The end is nigh !!

Well for Solar/PV 'deemed export' anyway!, as you all know end users, councils, free to fit investors etc have been enjoying the deemed export at 50% of generation for some years now. But some of you may not be aware that 'if the meter has the means to record 'export' then this has to be used under FIT'

This has an enormous impact on your past and future clients as they will all have to change over to measured rather than 'deemed payments'.

As we all know the smart meter rollout is in full swing, what a lot of us do not know is the implications this will have to our Solar/ PV customers, in a nutshell you will get paid for the excess you generate after consumption, this is a good thing for people at work in the daytime but a potentially bad thing for people at home in the daytime and using the majority of the generated electricity.

So how do we maximise the systems at 30kw and below for our present and future customers? It is actually quite simple ! we minimize the 'instantaneous power usage' by fitting a 'matt:e protect' unit, the less we consume the more we export, simples !

The added benefit of reducing a premises Voltage is energy savings but, for the export tariff 'instantaneous power' is more important, if you have a generation of 1Kw and a 1Kw appliance at 240v then the load is neutral and you are not exporting, if at 230v you are running the same appliance at the same generation level but at a reduced consumption level, then you are exporting the difference and getting paid more, this has nothing to do with the energy savings you get its just simple maths !!

Future-proof your existing customers tariffs and indeed a great hook to your future customers, fit a 'matt:e protect' the PV+ and B60 combined in 1 single compliant unit.

matt:e products, often copied never bettered, buy British, buy best, buy matt:e :)


