The End is Here... What? Whatcha talkin bout Willis?
Charles J. L. Brooks, PhD (h/c) Doctor of Commerce - The Citadel
Bond Servant - Our Lord Jesus Christ - Catholic/Christian Apologist - Receptient of The Order of The Palmetto - Oct. 23, 2024
No… not the ‘End of Time’… but rather… the end of 2024.? As for the End of Time… that’s anybody’s guess.? The Bible tells us that it is near… but then, God’s TIME is different than ‘our time.’? His time… well… It’s His Time.’
As for 2024…that’s a done deal!? So, this is all about REFLECTING on the past.? Did we do our best… what was expected of us?? Did we do what we were PAID to do, or TOLD to do?? More importantly… did we do as God has COMMANDED us to do?? Love your neighbor as yourself.
We are told in Hebrews 4:16… “Therefore, let us draw near with confidence to the Throne of Grace, so that we may RECEIVE MERCY and find Grace to help in time of NEED.”? Simply meant… get close to God, and He will help you.
So, if 2024 was ‘not all we wanted it to be’…. There is good reason.? Did our workplace endeavors go according to plan?? How about our social and recreational life?? What about our HOME LIFE; did it go according to God’s design… or ‘worldly’ design?? That is to say… ‘Whatever makes us feel good?’?
That’s the PROBLEM!? We live as if…. We are the ‘only one’ that counts.? We come before anything, and anyone.? We are FIRST and foremost… God is LAST, and everything else is caught up… somewhere, in the ‘fog of life.’?
Where is the ANSWER??Where do we find COMFORT and DIRECTION??Where is our safe-haven?? Where do we find honest, true, safe companionship, and friendship?? How do we PROTECT our spouse and children?? How do we AVOID evil?? How do we find Salvation?
The ANSWER is simple… it’s found in the ‘Body, Blood and Divinity… of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God…’
God invites us to the SANCTUARY of His Love; inviting us… out of our struggles… into the ‘Gift of Eternal Salvation.’? St. Paul tells us in Romans 5:8… But God shows His love for us … in that while… we were still sinners. ?Therefore, since we have now been justified by His blood, how much more shall we be saved from wrath through Him!
Christ died for US.… You and Me.? Jesus Christ is the answer; the way and the TRUTH.?
So… as we approach 2025, and thereafter… and find that ‘life’s journey’ gets to be TOO MUCH for us… then, we need but REFLECT on 2024.? Just look in the MIRROR… do we see the Image of God?? Are we confident that we are pleasing God…. Or the EVIL one?? As ALWAYS… the Choice is ours to make.? The Goodness of Our Lord God, Jesus Christ… or the satanics of the EVIL one.?
Think about this:? If we do not REFLECT the IMAGE of Jesus Christ…in this life… then, we will NOT enter His Kingdom… in the next.? I LOVE You… Dear Jesus!
Many New Year’s Blessings as we all… seek the ‘Will of God.’… cjlb … 1/1/2025