Encourage Yourself in the Lord
Photo by SHVETS production

Encourage Yourself in the Lord

What does it mean to encourage? To encourage someone is to inspire them with confidence, provide hope, and offer support.

What does it mean to encourage yourself in the Lord, according to the Bible? In 1 Samuel 30:6 (NKJV), it says, “Now David was greatly distressed, for the people spoke of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and his daughters. But David strengthened himself in the LORD his God. To encourage yourself in the Lord means drawing strength from your Lord God. David made himself strong in the Lord, resulting in his dependence on God for strength. Encouraging yourself in the Lord involves seeking and relying on God’s strength.

What does it mean to strengthen? To strengthen means to make strong or stronger. In life, whether as a pastor or a leader, I can assure you that difficult and unfair situations will arise. You might feel justified in being discouraged. However, before you dwell in self-pity, consider the story of David, as the verse before states. One day, before he became king, he and his men returned from patrol to find their homes burned and their wives and families taken captive. Everyone was devastated. The men were so upset that they were ready to stone David.

What did David do? In 1 Samuel 30:6, it says, "David strengthened himself in the Lord his God." He encouraged himself in the Lord and drew strength from Him. David made himself strong in the Lord his God.

The Bible doesn’t specify how David strengthened himself. Let’s look at Paul, who understood a bit about discouragement himself; he can provide us with an outline. Philippians 4:4–8, Paul says:

Philippians 4:4–6 (NLT) 4 Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again — rejoice! 5 Let everyone see that you are considerate in all you do. Remember, the Lord is coming soon. 6 Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.

Here are the steps outlined in these verses:

Verse 4: Rejoice in the Lord always.

If you can’t find joy in your current situation, focus on something else: past blessings, Bible promises, the love of your family, or the beauty of a flower. Listen to uplifting music, or even better, sing. Seek out something that reminds you of God’s goodness and faithfulness, and concentrate on that. Act as if you’re rejoicing, even if you don’t feel it. Consider Paul and Silas; did they feel like singing hymns while shackled in a dank Philippian jail, with their backs bleeding from the whip? (Acts 16:25) Certainly not. Yet, they chose to rejoice in God despite their circumstances, and as a result, God brought them miraculous deliverance. Remember, the joy of the Lord is your strength (Nehemiah 8:10).

Verse 5a: Let your gentleness be known to all men.

Discouragement can make you want to lash out at others or act impulsively. Resist those urges. Gentleness is strength under control. By remaining gentle, you allow the strength that discouragement drains from you to begin to return. Often, we become discouraged because we feel we have failed in some way, so it’s important to be gentle with yourself as well.

Verse 5b: Remember, the Lord is coming soon.

God hasn’t abandoned you, even if it seems that way. Remind yourself that God loves you, is present with you, and will take care of you.

Verse 6: Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving

Worry says, “Oh, what if this, this, and that?” Prayer says, “Dear God, please handle this, this, and that.” Share your problems with God and thank Him for taking care of you.

Verse 7: And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Continue until peace comes. A hundred years ago, American Christians often spoke about “praying through.” This meant praying through doubt, discouragement, and darkness until peace, light, or answers emerged. When you compare the magnitude of your problems to the greatness of your God, finding peace becomes inevitable.

Verse 8: Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy — meditate on these things.

To protect yourself from future discouragement, encourage yourself by focusing on positive things, good things, and the things of God. Just like any other habits, thought patterns can be formed and changed. Make it a habit to refuse to entertain negative or discouraging thoughts. While you can’t prevent these thoughts from coming, you don’t have to welcome them. As someone once said, “You can’t stop the birds from flying over your head, but you don’t have to let them build a nest in your hair.” When you notice a worry or negative thought, command it to leave in Jesus' name. Then, consciously shift your focus to something positive and godly. Learn to renew your mind in the Lord, and it will transform your life (Romans 12:2).

The devil wants to keep you discouraged because, when you are feeling down, your ministry suffers. He might whisper to you that you’re a failure, that everyone hates you, or that you are the only person who has ever felt this way. Most importantly, he’ll tell you that you must hide your feelings from others. Do not listen to these lies.

One of the most beneficial things you can do is to find someone you trust — perhaps another pastor or a mature Christian leader who can relate to your situation. Share your story and your prayers with them. The Bible offers many helpful examples of overcoming discouragement. For instance, many psalms start with complaints but end in faith. I encourage you to study how people in the Bible found strength in difficult times and consider preaching a sermon on these principles. Remember, pastors and leaders aren’t the only ones who face discouragement — everyone does. Then, be sure to practice what you preach.

Always encourage yourself in the Lord. Strengthen yourself in Him. Don’t wait for someone else to come and uplift you; they may never arrive. Stand up for yourself, just as David did when he found strength in the Lord his God. Draw strength from the Lord and empower yourself in Him. Hallelujah! Encourage yourself in the Lord your God!

By Pastor Gilbert Magomere Ayieko

Maxmiller Naliaka

Founder Zinduka foundation | Youth Pastor | Sunday School and Teenagers Trainer | Reigniting youth Program| Founder 4Fs | Missionary| Evangelist |

1 个月

Amen and Amen ????????



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