End 2022 Right. Start 2023 Strong.
Melissa Landry
? Executive Coach + Management Consultant - Helping Driven Leaders & Executives boost their influence and build high-performing teams (without handholding or being the "bad guy")
ONLY 15 days left in this calendar year!! ??
As I contemplate the end of year,
I'm thinking about starting the next with excitement.
You've probably been focused on finish up this year well for your sales and your clients...
But are you scrambling to get something together for your team?
The end of year comes with an opportunity to tie up loose ends and kickoff 2023 on the right foot.
So, today I wanted to share with you a few of my own personal favorites to transform your typical holiday team building into an engagement tool.
Here are 3 things you can consider doing together with your team to start off 2023 with excitement and commitment:
1???Celebrate Past Learnings & Successes
As part of my own staff holiday get together, I love facilitating "A Year In Review" so that we can capture what was good about 2022 and move it forward.
This looks like a series of carefully crafted open ended questions to support an open, deep discussion with my team.
You know it's working when it brings up reflection, laughter and feeling of pride which results in...
??Securing a climate of positivity (despite challenges).
??Strengthening the team's identity and sense of belonging.
??Secures a foundation of insight & success to build upon.
2?? Share Meaningful Appreciation
This seems simple enough, but saying "Thank You" only goes so far...
And if you've been saying consistently, it's lost it's meaning.
Something I hear often from employees...
"I hear he appreciates me, but I don't know why."
So it's time to add some meaning to that "Thank You".
It's as simple as adding something very specific to accompany your sentiment of appreciation.?Then bring it to the next level by sharing the impact.
Here's an example to get you thinking in the right direction:
Generic: Thank you for your dedication to client services.
Specific: I appreciate how you infuse every client interaction with care and attention, bringing client focused solutions to the table.
Next level:?This year, that really made a difference when [specific situation] and it helped us [specific impact].
So within your team building, step up to the plate to deliver personalized messages of appreciation to each individual on your team.
Bonus points if you do it verbally in front of the group, then capture it in a person note to the individual.
3???Create Alignment through A Worthwhile Future
As master goal setters, setting up business goals comes naturally.?
Business goals set direction for the business, but doesn't inspire the people... Not until they know what's in it for them.
Now it's time to set personalized goals that connects people to business.
So, I personally like to explore to get to the depth of what's important for your team and each individual on the team.?Then you can weave what it's important to them personally to your business mission.
The trick here is to go beyond surface level to reach what really sparks excitement for them.?You are looking for energy shifts, eyes that light up, engaged body language and tonal changes.?
Think about leading discussion about what's important to them in their daily work, in what ways they enjoy contributing, their values, and their desired impact...
Or even leading a goal planning session in a group setting.?I personally lead the Triangles of Success program for my team and clients which weaves emotional intelligence in goal setting.
So to recap how I transform my Holiday Staff Party into a platform to start my next year for success with my team:
1???Celebrate Past Learnings & Successes
2???Share Meaningful Appreciation
3???Create Alignment through Worthwhile Future
I help my clients design and lead transformative team sessions to create a thriving culture and make leaps on their own business goals.
If you want an expert in your corner to design a customized strategy for you and your team...?
So that you can take a short cut while taking the guess work out of it...
I'm your gal.
And the timing is perfect because my prices are going up in the new year BUT if you book your consultation now (before the end of the year), you'll be grandfathered in with the 2022 pricing.