Encouragement cup for all
John Messelt
Each day I strive to *Add Value* as a ?? Technology Team Leader & Trusted Advisor | Mentor | Maxwell Leadership Certified Speaker, Teacher & Coach | Mastermind Group Leader
My LinkedIn friends, wanted to share more broadly a short message I shared w/ my amazing, talented team today at work, perhaps it can encourage you as well. I know I need a "daily cup" of encouragement and inspiration every now and again.
I wanted to share a note of encouragement w/ you, really just inspired by things I’ve learned the past 2 weeks about myself, my family, talking to many people, and consuming the news during this unprecedented time in our lives.
1 - First and foremost, we will get through this. Together. With your family, as a team and business, as our community’s pull together.
2 - Stay positive, and focus on what you can control. That’s been a key phrase for me the past few weeks.
3 - Pivot towards health, in all aspects of your life. I personally have had to (re)evaluate my exercise routine, food choices (water vs. soda, fruit vs. candy …), focus time w/ our kids (when and how it happens), connect time w/ Andria (going for a walk when the kids watch a movie has been great), when I read vs. consuming stuff on my phone (bad habit, John, bad habit), and keeping up w/ my soul business. All this being said, pivot towards health, on what matters most.
4 - Now more than ever, my calendar dictates what I prioritize, across work and family life. Reminders help me stay ahead. I hope they help you as well.
5 - Times like this create amazing opportunities to engage, help and support, grow and learn, innovate, and do good. This is true at work w/ our Customers and Partners, and w/ those in our families and communities.
6 - Another opportunity is for us to showcase using our technology for good and to create new ways to connect w/ people. Using your video camera w/ Customers, using our PowerApps and PowerBI dashboards to run our business, being the best at D365, maximizing Teams functionality, using LISN like a pro ... all of these make us better and demonstrate the value we bring to the table.
7 - Be grateful, and don’t forget to thank those heroes in our midst – the medical industry workers on the front line helping the sick, the servers and workers at essential businesses that really are putting themselves in harm’s way by just doing their job (many don’t have a choice). Some days I’m feeling guilty for how good we actually have it, for how blessed we are.
Amazing, unprecedented times we’re in. But we will get through this ... together.
#WeGotThis #TodayWillBeMyBestDay #KeepMovingForward
From Fargo, ~jm