End of a Successful Year!
Robert Schmitz
United Nations ECOSOC Representative with Pathways to Peace - Founder and CEO at Think Greener LLC, Executive Committee Member of the Rebuilding Ukraine Association Inc.
As Think Greener, LLC says goodbye to a successful 2022, it was not without facing some challenging times. Thanks to our supporters and followers in the end we came out stronger! With your help, Team Think Greener provided humanitarian relief efforts to hundreds of Ukrainian refugee women and children living at shelters in Lubin, Poland. Many pictures and stories are shared on our website www.Think-Greener.com. The devastating war in Ukraine breaks our hearts and together we continue to make a difference in people’s lives!
Our global climate action work reached new levels. We traveled to six European countries spotlighting sustainable solutions implemented at different levels of society. Think Greener was able to expand its partnership with Trinity Forestry Services in Uganda, Africa to help achieve their goal of planting 1 million trees in 2022.
Thanks to your support, we were able to make impactful contributions to global transformation. We hope our work can serve as an example to show there are solutions in the world worth supporting and going the extra mile. Please continue to help grow these solutions as we focus on a new spotlight in 2023.
Think Greener’s 2023 global sustainable spotlight will focus on empowering women and children in Uganda, Africa. Our Pilot project in partnership with Trinity Forestry Services will provide climate education, renewable energy training and improved clean cook stoves to 163 villages and approximately 80K people who currently live without electricity. These clean cook stoves will be handmade by women using indigenous materials such as clay and soil from anthills. This solution will provide the women a skill set, source of revenue and much more!
The stoves are designed to allow for a small fan to push fresh air into the fire chamber for a clean and efficient burn. Volcanic rocks placed above the flame retains heat and reduces the amount of biomass needed for cooking. The fan is powered by a 15 W solar panel generating DC current stored in a 12V battery. The excess DC electricity is stored in the battery to be later used for lighting, charging phones and other needed technologies.
On behalf of the Team at Think Greener, I would like to thank you for your support and wish you a Happy Holidays and a Sustainable New Year! I hope 2023 brings a better future to Ukraine and all of humanity.