In the end, Nature always wins
Kishore Ramkrishna Shintre
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All said and done, whatever we do to have a command over nature, the fact is that we cannot beat nature. It is impossible to beat something that we are made off and made by and are part of. To beat nature would be to beat ourselves. Nature changes, nature progresses it evolves. Nature is everything and everywhere, it is within us and around us. We can see it it, smell melt it and feel it, we love it we fear it and sometimes we hate it. Nature is our mother. She provides for us and she can take it away.
We all know that Mother nature never tells you when she will strike she will let you do whatever you want but one day she throws, an earthquake, and asteroid, a black holes, a plaque, the flu, the bird flu,swine, a super virus created via antibiotics, and she can throw anything and everything whenever and however she wants. She has so many viruses like HIV, Ebola, SARS, HERPES and now Corona, but other animals to hunt and eat you poison you and if we win all the battles eventually in the end of natures cycle she will throw the universal shrink and if we survive that then the big bang against and again and again. We can win battles but the war will never be won. You can win a billion battle but it all means nothing if you lose the war.
When we think about the massive size of the universe we humans are like the worms in the soil, and the sharks in the ocean. We are the birds in the sky and the wolves in the fields. We follow instincts. Some humans follow it more than others some others have been able to suppress it and others have been able to hold it at Bay for a long time but eventually it builds up and it comes back stronger and stronger and everyone you hold it down the pressure builds eventually it blows up.
That's why humans go on rampage and destroy and kill because they try to deny themselves the ability to release pressure because of their own pride they think themselves God's of nature or equal to nature but eventually nature finds a way, yes a slow way but it finds a way to say hey humans I'm your mother and I can kill you or hurt it at any corner.
Many scientists and technologists might say that we can beat nature but beating nature if we ever could would mean our end. But then again dreaming has no cost to it. It's funny how viruses tend to grow stronger in hospitals or every time we try to do go we screw it up and make it worse that's nature, she works against us and with us and throw us. One day in an attempt to beat nature we will or might create a virus that might kill 80% of the world population and it might jump species and kill other animals as well.
Spanish Flu stuck the world over 100 years ago in 1918 and remained active till 1920 and killed millions of people at that time the population and technological advancement was not as modern digital and even then Corona is here almost for a year now and it will continue to harass us till another year or so as on today. One or the other viruses will keep coming to us every now and then and mother nature is reminding us to behave properly and start respecting her otherwise she will get the humans killed and destroyed by her own means of controlling the population.
In some context we already have those vaccines, microprocessors, the internet are all examples what happens when we beat the nature. In 100 years we have made tremendous progress and our technological development so far has been exponential. Are we part of nature? Sure, for the time being we are, that will likely change at some (maybe not so) distant point in the future. We can transform in to a whole new ecosystem separate of nature.
Should we? Of course we should. Nature is now at very violent pace, causing endless struggle to humans, reminding us about Darwin's survival of the fittest theory and filled with endless pointless cycle of birth and death and suffering. Why be a slave of nature? Beating a nature doesn’t mean we are going to shit this planet, it means we are just raising above it.
So far we have not been able to produce a child in the laboratory although we have test tube babies made or even we have not yet made whole blood in the laboratory although we a whole lot of blood analysis done and segregated blood components like plasma separately. We have cloned a lamb and experiments are on to clone some more animals without having pregnancy. We have developed Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality in our technological breakthrough. We succeeded in landing on Mars and Moon and the quest continues.
If we don’t beat nature we will be slave to it forever. We will die of nature's own diseases. We will follow our “lizard brain“ caring only about our selves and our community and allies. Continue to destroy this planet while seeking quick satisfaction. If by nature you mean the whole universe, can we ultimately win against likely hypothetical scenarios like heat death of the universe? It is impossible to know. Lets start small and work up the ladder. No harm in trying eh? Stay blessed! #kishoreshintre #possessedbywritingspirit
4 年Nature is infinite Life is finite Nature will always win
Researching Clinical Research!!!
4 年Nature doesn't win, it simply can't be defeated - especially by humans!
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4 年So very True....
Experienced business development professional clinical research Phase I to Phase IV.
4 年Agree, true.