The end of another chapter
Brian Conroy
Law Talking Guy ?? Branding Expert ?? Marketer ?? Radio Presenter ?? Life Coach (ugggh, I just got sick in my face saying that) ?? Public Speaking Coach ?? Trademark Lawyer
Almost Nine years to the day after I started for what was then Channel 6, today I bow out as Continuity Guy for 3e. Beacuse I'm a nerd, I've done the maths:
- That's 25% of the time I've been alive I've been doing continuity.
- That's 2340 hours of work
- That's about 1,872,000 words of continuity
- That's about 117 Hours of actual continuity audio
- That's a lot of episodes of Charmed/Steve Wilkos/Jeremy Kyle/Family Guy and American Dad
- Only 4 complaints (one for saying Jebus, which I was particularly proud of)
Coming up next on 3e, some other Continuity Person
Thanks for all the people in TV3/3e/Channel 6 whose path I've crossed down through the years. I outlasted you all.....except Mary.
Continuity Guy