End of this month
As we come to the end of the first month of our new year, I automatically think of the Roman god of new beginnings, Janus. This god is a bit “two-faced,” as he's known for looking into both the past and the future. (Actually, considering my calling, he and I have a lot in common in that respect!) Janus is the god of passage and new beginnings. How fitting then, that we start the new year with a bit more time than the following month, February, which has only 28, or at most, 29 days. This passage of time is unique to our calendar year and is always a good occasion to not only look back at the good times (and any life lessons we've learned from the not-so-good times), but to be prepared for all the turns of events we'll inevitably face.
I've always found change both exciting and promising. It gives us the opportunity to test our mettle, get out of our comfort zones and prove that we can live up to any challenges we face. Here's something else to keep in mind. These seeds for change actually start within us and then, like the ripple effect of throwing a stone in water, spread outward to those around us, such as friends, family, neighbours and co-workers.
And affecting a positive change can occur just by saying hello to that person you pass on the street every day or holding the door open for someone who has their arms full. For my part, there’s a stray cat in my neighbourhood I’ve gotten acquainted with. He runs whenever I try to get close, so I’ve started leaving milk for him at my back door. You see? It’s that simple to make these ripples touch others, and then stretch further outward to be shared in all directions. This is an exciting way to share and spread positive thoughts and energy, .
Of course, considering the month ahead, this is most appropriate since February (from the Latin,?februa, meaning “to cleanse”), held the Ancient Roman month-long festival of purification. It reminds me so much of the phrase, “out with the old, in with the new.” And that's exactly what we're expected to do in the weeks ahead... Invite new positive change into our lives and shed all the old negativity (from within ourselves and that we're victim to from others) that we know will only hinder our quest for a more peaceful and harmonious state of being.