The End of an Era
10% chance. That is what most startups have at the time of their inception. So when there is a 90% failure rate, what can be done to ensure a startup survives? What needs to happen for the vision, to do good with tech, to live on?
In August 2022, when we came 2nd at the ekipa Health Tech competition, a startup project was born.
It would have been a simple story if only a few people just got together and also founded a company at the same time, but this did not happen. The initial team separated and only one founder (the writer of this post) kept going.
It is safe to say that AIDY Health has been on life support for most of its early days. Without a strong team, it was impossible to build an MVP, attract investment or grow in any meaningful way. Dozens of people joined as volunteers, only to leave within weeks. Some stayed, to whom I'm deeply grateful.
It has not been a story of weakness, either. We have recruited a team of medical, technical and other experts, ready to be deployed. We have built prototypes, including a WhatsApp bot and a phone system. I want to take this opportunity to thank all contributors to AIDY Health for these.
"It takes a village to build a startup." - they say. And the key to our survival was the support of people who placed their faith in us. Thanks to the MUNICH INNOVATION ECOSYSTEM , AIDY Health has recently received a lifeline that enables not one, but two co-founders to start up together.
What's next? We are creating the prototype of an intelligent medical receptionist that saves time for medical assistants in Germany. Thus, we continue our original mission of making a meaningful impact in healthcare. This privacy-centric solution will have generative AI, and will likely be hosted privately on our infrastructure.
Other recent changes at AIDY Health are equally fascinating, but it is too early to report on them. Short teaser:
we might soon have other life-saving projects underway, but they require additional funding.
Keep reading and you'll find out about them soon enough!