Encouraging Young People to practice Loving- Kindness for a Joyful World
Vedabhyas Kundu
Expert in Nonviolent Communication and Nonviolent Conflict Resolution; author and conducts workshops
It is almost every day that we are fed with messages of hostility, intolerance, lack of respect for each other, compromising the dignity of others, hatred and toxic ecosystems from around the world. Such negativities start right from the family level whether it entails hostility and bitter fight between couples or between different family members.? It then expands to all those who we know to our institutions and then to the society at large. This vicious cycle is leading many of us to nurture deep ill-will towards others, and nurturing of deep hostilities and toxicities. The ever increasing cycle of conflict we see around us is a result of these hostilities and toxicities.
In an endeavor to explore more, we started talking to large number of people, especially young people on these concerns. Many of these young people talked about how the accumulation of negativities, insecurities and the ever increasing pressure to achieve everything through short-cuts was leading to feelings of hostilities towards others, and the tendency to be unmindful of others sufferings. When we are suffering ourselves from within, we are not able to unlock the inner prison and come out of our own inner toxic ecosystem, how can we nurture love and kindness towards others? We realized after talking to a large number of young people that the increasing hypertechnological and material-oriented ecosystems
It is in this backdrop that our framework of JoyfulTalisman becomes significant. If the love and kindness deficit has to be reversed, we have to work with individuals especially young people many of whom are in disarray. Practicing loving-kindness is an important pillar of JoyfulTalisman and today’s conversation hinges on this pillar. What are the ways we can encourage young people to practice loving-kindness and how they themselves can promote it amongst their peers?? Let us explore this through this conversation.
Vedabhyas Kundu: The Vietnamese Zen Master, Thich Nhat Hanh has beautifully described the on what exactly is loving-kindness and it can be the guiding principle on how we can encourage young people around the world to practice it for a joyful world.? He says, “The first element of true love is loving kindness. The essence of loving kindness is being able to offer happiness. You can be the sunshine for another person. You can’t offer happiness until you have it for yourself. So build a home inside by accepting yourself and learning to love and heal yourself. Learn how to practice mindfulness
Munazah, as we talked to young people from different background, you will agree that there was a realization that for most of them there was an urgent need of inner healing. The turmoil inside- the triggers are both internal and external leads to inner consternation. This then get reflected in their interactions and actions with their peers and others. We came to the realization on how most of these young people were suffering from inside and had no notion of concepts such as self-love and self-kindness. So, as Thich Nhat Hanh said, how can we build a good home inside by accepting ourselves?
Munazah Shah: Yes, Vedabhyas from the experiences which some of these young people shared with us, it was clear that majority of them were attributing their sufferings to others- whether those known to them or others who they thought as their enemy. But, Vedabhyas let us recollect on when we started talking deeply to some of these young people, they started discerning that most of the sufferings can be attributed to their own actions and interactions. These actions and interactions are sometimes done consciously or unconsciously- but at the end results in our own suffering and for those who are around us.
Also, Vedabhyas through these talks we also realized that when for example an individual gets abused, their dignity compromised or are mentally harmed, the violence that generates within starts eating up their positive mental space. This triggers further inner violence which starts getting reflected externally also. This expansion of inner violence and inner consternation and its reflection will not only have to contained but also transformed into positivity. It is a challenge and practicing loving-kindness is a powerful strategy that needs to be encouraged; it definitely is a powerful strategy of our framework of JoyfulTalisman. ???
Vedabhyas Kundu: You are absolutely correct Munazah. Through our interactions we also realized how nursing hatred and anger towards others even those who may be opposed to us destroys our happiness and well-being. It denies us to live joyfully. It is through the practice of loving-kindness that we can realize the sufferings of others, why they are behaving in a wrongful way and that probably they need more help than us. These are important steps to unlock our inner prison.
Munazah, as we read diverse literature, we learn that to practice loving-kindness, we must start with ourselves. We must first learn to love ourselves and be kind to ourselves. I think all of us should stop being judgmental to ourselves- negative traits that ‘nothing good can happen to me’, ‘I am not capable of anything’, ‘I always make blunders’ should be avoided. We should encourage nonviolent intrapersonal communication
Further, Munazah, I think we all should start training in mindfulness so that we remain alert in the present moment and develop deep awareness of what is going on around. Mindfulness is a powerful strategy to practice self-love and self-compassion. Also, here I think most of us are fighting with ourselves to reach the lofty goals we have set up for ourselves; many times the fight can be debilitating if we are not able to reach it. Modern day pressures draws us to fight to achieve our goals at any cost, even if it entails using unethical means. For practicing self-love, let us get into the habit of celebrating our small victories which are achieved through the principles of human values. It is nourishing and a potion for self-love.
Munazah Shah: Yes Vedabhyas, the problem is majority of us do not know how to be kind to ourselves. As we put ourselves to the violence and rigors of achieving everything not only at our own cost but also of others, we are torturing ourselves. I agree with you that when we are valuing ourselves and developing deep recognition of our worth, we are practicing self-kindness. Here Vedabhyas, I think we should start to recognize our own needs and discern on how to meet these. We need to treat ourselves with empathy and compassion so that we develop a feeling of who we are and understand ourselves in a better manner. The oft used phrase, ‘know thyself’ is definitely a practice of love and kindness. When we start looking deeply into ourselves, we will be able to accept ourselves- it entails both our sufferings and also our happiness. We must start accepting ourselves as we are. Then only we will be able to accept the other person as she or he is.
Also, Vedabhyas, to my mind when we start practicing self-love, self-compassion and self-kindness, we cultivate positive emotions. We will see the decline of negative emotions like anger, frustration, fear or anxiety. Our perspectives will start changing towards a more positive one. Here I would like to point out that the more we start loving ourselves, and practice compassion and kindness, we will start loving others and nurture the same compassion and kindness towards them.
Vedabhyas Kundu: Here Munazah, I think we should share how assimilating the five pillars of Gandhian nonviolence in its truest sense can help us to cultivate loving-kindness. The five pillars are: respect, understanding, acceptance, appreciation and compassion. We have to start with ourselves- respect ourselves and then will be able to respect others; understand ourselves and then will be able to understand others; accept ourselves and our diverse perspectives and then will be able to accept others and their perspectives. Further, we should learn to appreciate ourselves and recognize our self-worth and only then be able to properly appreciate others. Similarly, we have talked about the essence of self-compassion earlier. When we treat ourselves with compassion, we will be able to treat others with compassion and make them feel happy and joyful. This in turn will make us happy and joyful.
Munazah Shah: Vedabhyas, I sincerely believe that by practicing loving-kindness we will be able to bridge with others emotionally and be able to strengthen our relationships. When we have positive feelings towards others, we are actually creating positive and loving ecosystem around us. Vedabhyas, to my mind, it can actually help us in navigating difficult situations and difficult relationships with greater compassion, thereby promoting forgiveness and reconciliation. ?
We sincerely believe practicing loving-kindness has the power of liberating us and those around us from unhappiness and negativities. It is the powerful strategy for our happiness and joyfulness. It is definitely an important pillar of our framework of JoyfulTalisman.? We strongly feel that loving-kindness can not only contribute to our own inner transformation and build inner resilience, it surely is a guiding post of our collective well-being.?
Let’s all think of kindness as our strength, as a symbol of love, courage and wisdom. Let’s appreciate the good in ourselves as it would help us to look at the good in others. While we search for the real happiness within ourselves, let us work with others in finding their own happiness. We also believe that each one of us should aim to practice the art and science of expressing gratitude
We also feel that acts of volunteerism for the good of others and even small acts of altruism helps us in our endeavor to practice loving-kindness. One of the pitfalls is when we get attuned to speak ill of others. Let us forget this regressive practice, instead try to search the goodness in others. It is the best way to practice loving-kindness.
As we conclude, we call upon all including the vibrant youth across the world to spread the message and deep philosophy of loving-kindness and practice themselves. We should use all means right from face-to-face interactions, group work and training sessions. Most importantly in this hypertechnological age which is seeing the advent of Artificial Intelligence, we should use all digital means available to initiate a global campaign to promote loving-kindness as a lighthouse for a JOYFUL WORLD.?
6 个月This is very educative enlightening. Thank you very much, it has really touched me