The End of the UK
Mike Kimelman
Empowering Leaders: Bestselling Author, Investor, and Executive Coach Specializing in Disruptive Innovation and Human Optimization
The Unbearable Truth: Groomer Gangs, a Nation’s Betrayal, and the Collapse of the UK
Some stories are so vile, so profoundly devastating, that to even speak of them feels like an injustice to their victims. This is one of those stories. But silence is complicity, and in the face of atrocities that demand action, silence is no longer an option.
Let’s begin with the unimaginable. Since 2000, somewhere between 250,000 and 1 million children—primarily young girls—have been brutally raped and exploited by so-called “groomer gangs” in the United Kingdom. These aren’t just isolated incidents or a series of tragic outliers. This is systemic, industrial-scale abuse. And for two decades, the truth has been suppressed.
The Truth That Refuses to Stay Buried
Thanks to platforms like X (formerly Twitter), the full scope of this horror has become impossible to ignore or whitewash. Journalists, whistleblowers, and victims have tried for years to sound the alarm, only to be silenced by a system more concerned with appearances than justice.
Why? Because addressing these crimes would have meant confronting uncomfortable truths about immigration, cultural incompatibility, and the failures of multiculturalism. Instead, those in power chose the path of least resistance—prioritizing the avoidance of accusations of "racism" or "Islamophobia" over the lives of their own children.
Let me make this clear: tolerance is not a virtue when it is extended to the intolerable. As Norm Macdonald once said, “It is absolutely intolerable what we’ve been forced to accept in the name of tolerance.”
His iconic tweet also captures the response we’ve seen where the original, much greater sin gets relegated to the back versus the fear of increased Islamophobia (which itself is a misnomer, as any phobia is an irrational, unwarranted fear of something whereas fear of Radical Islam is rational and the result of pattern recognition, not prejudice).
Meanwhile, the state propaganda and lies from journalists permitted these atrocities to go on for decades despite the reality.
Language Matters
The phrase “grooming gangs” is an insult to the victims and a testament to the cowardice of those who allowed this to continue. These are rape gangs. Child slavery rings. Barbaric acts committed by individuals who reject every value that Western civilization holds dear. Language shapes perception, and by softening the horror with euphemisms, we’ve paved the way for apathy and inaction.
The same principle applies to the broader cultural rot we see today. Calling pedophiles “minor-attracted persons” isn’t progressive—it’s obscene. It’s a linguistic smokescreen designed to normalize the unacceptable. When we lose clarity in language, we lose clarity in morality.
A Betrayal of the Social Compact
The role of government is simple: protect its citizens, uphold justice, and preserve the social order. The UK government has failed on all three counts. It has allowed its most vulnerable—its children—to be sacrificed at the altar of political correctness and multicultural appeasement.
This is not just a failure; it is a betrayal. Alongside COVID-era overreach, this stands as one of the most monstrous violations of the social compact in modern history. And let’s be clear: the architects and enablers of this betrayal deserve far more than polite accountability.
Firing the politicians and police chiefs who turned a blind eye isn’t justice. Public trials, harsh sentences, and retribution are the bare minimum. Wembley Stadium filled with the families of the victims delivering sentences of their own making? That would still fall short of the justice these crimes demand.
The United Kingdom, as it currently stands, is a dead nation walking. Its government is a headless chicken, stumbling and bleeding out, unaware that its collapse is inevitable. A society that cannot protect its children has no claim to survival.
Some might suggest the UK needs external intervention—a reverse King George scenario where the United States steps in, imposes order, and rebuilds Britain as a protectorate. After all, we did it with Japan after WWII, and it worked. But frankly, is the UK even worth saving in its current state?
The answer depends on whether the British people can rediscover their identity. Deport the criminals and their enablers. Reclaim the Western values that once made Britain great. Reinstate a moral order that prioritizes justice over appeasement. If they can’t—or won’t—then they’re on a path to societal oblivion, and the rest of us can only watch and learn.
Where is the Outrage?
Let’s unpack this horrifying logic: Women—and children—are being sacrificed on the altar of political correctness. The fear of being labeled "racist" has paralyzed a nation that once stood as the backbone of Western civilization. Britain, the same country that stood unflinchingly against Adolf Hitler, now turns a blind eye as the great-granddaughters of its World War II heroes are brutalized in their own towns. How did this happen? How did the descendants of men who fought to protect their homeland from unspeakable evil come to tolerate such atrocities, even within their own borders?
As my friend Jason Hochberg asked recently, “Where is the outrage?”
Where are the protests from the so-called champions of justice and equality? Where are the women’s rights organizations—the ones who claim to speak for victims everywhere? Let me spell it out:
Nowhere. Silence. Not a word, not a gesture, not even a tweet. Remember when they told us "silence is violence"? Apparently, that only applies when it fits the narrative.
This isn’t activism; it’s selective outrage. Nearly the entire modern "activism" infrastructure exists for one purpose: to vilify conservative Western men. The irony? The policies these activists champion—unvetted immigration, unchecked political correctness—are creating the very conditions that allow real oppression and violence to thrive.
And what about the feminists who claim to fight against the patriarchy? Here's the cruelest irony of all: they’ve enabled the importation of millions of men from some of the most patriarchal cultures in the world, with no organized plan to assimilate them or challenge their deeply ingrained misogyny. The result? The very abuse they claim to oppose—rape, subjugation, and systemic dehumanization—flourishing in places like the UK.
Let’s be real: this isn’t just a policy failure; it’s a moral collapse. Thousands of women and children have been raped. Lives destroyed. Trauma inflicted that can never be undone. And yet, those who claim to care about justice, equality, and human rights remain silent because acknowledging this reality is inconvenient to their agenda.
Can this be turned around? Probably not. Not unless people find the courage to speak the truth, regardless of the consequences. And let’s be clear: there are consequences. In the UK, speaking out about these atrocities can mean job loss, social ostracism, or even imprisonment. True activism—the kind that demands courage—is in short supply. Too many, as we saw during COVID, fold the moment the stakes get real.
This is the bitter truth: the women’s movement has lost its soul. In their blind hatred of the Western patriarchy, they’ve ignored the actual threats posed by imported patriarchal systems. They’ve traded their moral clarity for political expedience. And now, the consequences are here, laid bare in the shattered lives of thousands of innocent women and children.
Pretending this isn’t happening will not stop it. Silence will not save them. Turning away will not protect anyone. So ask yourself: where do you stand? Because history will not look kindly on those who stood by and did nothing.
And finally, let me make the obvious point - this isn’t just a British crisis. It’s a Western crisis. The same ideological rot—placing tolerance above justice and diversity above safety—has infected nations across Europe and even the United States.
We must draw a line. Tolerance for the intolerable is not a virtue; it’s a betrayal of everything that makes civilization possible. Britain’s story is a cautionary tale, a stark reminder of what happens when a nation loses its moral compass.
For Britain, the choice is clear: rise to the challenge, restore justice, and reclaim your civilization—or fade into the shadows of history, another cautionary tale for those who come after. The world is watching. Let’s hope they choose wisely.
For the rest of the letter and a skeptics view of the New Orleans homegrown terror attack and the mystery Vegas car bomb (and of course the best darn memes and tweets of the week) see the full letter here