventually leads them to control the entire world. Because once they get everyone into the position of poverty the majority who had what they thought was a wonderful life will do anything to get it back. The international bankers have to engineer this in order to get control of the world. 

There have been no setbacks for the bankers on this mission contrary to what many might be thinking when they watch the news because the mainstream media gets their narrative from the international bankers and the outlaws they hire to take positions as lawmakers. Look up the criminal records of nearly all the worlds leaders and any can quickly see.

The bad guys are hired to be the good guys and there are no good guys in the world who can come to the rescue of any who might cry for it because everyone at the lowest levels of any organization established to bring about orders from the international bankers have no power or authority to do anything about the agenda they all receive a paycheck to bring about. 

99 percent of those who work for the banker's companies which are all of them don't know anything about why they do what they do and that same 99% could care less because they have their own families to think and most importantly worry about.

The consumer price index and the minimum wage were instrumental in helping usher this next critical phase into position for the bankers. 

The common message and theme in the mainstream narrative is such that the markets and the government don't know what they are doing and the comedians have been hired to echo the sentiment of the narrative all in the government are worthless. 

Nothing could be farther from the truth. The actors in the governments of the world have always been told to pretend to be this or that but the truth is they are all family members. The entire world leaders are all in the family. You could think of our news as just a giant Hollywood movie with a real-life twist they call reality TV.

They have never been enemies, ever and this country has never had any real enemies.

This group with all of its intelligence network in place works on their small scripts to assure each part of the well-oiled machine does its job to completion. In the process, they have to break laws and rules and they do this by using their limitless funding ability to buy the outlaws or gangsters they need to get the job done.

The system has been built to manipulate the appearance of evil to seem good and worthy of the votes, and respect of the people. The only thing that was needed to make this happen was a very nice suit and tie and for the women involved the most lavish dresses and hair dos.

None will believe any of what I'm writing about and that is ok because of the massive number of programs on TV the brains have been washed to just the right degree even if one in a million opened their eyes to it for the first time it would be of no threat to their plans as the rest of the ones in the world would ridicule and oppose them for free. This was actually part of their plan to engineer the mind and thinking using television.

The bankers will succeed and that is the reason for this post. You see all who read it need to prepare for adjusting their lives to the degree they don't find themselves suffering more than they need to. We have a book called the Bible which actually told the world how to avoid this but the same bankers hired people to change it such it would not interfere with their plans and the result of it would be all that suffer this fate once its complete will blame GOD.

That is the goal with churches today is to get everyone going and getting to the point they blame GOD as the world of people is made up of many kinds. We're not supposed to fight, we're not supposed to be rich and we're supposed to give all of our money to the government and the church and live on nothing but take out tons of loans and credit cards to live on the banks.

In order for the banks to get the world in this position, they have to make the world believe they owe the banks something. 

This feeling of indebtedness creates a certain and assured loyalty and feeling of guilt and sorrow as if those who can't pay have done something wrong. But many don't realize the banks don't loan anyone anything as all they have are pieces of paper and digits in a computer. 

They have all of the lawyers, attorneys and agents in the governments telling the world that is not the case but credit does not exist in the material world and paper is well just that paper with some ink on it.

Everyone is fooled by the tricks the banks play and the most intelligent of our world are the most deceived by the illusion around us. Banks don't loan money or credit what they do is purchase signatures on paper called notes. 

The banker author these documents and have lawyers and attorneys write them in strange English called legalese which appears to be English but is not. 

In order to translate this strange English one would need a legal dictionary to look up each and every word because even the simplest words of legalese have an entirely different meaning than that which non-legal scholars learn.

The fraud of every single agreement on the earth is in the documents we see every day. 

What makes it a fraud you might say? 

Well, its the fact that all agreements, contracts, covenants, pledges, and promises are all written in legalese which to the majority of readers is a foreign language which makes their head hurt when they try to read it. 

This was done by design and is in itself evidence of intent to deceive and that is because not only does the author/writer work for the banker that asked them to create it but the meanings are never disclosed to those who consider and accept whatever it is they are being asked to consent to.

The only thing that can make an agreement, contract, covenant, pledge, or promise VOID is lack of full disclosure.

How does this relate to Minimum Wage and the CPI you say?

It's the most primitive basis one needs to understand about how and why we are all facing this certain future I speak of because the Minimum Wage and CPI are also evidence of a fraud which was intentionally created to aid and abed the bankers getting their grand prize.

The bankers created a game of monopoly and then licensed the copyrights of it to Milton Bradley. The legal dictionaries which any would be required to use in order to decode the strange English on all the legal documents is a copywritten and patented work of art. 

In order for any to legally and lawfully use it in a transaction related to money or financial transactions, they would need a license. Therefore the banker, its hired author/writer the lawyers or attorneys are asking the signer of the documents they present these works to commit a felony when they sign it.

Fraud has no statutes of limitations but once you discover a fraud depending on the state one lives in has 2-4 years to sue over it with the only intent being to abrogate (make void) the paper you found yourself in trouble with.

There are four jurisdictions. Law, Equity, Admiralty and Maritime.

Law and Equity 

(Innocent Until Proven Guilty) The laws which men and women obey

Money exists in the material world in these jurisdictions as gold and silver. 

All lawful matters are in law or equity common law included. 

Agreements are autographed not signed where all; natural law and its rights are preserved.

Admiralty and Maritime 

(Guilty Until Proven Innocent) The laws persons, fiction actors, corpus entities, and individuals obey. 

Because of the fact that legal matters deal with non-human creations (entities), they require a human to give them energy which is called current or currency as in money. This is why all money is fiat and does not exist but requires an accommodation party (man or woman) to give it life and energy. 

Entities require binding demons which is why a sig nature is required sig short for sigil (graven image) a witchcraft spell known as GOD SPELL or GOSPEL but would be more like Gadspell (Satan Spell). All sigils must be sealed in a box or circle inside the boundaries in order for the spell to work. The word corp=dead and word oration=speak when etymology is used to decode a compound word.

Democracy = Demo=Demon and ocracy=power (Demon Power)

All legal matters in Admiralty and Maritime

Agreements are signed not autographed where an accommodation party (man or woman) must reserve their natural law rights by using the term ( All Rights Reserved Without Prejudice ) under the signature to assert a man or woman signed on behalf of a fictional entity as in authorized representative as to re-present the dead entity otherwise raise it from the dead for its appearance in court.

Lawful and Legal can't mix. The living can not see the dead nor can they do business with one another without the use of a medium and this is the Satanic aspect of our financial system. We have to realize that the term Lord in the Bible translates into Ba'al (Demon) and the word GOD on our money as in IN GOD WE TRUST is speaking of Gadra'ell (Satan) where Gad is short for GOD and Gad is pronounced Gaahd. The right term for lord is Yeshua and Elohim YHWH pronounced (ya wa) which is the name of our living heavenly father of all that is and ever was.

Due to a papal bull known as Unum Sanctum of 1306 (drafted in 1302) all the world is the Holy See (Sea otherwise Admiralty or Maritime) The Vatican declares all the world their property by conquest the all roads still lead to Rome. We are under the Roman Rule of Law to this day and Rome was never conquered.

The Consumer Price Index was created to exclude housing, food and energy which are the things over the last 36 years which have risen the most in price. The bankers have experimented with various ways to destroy an economy and one of the test cases is Argentina, Russia, Syria, etc brought on by sanctions with intent to crush their economies for acts those governments were told to do in order to complete the bankers' experiments.

This would be the start of America's financial experiment to make as many of the people poor as was possible. The CPI was created to masquerade the real rate of inflation and get all of the scholars to abide by its false mechanics to a degree those scholars trying to make a name for themselves would defend the reasons for its existence in light of the fact it was evil from its inception but the (Democracy aka Demon Power) prevailed. 

All of the most decorated scholars have been groomed to follow orders by the rule of law in demon power and ask no questions but take orders as they are given. This was the start of erosion for the most wealthy because the other most important part of destroying all prosperity and wealth is taking the hands-off minimum wage with the declaration by the demon power that free markets are designed to self-correct. 

These to creations of evil have been working to destroy wealth and job stability and have enabled bubbles more than anything else in the bankers' cache of financial weapons. 

Remember the bankers' goal is to destroy the world economy for the sole intent of gain control of it all and keeping tabs on everyone and everything. Do not be offended and do not do a thing to retaliate with your knowledge at this point because it's very important they succeed at doing this so we can be rid of the bankers forever.

The purpose of all knowing this if for all to prepare for the shock waves, and it wouldn't hurt to consult with your family members that survived the last engineered collapse the Great Depression which was a test of things to come.

All of the most wealthy men, (we know their names) have been forced into using their money to fulfill this end game. Do not blame them for if they defy the orders any who enjoy the most lavish lives will find themselves on skid row. Therefore they must follow orders to assure their families don't have to suffer from any moments of moral conflict.

The reason the minimum wage is the key to the whole thing is because; any who have played the game of monopoly know that in order to keep playing the game the player must have money to spend. The first goal of the banker was to keep the poverty class needy which is the majority these days at 72% of America but needy and poor for the sake of helping them create more money as they would be required to apply for credit. 

When a (person not man or woman) applies for credit what the bank is doing is getting the man or woman to act as an accommodation party to a fiction that exists in a legal fiction world known as maritime jurisdiction and when they get the man or woman to do this it allows them to purchase the signature with a check which they tell the applicant is a loan. 

The purchase is made with a check which the bank enters into a checking account ledger as a deposit but uses the signed note as cash because the banking system allows for this sort of accounting and is authorized by statues and universal commercial codes.

The bankers have the power to control the money supply remember but it can not exist without those signatures. The Federal Reserve Notes or Petro Dollars are Satanic works of art look at them some time you'll see the sigils on all of them and strange symbols which were charged by satanic witchcraft rituals.

The works of demon power are as follows. Statues (like the memorial statues), Acts (like Hollywood actors), Regulations, Codes, Ordinances, Penal Codes, Universal Commercial Codes, and other works of law. What many don't realize is a CONTRACT IS THE ONLY LAW THERE IS AND WHEN THERE IS NO CONTRACT THERE CAN BE NO LAW.

Yet no man or woman is actually allowed to use any of this material because of its copyright and patents on the works. This is a great secret the system does not want anyone to know about. One only needs to do a minimal study on case law and will be able to quickly see the bankers have rigged this entire system, fooled them all meaning all of the actors playing their part and wrongly believing they work for a powerful government and are doing a very good thing for the people of this country but it is really the blind leading the blind.

The so called good guys are the bad guys and they have something to teach us all and we need to sit back and let them teach it to us. For when they are done; all of those men and women who faithfully serve them and enjoyed the spoils of their bounties as a result are going to be double crossed. They won't be rewarded with anything they were promised because they all made a grave mistake in not realizing there is no truth in Satan. 

Satan can't keep a promise because there is no truth in him, and not one single person who fights for the beast will get anything they were promised and all of the efforts of the government agents all over the world and the rich wealthy people who are forced to use their money to support its cause will not get the promised immortality they have all been promised no one will get anything but poverty. The servants of Satan have all been lied to and they actually believe they will get the prize he offered.

Satan has created wicked churches of every kind, brand and type of religion and has caused all of them to worship GOD, not the living heavenly father YHWH or YaWa or king Yeshua (aka Jesus) but GOD.

The remedy to preventing all of this was given by Yeshua where he not only shows the world but tells them as well how to prevent this outcome and no one listened with their heart. For he said there is no religion except taking care of the homeless and widows and lived his entire life in the sacrifice of service to all of us even the demonic possessed. 

Our whole lives we work and receive pay and don't realize that sacrifice is taking place. The sacrifice is the surrender of our time and labor for pay and why we do it is the very reason why Yeshua did it for us. We have to take care of our family whom we love and in the case of Yeshua that family or his family was all of us. 

He was showing us that we must sacrifice our entire life by serving one another and telling one another the truth as I'm doing here and now and by doing this we are serving the living eternal father in heaven who can't wait to bless everyone with eternal life. 

He told the rich and wealthy to give of their fortunes to others and the poor to give of their services to the rich. He told the angels to serve man and a third of them disobeyed and now we deal with them today here and now as they are the fallen immortals the warmongers and if any have figured it out by now the international bankers themselves. 

They never die and are the authors of war and destruction and they don't die from anything they have planned for us and their faithful servants they intend to betray in the end but do indeed plan to blow it all up because of their hatred for man (women included).

The fallen immortals are the authors of war, poverty, famine and death but we are eternal and do live forever regardless of what lies you've all been told.

We are to help one another all our lives making a very tiny sacrifice of 70-100 years for eternity in heaven and allow Satan and his fallen hosts to do what they please while we continue to serve one another as the brothers and sisters we all are.

All who fall for the tricks of Satan have fallen for each hateful class designation they created to cause us all to do ourselves in because we are taught by them to hate one another and despise one another for reasons we don't have what the other class does and this is not right.

Nothing on this earth matters all that matters is us serving one another and loving one another and letting the sick bankers have all they can swindle from us as that is what they love and lust for the most. To keep everyone in a state of fear and slavery.

If we don't start paying the employee's a minimum of 30/hr the majority of people struggling to pay their bills will cause the poverty and poor classes to expand until it reaches the most wealthy in the world. 

How will it reach them?

They won't be able to sell anything which makes them money regardless of how they make their money and their money once the world economic engine stops will be worthless and their worst fears will come true and many will commit suicide because of it which is the goal of the international banker to cause all to die in the name of good customer service and morals of high ethical standards.

Our world has no governments or leaders or royals all are international bankers. Leaders including the most wealthy are puppets of the dark sinister nature of the wicked.

When the majority don't have any money to buy the goods or services the mega-wealthy are selling they will become broke for the first time in history and won't see it coming because they all too have been lied to and all of the agents, employees, presidents, tycoons, emperors, kings and queens and all other titles of nobility will be wiped out and its all going to take them by surprise because they failed to realize you can't change the nature of a serpent it exists to devour and that is all it knows how to do.

If the government had keep up with Minimum Wage none of what I said would be possible because as the real economy inflated the wages remaining equal would have remained uniform overall. When the government decided to stop regulating it 36 years ago it was because there was an agenda. Free markets will never keep wages uniform to the degree solid economic stability results.

All of the small companies that claim that can't afford to pay wages of 30/hr is only because the last 36 years of no increase or increases of 1-2% per CPI could never keep up. Minimum Wage must forever be regulated in this banker controlled world or else the system fails.

Whatever minimum wage puts into the pockets of workers comes back to the companies because there is disposable income for the workers to spend on goods and services. However, when wages only produce enough money to pay for essentials those workers are unable to contribute any money towards the economic stimulus. 

The system can never fail because wages rise with the true measure of inflation its a lie because no wages or low wages result in a massive majority becoming handicap by lack of disposable money to support the economy at large.

All of the thought that goes into why wages can't triple work against the wealthy not in their favor. The wealthy don't realize this problem in math because of there personal issue of greed. That same greed is what causes the most problems for gamblers who when they win a big one are just never satisfied with one win and long for another causing them to give all they win with hopes of a bigger one in the same night. 

The proposition for not having to raise wages is an oxymoron which directly impacts a mega-corporation or uber-wealthy businessman because when no one has money to play the game it's always game over no different than when they is no more money to put into the slot machine its time to go home and lick the wounds.

The CPI and Minimum Wage were created to destroy the economy and no one can be so stupid to think the ones running the show in their respective governments are that stupid to make those sort of changes knowing it reaches back to the rich and powerful in the most destructive ways.

If the entire world does not impart the money to the workers for them to spend back into the economy the bankers will have all the more power and control over issuing credit from notes they purchase with checks. Banks don't loan money or credit, poor people loan notes for credit to the banks and the banks create securities from those and earn 20 fold from nothing but a smooth-talking swindle.

Think I'm telling a lie?

The bankers created this notion they are too big to fail and leveraged that to a degree the world leaders made it illegal for anyone to sue them for their frauds and swindles.

No you can't sue a bank anywhere in the world, they can break every law and rule known to mankind and they will never suffer a single consequence. And for those who are hardcore debunkers and faithful servants of demon power.

Explain these things. 

How can a bank issue mortgages with negative interest rates; if they exclusively make their money from interest on loans which I've just explained is not legally possible.

Banks make money because they don't have to spend money to make it.

Banks purchase promissory notes with a check. They take the check and consider it as cash and then adjust their ledgers to reflect the same result of a man or woman making a cash deposit into their checking accounts.

The bank then explains to you that you have to pay the ledger credit back with your disposable earnings. The bank didn't risk anything but at most 5 minutes of time of a teller tendering the transaction.

The bank then gets principal, interest from the transaction which cost them nothing.

The bank then takes the obligation on paper and creates securities from it and sells them on the stock market. Which causes them to make more money over the term of the obligation.

The longest term obligation is 30 year mortgages, the earnings on the securities are 10-30 times the face value of the note over that period of time.

A $200,000 mortgage will net a bank $600,000 from nothing but your signature. In addition 3-30 million in beneficial interest off the performance of the obligation trading on the stock market as a debt obligation security. They pool these obligations to make more money.

The bank is given no authority in law or at law to do this and accomplished this feat by doing all of their business with its customers on the private side where the law can't touch them.

The bankers have hired lawyers and attorneys to create laws in the public which prevent any nonbank from doing these same things. The Goldsmiths secrets are copywritten and patented. All laws against money laundering, insider trading, embezzling, check kiting, forgery, extortion, racketeering, fraud in the inducement, fraud in the conversion, fraud in the factum, creating fictitious financial instruments, etc, etc the list could go on and on.

Not one of these crimes would a bank ever be punished for and whenever there is a crime of swindle against the originator (men and women who sign notes) or the investors who buy these fictitious financial instruments on the stock market for profit at the expense of someone else's demise (the so-called homeowner aka resident aka renter aka tenant another part of the fraud in the language of legalese) they are left to continue their racket as they please. 

The bankers hire the Department of Justice, The Department of Treasury, the Internal Revenue Service, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence Agency, or ATF, or U.S. Marshalls, or other combative agency to go after the men and women or attempt and do the same things as we see in history of case law many have done and prosecute them to the full extent of the law. These same agencies write and publish articles about how these scams happen at large but will never take a complaint, or answer a Freedom of Information Request or follow their own laws, rules, or codes if any should ever think about calling for an investigation on banks.

If the pressure to punish banks becomes an issue none of the real victims of banker frauds and swindles are ever compensated more than a couple of hundred dollars. But are fined billions upon billions which are published in the local and national news as well as national newspapers. This happens consistently and regularly over the last 100 years since the Banking Secrecy Act was signed into law.

The reason for this is simple, the monetary system carries a copyright on it the system prohibits anyone without a license to engage in the numerous crimes I've mentioned above.

The banks have a license to steal, swindle, and manipulate any aspect of the economy and money creation they please and have enjoyed this power for the last 1500 years.

The reason the government fines the banks billions upon billions upon billions is because the governments are the bank. All governments all over the world are banks.

They created a game called Monopoly and they are the only ones that are allowed to break anti-trust laws and they are the only ones allowed to break the laws. All of the government goes after who the banks say are the bad guys and none of the government even knows this.

Every single government agent is completely blind to this fact and truth because they were hired and hand picked for their awesome ability to excel at taking ordering and doing as they were told which is why the bankers sought to control education so they could earmark and tap the most exceptionally obedient they record. All of these types of people are the ones working in government throughout the world.

The conflict of interest in all of this is the courts and the lawmakers have made it such everyone must be checked for competence by those appointed by their own courts to assure the most favorable outcomes benefits only them.

The bankers control the corporate prisons and everything in the country because of bankruptcy and foreclosure. Because even after foreclosure the bank retains all it profited from the moment the needed papers (notes and mortgages) were signed and the securities they created were sold.

They get to sell the house to another sucker and do it all over again and never have to return any excess of funds if the homes they foreclosure on make more in the auction sale then the loans balance called for they keep the profits. 

The entire economy is controlled by the banks in every single way and they decide when people lose their jobs so they can get more property and money from the whole cycle.

The banks are allowed to enrich themselves in insurance fraud making more money from the defaults on the policies they purchase and charge to the mortgagor.



The subtle signs of self-evident truth are right under the noses of every American if only they would wake up to see it.

How can a US President forgive student loans of all Veterans if he is not the President of the Federal Reserve Bank? Millions of loans originated by thousands of different banks over the course of 30 years all wiped out by executive order. US President was able to wipe out interest on the private banker's deals.

US President telling the bank to print more money?

The proof the bankers are able to break all of the laws is they are allowed to write off all of their obligations and keep the profits never losing a dime. They control every police station, every courthouse, and every building in government. They own all land and all property in the world. They were able to do this with nothing but paper and computer digits.

Do you say BS? Look at your title it's only a certificate the only real ownership is the allodial title and requires a land patient. The bankers own it all.

Prove it to yourself today. Call any bank and ask them to tell you the exact qualifying criteria in order to get a loan with them. Instantly you will see the fraud before you because the banks can't loan money and can't give this to you.

You see if it were any other kind of contract or agreement being considered the offering party would gladly be willing to tell you exactly what is needed to get the prize or benefit they advertise.

But with banks this is never the case. The common advice of experts is to check your credit and make sure you do this or that in order to get the best rate. However the banks control insurance companies and credit reporting agencies, they are also not allowed to tell you how to get a perfect score.

You call a bank and say this, what credit reporting agency do you use? They will give you the royal run around, then say well can you tell me what version of FICO you use? Again nothing, then you say well what is the qualifying criteria and they will say it varies and you'll just have to fill out an application and find out if you're approved.

Then you'll say well I just want to know if I have a decent chance because one inquiry can hurt my score by 10 points and they will say we're sorry there is nothing we can tell you about that. You see everything a bank does is to not answer questions and will never tell you exactly how to succeed.

No bank is going to tell you how to get approved for a loan because doing so creates a liability for them in that they can't loan their money or credit and therefore can't promise to do anything. However, they advertise they do loan money but can't tell you how to get it.

If you ever dispute something with a bank after the fact they will never answer and will send a letter stating something to the effect of thank you for your inquiry even if its a summons and complaint. They don't have to follow any laws what so ever, they are exempt from all of it because they are the author of it all.

Banks won't disclose or admit to anything no matter what you say or send them. All of the courts will say the verdict of your complaint is failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted exposing the fraud of the courts as much as they operate like the banks.

There is no claim one can bring against the banks but the courts will sure take your money as well as the attorneys never telling you this. The attorneys want to take a single case and turn it into a class action so you get 300 dollars and they get millions. Of course from the banks. The banks only settle with the government and attorneys but never real victims. Now you should see the truth if not try to ask them anything or a court or attorney or lawyer they will hang up. I don't care who you call or what Freedom of Information Request you complete the banks are exempt and free to engage in any crime they desire.

The good guys are the bad guys but as I said before do nothing but let them keep going until the end game they are bringing upon themselves. Because as I said we want the end game sooner rather than later they know not what they do.

The more we play their game the faster we all get to learn the lesson and the sooner all will be the wiser and none will ever trust them again. Every single agent of theirs is faithful and brainwashed into thinking they do a good thing.

All of us who are not part of this wickedness we must serve one another you see the purpose of explaining all of this was not to make anyone in peon land mad or angry but so that all will see the epic importance it is for us to help one another.

We represent the majority working class who will never as long as the government/banks exist having any kind of life they say you can. Our purpose is to serve one another and nothing more. Do no evil and vote no more do not partake in the system any more than you have to and let them destroy themselves. Raise not one arm against them or think about even doing one bad thing to them for you would be working on the wrong agenda than and can do no good for anyone.

There is no way to stop the brainwashed machine of government/bankers so think no more about this but love one another and do good to everyone knowing we all have logs in our eyes so we can see clear to take the specs out of our brothers.

Remember they will do the very things they accuse everyone else of doing. They created all of this and know exactly what they are doing. The goal is to destroy everyone so they can control all that is still out of their control. They don't care how long it takes to get this job done if they had to wait 1 million years they will never stop.

Just does not make sense but know we should all learn to live this life wanting for nothing. Because only when we get to that state can we all have happiness for free something they can't control or tax or suppress or create scarcity with.

Forgive, forget, judge not, repent, love one another and let's take care of each other and our brothers and sisters with what we all have to give one another. Forget the government and the banks and do what we are called to do here so we can living eternity in heaven free from them.

We have to thank them for showing us just how dumb we've all been, and how much we've learned from their wicked ways it's the true value found in repentance. Our choices create outcomes and when those choices are counted as wrong we learn from our mistakes instead of the ones who offered us sound advice.

In the last movie, the Matrix Neo stopped fighting agent smith and let agent smith have what he wanted. So too must we give these demons all they want so we can end this nightmare and live the dream in eternity? They seek to destroy and murder us all and we need to let them do it without fighting back one bit. Stop the fight love the enemy.

Our king is Yeshua our father is YHWH (YaWa) call on him and he will give you peace.

Now ask yourself is the government working for the people or the international bankers.

Where could one think we are slaves?

The Authors of Law in Admiralty or Maritime must know many of their acts are proof of slavery.

If the STATE claims some right or interest in the people, it means that the STATE is treating the people as property, and when people are treated as property they are slaves.

Debt bondage or peonage is a form of slavery and slavery is against the law.

Slavery violates the 13th Amendment. Slavery violates federal law at Title 18 U.S.C., Section 1581 and Title 42 U.S.C. 1994.


Sec. 1581. Peonage; obstructing enforcement (a) Whoever holds or returns any person to a condition of peonage, or arrests any person with the intent of placing him in or returning him to a condition of peonage, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 10 years, or both. (b) Whoever obstructs, or attempts to obstruct, or in any way interferes with or prevents the enforcement of this section, shall be liable to the penalties prescribed in subsection (a).

SOURCE (June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 772; Pub. L. 103-322, title XXXIII, Sec. 330016(1)(K), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147; Pub. L. 104-208, div. C, title II, Sec. 218(a), Sept. 30, 1996, 110 Stat. 3009-573.)


Sec. 1994. Peonage abolished

The holding of any person to service or labor under the system known as peonage is abolished and forever prohibited in any Territory or State of the United States; and all acts, laws, resolutions, orders, regulations, or usages of any Territory or State, which have heretofore established, maintained, or enforced, or by virtue of which any attempt shall hereafter be made to establish, maintain, or enforce, directly or indirectly, the voluntary or involuntary service or labor of any persons as peons, in liquidation of any debt or obligation, or otherwise, are declared null and void. SOURCE (R.S. Sec. 1990.)

It should be apparent even to the lawyers that the plain language of the statutes make contracts of both voluntary and involuntary peonage null and void and punishable by up to ten years in prison.

The Supreme Court discusses the issue of slavery and peonage quite succinctly in the case of Alonzo Bailey v. State of Alabama, 219 U.S. 219, (1911). Suffice it to say that the court held that contracts of peonage may be breached by either party at any time with impunity because contracts for peonage are unconstitutional. This is a landmark and very important case and the authors recommend that the readers obtain and study it. It is available at the website: &page=219

All forms of slavery including debt bondage and peonage are prohibited by a number of treaties forbidding slavery to which the United States is a high contracting party. The mention of only two of these treaties of which the United States is a party will be suffice to make the point. The full text of all the antislavery treaties may be found at the website:

AMERICAN CONVENTION ON HUMAN RIGHTS, “PACT OF SAN JOSE COSTA RICA” (22 Nov. 1969) – Entered into force on 18 July, 1978. Article 6. FREEDOM FROM SLAVERY. 1. No one shall be subject to slavery or to involuntary servitude, which are prohibited in all their forms, as is the slave trade and traffic in women.

UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS (Adopted by UN General Assembly Resolution 217A (III) of 10 December 1948) Article 4. No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.

The language of the treaties should be clear even to the most incompetent of lawyers, that slavery, in all of its insidious forms, violates the well established, universally recognized norms of universal law and the international consensus of nations. Your authors now submit that the governments of the UNITED STATES and the various STATES are rogue states that violate their own laws and the laws of nations and are managed by pirates.

These rogue states ignore their own laws and the international laws of nations by making their own people slaves.

The most egregious thing that our tyrannical government does is the enforcement of the death penalty in maritime causes. The authors have no objection to the execution of a man clearly guilty of a heinous axe murder, rightfully and lawfully convicted.

What we object to is the fact that the “offender,” even if guilty, is not executed for the heinous act, whatever it might have been, but he is executed by a corporation, a fiction, for breaching one of its contractual maritime penal rules.

If the corporation can make a rule requiring the execution of a man convicted of murder in a maritime court, it can make a rule to execute a man for spitting on the sidewalk. If the man executed is later found to be innocent, too bad.

The corporation made a mistake, they are sorry, but there is no one real man to be held accountable.

All the acts required to accuse, convict, and execute the victim were done by licensed agents acting on behalf of a corporation, and no one is accountable. They were just doing their job. In recent times, the only other thing that the government has done that compares with this Draconian intent of oppression of these maritime executions is the massacre at Waco.

That too was done under an admiralty or maritime jurisdiction on the presumption that the people murdered were nothing but property under a maritime contract wherein they agreed to be tortured and murdered.


Justin Kalis (L.I.O.N)的更多文章

