The End is Near!
The speed of sound is 600 miles an hour!
The speed of light is thought to be 186,000 miles per second!
The speed of the Big Bang is measured by the vengeful hate Lucifer has for God. This measure is incalculable using the calculus of mankind. It is the rate of speed of Lucifers fall from God at most high which is on going!
In the great assembly of the Last Judgement, God will sentence those who have sold their soul in exchange for Fame, Fortune and Power over others and a lifetime of elite pleasures. These evil fools will overtake the velocity of the first two mentioned speeds on their way screaming into the darkness below. Their screams will resonate at such a pitch that it will break the chalk held in the hands of Physicist the world over while scribing equations at their lectures at their black boards.
These evildoers spiritual death was sealed at the signing of their pact with the prince of darkness. This pact will not insulate them from the horrors, torment and terror that lies before them for all eternity. What ye sow, so shall ye reap!
This is just the beginning of the end for them! All children of God will begin to see through their madness and the facade of their lies. They are losing their power of deception. The have been had by their false god Satan. Even Satan will panic in the realization that the True Lord Jesus Christ is Coming for him and all of them.
Following the splendor of the Last Judgement, Jesus’s the eight beatitudes from his sermon on the mount will be the reality, “Blessed are they…” The rest is of no matter or consequence to us! All will be forgotten. The akashic record will be wiped clean and dissolve into God’s Light.
Thy will be done, by God’s love, perfection and beauty.
In God We Trust