Encouraging Courage // 2 Chronicles 15:7
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Encouraging Courage // 2 Chronicles 15:7

By Mark Jordan

Today’s verse comes in a beautiful section where the prophet, Azariah, was speaking to Asa about how to handle the turmoil in which the people found themselves. Azariah told Asa it was because people turned away from God, tore down their altars, and devolved into idol worship. Asa destroyed the idols, rebuilt the altars, then called the people together for worship. This helped turn things around for the people and fulfilled the promise given back in verse 2: “If you seek him, he will be found by you, but if you forsake him, he will forsake you.” What strikes me is that there were plenty of people who had not truly left God, but they were no longer living in such a way as to honor God with their lives. Asa’s actions when he followed through with the instruction to be strong inspired others to do the same. That points to a stark reality of our human nature, summed up in the old adage, “there is strength/safety in numbers.” We find encouragement in the courage of others. But what if you are the Asa God needs to use to inspire someone to come back out in the open and truly live in faith? Find your courage in the Lord and be encouraged by His strength. After all, as Paul wrote, “if God is for us, who can be against us” (Romans 8:31). Who indeed? So, live with the confidence of a conqueror! Destroy the idols that have risen to a disproportionate position in your life. Rebuild the altar you need to courageously commit in order to live for the Lord. Then, invite others to join you. Remember, someone might just an Asa in their lives, and God planned for it to be you.



