At the end of another tough week
I try to shut my eyes
for some much needed sleep.
But instead they fill
with tears
and memories
of another loved one
whom so sadly just departed.
It's for them,
so many of them
that I now weep.
For it's not just dust or land
in a graveyard where they lay,
It's another family member,
the family that we are all members of
that are gone
to our real home.
As long as I breathe each day
and think of our loved ones
gone before me
I will always feel this searing pain
of the loss of each family member
that have been always cherished and loved,
only to be snatched away
when we least expected it
from this family that I love.
For whenever I try to shut my eyes
for some much needed sleep
and whatever problems are hurled at me
they will never matter as much
as losing friends and family members.
For away from my family and friends
in whatever form
I feel so alone and lost.
But I know I am blessed from the family that I have come,
for that great love, care and breeding
cannot be undone.
I have been so thankful for my family,
friends and neighbours
and forever will be proud
especially of those special ones
who lay now in the ground,
who paved my way for me
with their guidance, care and love.
So while I try to shut my eyes
at the end of another tough week
for some much needed sleep.
I thank God for amazing frontline staff,
for my family, friends and neighbours
and all in the little town
where so many now
found their resting place.
And although many of them have now gone from my sight
I see them still
through many tears
as my eyes try to get some much needed sleep
for I am so thankful for them
as they now dwell
with God in that special place
where all are safely held
and loved infinitely.
So never stop loving and caring
even after another tough week
of another family member gone.
Always let the memory of their love shine
to light up your way
as you continue the journey to home.