The end of government and billions in damages in Germany due to a lack of personal development, astonishing Coincidences

The end of government and billions in damages in Germany due to a lack of personal development, astonishing Coincidences

1.1 Introduction

The German government would not have failed in November 2024 if it had not had so many skills gaps and, in particular, problems with soft skills and life skills, e.g. in terms of expectations, priorities, strategies and conflict management. But neither the (ex-)members of the federal government nor large parts of the population recognize such deficits easily and admitting them is even harder and the hardest thing is to spend money time on training - but this would have saved Germany many billions at a cost of a few thousand euros. The ROI (return on investment) for companies is similarly good if the content learned is of top quality.

1.1.1 Background knowledge on the situation

Chancellor Olaf Scholz according to himself will not initiate a vote of confidence until January 15, 2025. This will be followed by many months of campaigning, elections and then coalition talks. This means that even in the best-case scenario, there will be no functioning government in Germany before May 2025 - perhaps much later, as extreme parties could receive almost half of the votes and the work ethic of politicians is not the best: in other words, a new government may not start until September 2025 or later. This means that there will be no positive political decisions in Germany for 7-11 months, possibly even longer - and that with monthly production declines of up to 8%, relocation of industry abroad of around 16% per year and a sharp rise in sickness rates, increasing ageing and a lack of investment, infrastructure, innovation and competitiveness and even the collapse of bridges due to corrosion (Carola Bridge in Dresden). In addition, hardly any laws were passed before the break-up of the traffic light coalition, as German politicians mostly argued with each other and with the interests behind them. There has probably never been such a collapse in Europe outside of wartime: “Creating ruins without weapons” could be the motto.

Urgent issues

Now the German public transportation ticket is expiring, child benefits remain low, but taxes are and rising fast as tax rates increase as employers make up for parts of hyperinflation. German long-term care insurance will be insolvent by February and then most hospitals and private care facilities. Innovation, business, bureaucracy, intelligence and the military will also collapse in many areas.

Refusal to make a realistic analysis and draw appropriate conclusions

Scholz naively claims or believes that he can get the opposition to agree within a few weeks to many billions for these projects as well as for Ukraine, Israel and many other warmongering and billion-dollar projects, although he has not even succeeded in doing so in the last 3 years inside his coalition. Only 2% of Germans expect something good from the Scholz government in November 2024 and around two thirds are happy about the end of the traffic light coalition and expect and want new elections quickly. They will probably be disappointed and therefore even more frustrated.


All of this will send a largely uncompetitive and demilitarized Germany and Europe into even faster decline: The decline in German manufacturing in September 2024 was 7.8% month-on-month[1] - but without a government, we are likely to see an acceleration of decline, or more likely collapse: The rest of the German and EU economies are probably collapsing at a similar rate, their statistics are just easier to manipulate when they are not producing physical goods and therefore the official statistics do not show this rapid decline throughout. However, it is noticeable in the massive amounts of money that have recently been missing everywhere, because this cannot simply be conjured up by manipulating statistics. Officially, the recession is only around -0.3%, but the budget deficits, e.g. in the health and care sectors, are much greater. As half of the purchasing power has been lost due to hyperinflation since the start of the war in Ukraine, there is not enough capital left to be truly innovative. In addition, there are perhaps 100 billion euros in damage to the state due to loss of confidence, lost hope, insolvent health/care facilities with a corresponding number of deaths, investments not made, emigration, relocations, company departures, etc. in the first two years. For the private sector and private individuals, the damage is likely to be around 200-300 billion euros, averaging 250 billion euros in the first two years: Of course, this all depends on how long it takes for a new federal government to hopefully make positive decisions for the country and how long the negative trend continues into the future.

1.2 Scholz's angry speech on the dismissal of Lindner

Chancellor Scholz's unprecedentedly angry speech[2] on the dismissal of Finance Minister Christian Lindner, prepared in detail and read from a teleprompter, contains the following problematic elements, which also provide a deep insight into the everyday life of the coalition and the pent-up anger - allowed to erupt in a teleprompter speech - which shows a lot about Scholz's lack of spontaneity, careful preparation and lack of self-control even after long reflection:

“I see myself forced to take this step in order to avert damage to our country. ...

The Federal Minister of Finance shows no willingness whatsoever to implement this offer for the good of our country in the Federal Government. I no longer want to put our country through this kind of behavior. ...

Anyone who refuses to accept a solution or an offer of compromise in such a situation is acting irresponsibly. .... That sometimes went to the limits of my political convictions. ...

Too often, the necessary compromises were drowned out by publicly staged disputes and loud ideological demands.

All too often, Federal Minister Lindner has blocked laws in an irrelevant manner.

Too often he has engaged in petty party-political tactics.

Too often he has broken my trust.

He even unilaterally withdrew from the budget agreement after we had already agreed on it in lengthy negotiations. There is no basis of trust for further cooperation. Serious government work is not possible in this way. ...

Anyone who joins a government must act seriously and responsibly; they must not beat about the bushes when things get difficult; ... such egotism is completely incomprehensible. For far too long, disputes in the open have obscured the view of what this government has achieved together ... Federal Minister Lindner has ultimately and publicly called for a fundamentally different policy: tax cuts worth billions for a few top earners and at the same time pension cuts for all pensioners. That's not decent, that's not fair, tax giveaways with a watering can and a dip into the pockets of our cities and municipalities to finance it. ... Christian Lindner talks about increasing efficiency reserves in our social security systems in a clichéd way. Behind this, however, are harsh cuts in health and care and less security when someone is in need. This is disrespectful to all those who have worked hard to achieve this security, to all those who pay taxes and social security contributions. ... I spoke at the beginning about the need to make compromises. We must not lose this ability. ... That is what I am working on as your Chancellor.”

1.3 Analysis

1.3.1 General analysis

The last part is a blatant lie: Scholz's hurtful speech on the dismissal of Lindner in particular is a big step towards reducing the ability to compromise by personally angering the other side, poisoning the atmosphere and entering the election campaign.

In terms of manners, this is not appropriate, it poisons personal contacts and political culture and forces others like Lindner to justify themselves.

It is kindergarten level on all sides. Olaf Scholz also admitted this in an earlier interview and asked the kindergarten teacher who raised the issue what could be done: “I'm asking for a friend.”

Kindergarten teachers probably have fewer solutions, as he also said in the interview, but psychology has practically solved this problem completely, especially in the area of negotiation and professional cooperation.

1.3.2 Psychological analysis

As a general rule, you should not swallow anger but address problem areas as early as possible to avoid worse developments. So if you want to remain passive and calm, you will usually still bottle up anger, which at some point will cause the barrel to overflow and burst out. In other words, you should not allow anger to build up, which could later erupt outwards in an explosive or vengeful manner - known as passive-aggressive in the jargon. This can be achieved in particular through non-violent communication (NVC), i.e. a language and choice of words that is careful and primarily describes one's own situation, problems and state of mind and thus tries to create understanding in the other person.

In particular, you should not allow the anger to fester so that fantasies of anger or hatred arise, which are then written down in a speech, garnished with rhetorical elements such as alliteration and one-sided, unproven accusations, and then delivered via teleprompter and broadcast worldwide on the main news. It is generally not efficient to blame someone; it is much more efficient to first create an understanding of the general situation or that of the other person in the person in order to then gently bring the person to self-insight with Socratic questions and tips.

In addition, everyone should learn resilience techniques, i.e. how to deal with the usual hardships and unfairness in life, for example until a discussion or final decision about whether or not to work together. Leaking internal papers and information to journalists filled with hatred or malicious glee is exactly the opposite.

Key techniques are conflict avoidance and resolution. There are many books on this, e.g. references [1]-[2] are highly recommended and have been proven to resolve 85% or more of all disputes. The traffic light disputes could probably have been avoided in this way and thus the great damage they and the end of the traffic lights with the subsequent hangover have caused.

An important basic idea is to take into account the interests of the parties/stakeholders or participants involved and to work towards a win-win outcome by seeking a valid compromise that takes into account the legitimate interests of all parties, usually weighted according to the (negotiating) strength of the parties involved, while minimizing the crossing of red lines and the occurrence of disadvantages for all stakeholders.

In FIRO (Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation, Radical Collaboration [1]): Here, a first step is to recognize and address any signs of defensive behavior in order to address all objections and concerns early on and not put anyone under unnecessary pressure. The essential skills of FIRO are: Having collaborative intentions, being honest and truthful, being self-responsible, recognizing the needs of others and negotiating to solve problems:

1.?????? COLLABORATIVE INTENTION: Stay non-defensive and commit to mutual success in relationships.

2.?????? TRUTHFULNESS: Create a climate of honesty and openness that allows people to feel safe enough to discuss difficult issues.

3.?????? SELF-ACCOUNTABILITY: Take responsibility for the consequences of your actions.

4.?????? SELF-AWARENESS AND AWARENESS OF OTHERS: Know yourself and others well enough to explore difficult interpersonal issues.

5.?????? PROBLEM-SOLVING AND NEGOTIATING: Negotiate your way through inevitable conflict in a way that supports relationships.

1.3.3 Political analysis

We do not see many signs of “collaborative intent” or “accountability” among these politicians.

Politically, it would have been necessary to set the priorities and strategies initially and adjust them after the outbreak of the war in Ukraine. Filling differences with money - as was done initially - does not work in the case of escalating polycrises, especially not in the case of accelerating economic decline.

Corruption cannot be solved so easily (except with a capitalism upgrade such as potentialism): This easily leads to warmongering among politicians to profit from arms company kickbacks. Unfortunately, this development has become increasingly evident.

1.4 Conclusion

Superficially, the ROI (return on investment) for conflict prevention books can be calculated as follows:

Cost: €50 for both books, €500 to equip the top 10 coalition politicians or their top advisors with them: costs saved: approx. €250 billion private + €100 billion government damage in the first two years, i.e. €350 billion damage. That makes an ROI of 700,000 or 70 million percent.

With coaching worth €10,000 for the top politicians and their top advisors, the ROI would still be 35,000 or 3.5 million percent.

We will see where we stand on whether decision makers learn of this simple coaching insight, by reading this article directly or through one of their 5.3 million public sector employees[3], and implement this as the most efficient and uncontroversial measure in history or not.

Further, at least their advisors can use this knowledge to find techno-economic compromises and present at least this as teleprompter speeches to their hate-filled rage politicians. If teleprompter rage speeches are possible, then this positive alternative should also be possible, right?


The long-term effects are extremely serious

However, due to the brain drain, i.e. 1.3 million people per year[4] (out of approx. 80 million), including many academics as well as 16% or more of industry per year up to 7.8% of industrial production per month[5] (see above), the damage is much greater in the long term - especially when you consider that the top 1% of the population is largely solely responsible for the innovation and economic impetus, but has largely emigrated or is engaged in it. If the majority of entrepreneurial and inventor families have emigrated, where will the innovations that create prosperity come from? It is likely that the economy will then bob around at a low level without any impetus, as in large parts of South America or third world countries.

What a coincidence that

1.?????? corporate leaders have been de-investing in Germany for many years, sometimes decades,

2.?????? the relocation of jobs abroad has been supported all this time with Hermes state guarantees,

3.?????? after years, in some cases decades, of preparation, they are now not incurring any losses in Germany as a result of the relocations,

4.?????? the greatest impetus for emigration and relocation is being provided at the very time when talent is needed abroad,

5.?????? these top talents and consultants can only work like students in the living room at the client's site due to massively increased travel and housing costs as well as hourly rates / salaries that have fallen by 100% or more and for very few innovative projects, i.e. they can hardly see and feed their families in Europe, i.e. they are practically forced to emigrate,

6.?????? low-wage “skilled workers” are brought into the country on a massive scale in order to push down wage levels and thus create more pressure to emigrate;

7.?????? despite these low-cost foreign medical professionals, social security contributions alone will rise by around 2% per employee by 2025 (0.8% on average for health insurance[6], 0.15% for old-age/long-term care insurance[7], a few percent for higher earners[8] due to a higher contribution assessment ceiling and then possibly higher pension contributions and insolvency levies[9] and most of these costs for both employers and employees, i.e. times two),

8.?????? the EU AI Act and similar bureaucratic regulations are systematically reducing Europe's competitiveness[10], collapsing the number of projects and investment sums and encouraging corruption,

9.?????? EU/G7 sanctions have been imposed but seem to mainly harm the EU while Russia is growing and even exporting more oil and gas,

10.??? the NordStream pipeline explosions, which have made the export of cheap gas to Europe impossible, have led to massive energy cost increases, excessive profits for energy companies and have not been credibly investigated;

11.??? while DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) has a divine name (Latin: “of God”) it has an unholy effect. In Germany, for example, it was used to recruit SPD chairmen and chairwomen, and in the UK to recruit heads of government without any significant consideration of qualifications. In the history of the G7 so far, politicians have always avoided doing or saying obviously stupid or very harmful things. The DEI politicians have never been able to build up a reputation, i.e. it is not even ruined but has never existed and so they babble and text/message without any inhibitions:

a.??????? Saskia Esken (SPD) can publicly propose to reintroduce e-car or home subsidies sometime next year and thus bring e-car purchases and home renovations to zero by having people waiting,

b.?????? This is reminiscent of Liz Truss in the UK, who lost to a wet lettuce in terms of staying power in office and sent a telltale text message to Antony Blinken immediately after the NordStream explosions - before they became public knowledge - saying 'It's done'[11];

c.??????? All this looks like misadventure but 'coincidentally' massively helps the US, which invented DEI and the gender agenda;

12.??? the solutions would be easy to finance if the many tens of billions in windfall profits[12] for the energy industry had also been taxed efficiently as announced, but in fact these were only effectively taxed at around 1%, it would of course have been even better for the people and the economy to directly avoid or minimize price increases and thus corresponding emigration,

13.??? at the same time, the US is investing trillions in the Inflation Reduction Act and Trump agendas, creating millions of jobs and attracting top people, paying them 50-500% more,

14.??? even the IT and AI innovation pipelines have not been filled, e.g. in academia, after all other areas have long ceased to be truly innovative,

15.??? Europe is no longer competitive in practically any area, but is losing its last bit of reputation due to negative news, like bridges collapsing on their own due to corrosion,

16.??? investments in bunker technologies have been exploding for over 10 years in parallel with de-investment in Europe - and almost only there and then all of these developments have coincided: Vertical farming, insects and artificial protein sources, mini-nuclear reactors, AI for full automation in most areas, including agriculture, tunnel boring machines, recirculation systems, genetic databases, ....

17.??? continuing to serve only the new (mostly toxic) chemistry and mRNA innovation pipelines that make and keep people sick in extremely profitable ways,

18.??? Russia is growing after the EU sanctions while Europe is suffering a massive economic collapse with falsified inflation data, purchasing power has halved in many cases within a few months and the EU even imports more natural gas and oil, just indirectly via e.g. India or transshipment to other ships and some countries such as Austria simply continue to import cheap Russian pipeline gas.

19.??? expensive weapon systems like the IRIS-T air defense system are delivered to the Ukraine for approx. 500 million euros each and are not really hidden, e.g. just get parked behind a small bush within range of the Russians as a large vehicle, are neither activated for self-defense nor fire-extinguished in the event of a hit in order to have a few hundred million euros less electronic damage; on videos you can see that it was not a dummy, but it was apparently not fully functional either;

20.??? In any case, it was enough for another 75 million euros for a private vineyard for Zelenskyy in Italy[13];

21.??? western Europe is largely demilitarized as a result of the Ukraine aid and can therefore be easily taken over by experienced Russians,

22.??? the euro fell faster than the US dollar in autumn 2024, even though the BRICS countries are undertaking massive de-dollarization efforts and the US incurs a trillion in new debt every 100 days and the Eurozone has no such massive known problems,

23.??? Europe as a whole is under more massive threat than it has been for many decades:

Militarily by Russia, by hyper-inflation, de-investment, bureaucracy, corruption, unprofitable or non-functioning agendas such as the green transformation, BRICS sanctions and by collapsing infrastructure, broken supply chains, staff shortages and record spending and record crises.

Furthermore, we will see where we stand if in the future such rare but cost-intensive mishaps “accidentally” occur when acting efficiently and competently:

1.?????? a lot of time passes before coalition talks even begin.

2.?????? talks are not even started in earnest or are allowed to fail after a few weeks so that a lot of time is lost.

3.?????? politicians are off work around all public holidays and vacations and are in no hurry or even show any enthusiasm for work.

4.?????? no government favorable to the country is formed for a long time.

5.?????? inefficient minority governments are formed.

6.?????? citizens have to pay for all sorts of problems in the world or pay higher taxes without problems being significantly or efficiently solved.

7.?????? massive disadvantages for employees or their cost structure arise, such as the elimination of discounted tickets such as the “Germany ticket” or higher social security contributions, which lead to a further downward spiral.

8.?????? large parts of the health or care system become insolvent or produce cost or (bureaucratic) expense explosions, so that by chance it is precisely the old or sick from whom politicians no longer expect anything that die excessively, as during and after the corona pandemic. Perhaps another pandemic will “conveniently” come along in this sense to save costs?

1.5 Germany’s general Problems

Germany isn't leveraging the AGI opportunity and:


1?? Energy & Industrial Impact

- NordStream sabotage triggered cascade of industrial failures

- Manufacturing exodus (16% annually) accelerating

- Energy costs crippling chemical/auto sectors

- €300-400B total economic damage projection


2?? Institutional & Social Breakdown

- Parallel societies emerging in major cities

- Integration programs largely failed

- Healthcare/care systems facing Feb 2025 insolvency

- Rising social tensions + declining institutional trust


3?? Demographic Crisis

- 1.3M annual emigration rate (mostly skilled workers)

- Aging population straining pension systems

- Cultural integration challenges intensifying

- Education system struggling to adapt


4?? Systemic Vulnerabilities

- Far too much bureaucracy and corruption

- Critical infrastructure stability and protection gaps

- Overreliance on single energy sources

- Welfare system becoming unsustainable

- Skills mismatch in labor market growing


5?? Economic Deterioration

- Monthly production declining up to 8%

- Tax revenue collapse from industrial exodus

- Rising social program costs

- Supply chain disruptions across key sectors


Any other thoughts on specific aspects or proposed solutions? ??


1.6 References

1.?????? Radical Collaboration (FIRO):,,

2.?????? The Psychology of Behaviour at Work: The Individual in the Organization:















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