Encounter - A closer look into UAP, UFO, and USO Phenomena
Lenticular cloud spotted cruising over Utah desert, summer 2021 / Image and text (C) Lisa Bracken 2021

Encounter - A closer look into UAP, UFO, and USO Phenomena

This article arose as a result of recently renewed U.S. interest in UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena), and a U.S. Congressional request for additional information on what is known and not known regarding these types of sightings. Renewed interest emerged following leaked (and confirmed) military video of several sightings involving aerial (and perhaps hybrid submergible aquatic craft).

For those unfamiliar with key aspects of this situation, this article first presents a deeply ponderable (however seemingly unlikely) introduction to the topic followed by highly relevant reports; eye-witness and other interviews; an historic overview; and finally, my own perspective on emerging possibilities. Information formats include: video clips, articles, lectures, documentaries and other recorded presentations.

Additional information and perspectives will follow once (and if) the anticipated report is released - with the most recent posts at the bottom as well as expansions or corrections cited.



"#Antikythera?Mechanism: a Shocking Discovery from Ancient Greece" Dr. Tony Freeth / Stanford Humanities Center / Feb 25, 2016.

This is a topic that has intrigued me for decades - allowing some time for new developments since my last perusal.

From?#Stanford: “As part of an international team, Dr. Tony?#Freeth?has been a central figure in an extraordinary voyage of discovery: every new revelation has reinforced a sense of shock about this highly sophisticated ancient Greek?#astronomical?calculating machine. It is one of the true wonders of the ancient world.”


If ‘we’ knew of and could with phenomenal precision design a cosmic model 2,000 +/- years ago, what might other cosmic civilizations be capable of along the geospatial timeline?

This is an elegantly concise presentation of a device wrapped in observable?#physics,?#mathematical?equivalencies, and a precisely engineered,?#mechanical?articulation of our cosmic design which quite literally represents a tangible, continuously dynamic link from our ancient past to our perceivable?#future.



One look at the news, and the curious, confounded and compelled must once again ask: ‘Is there intelligent life in the cosmos? Anywhere?'

On your favorite streaming service: Delve into the little-explored history of UFOs, USOs and UAPs...

With: "UFOTV Presents: Crop Circles – Crossovers from Another Dimension" / Terje Toftenes

Intelligent alien life? If so… 'Are extraterrestrials actually reaching out to us?'

Next up: "Spheres of Light: Mysterious Objects – Vol 2" (2010)

And, if so…?‘Have we been observed for hundreds of years?’

Next up: "Ancient Aliens: Mysterious Places"

And if so… ‘Is anyone curious as to who might be studying us, trying to contact us? Maybe even intervening in our activities?’

Last up on this short list: "UFOs The Secret History" by David Cherninack


INTERVIEWS AND EYE WITNESS ACCOUNTS, offering highly relevant context

Just ahead of the forthcoming U.S.?#UAP?briefing, increasing numbers of reports continue to come forward from those in the most trusted positions of presumed credibility and experiential authority: pilots, astronauts, military personnel.

Senator Harry Reid https://lnkd.in/gwhSRPV

Luis Elizondo?https://lnkd.in/gbeb2W9

Chris Mellow?https://lnkd.in/gEjHgqU


Naval pilots Cmdr. Dave Fravor and Lt. Cmdr. Alex Dietrich??https://lnkd.in/gj46bcm

Astronaut Tim Peake?https://lnkd.in/gFjSPBK

Navy pilot Ryan Graves?https://lnkd.in/g4yrHyK

Master-at-arms Sean Cahill?https://lnkd.in/gkeUW2a

Iranian general and fighter pilot:?https://lnkd.in/gi6uWTu

Ryan Smith?https://lnkd.in/gWbtYFU


Fox news?https://lnkd.in/gkMShJr


BONUS MATERIAL AND INSIGHT from renown former British official and UAP investigator, Nick Pope

Nick Pope: UFO lecture at East Tennessee State University May 14, 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvfYaXrNIPk

BBC article, by Nick Pope / March 22, 2016 https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20160322-my-time-as-a-ufo-investigator-for-the-government



What are UAPs? Apparently, we don't know. Maybe some do... but most of us regular-type folk do not. Will we find out from the pending report? Probably not. Will we ever know? Probably so. Soon? Depends.

Thrilling isn't it?

The thing is, officials have very practical reasons to keep info under wraps. Why? Here are three pretty compelling reasons:

1) All countries benefit from technological advantage, so reverse-engineering even a fragment of unearthly tech could prove fruitful against adversaries - including found tech that turns out to be from a ground-bound Earth-type adversary. Are we ready to collaborate across countries to find out more about UAPs? It's a little counter to human nature, so, doubtful.

2) Official governmental acknowledgement of UAPs (and all their specifics) opens a whole box of sticky wickets: It may mean a rush of reports - all of which must undergo vetting by way of standardized investigative procedure. That's expensive. Plus there's the training of investigators, when no one (presumably) is even sure what we're looking for. Official acknowledgement will most certainly mean a public clamor for transparency; official accountability; establishment of protocol and process (in advance, mind you) of coping with and preparing for a possible range of situations and against capabilities we presumably know little to nothing about. Then there's political and cultural sensationalism; funding battles; media leaks; and, adversaries learning the evident extent of our defenses in the event of hostile engagement.

3) Plus, what if the public panics? 'The public' is far more technologically enabled now than in the radio theater days of "War of The Worlds". Chaos. Opportunities for adversaries. Too much trouble.

Better to ignore it, right? Look the other way, right? Deal with it when and if we have to.


Maybe. But there appears to be an increase in sightings. And, historically, these upticks often concur with an uptick in human hostilities or advancements in tech - particularly weaponry. Remember the swarms around nuclear facilities several decades back? Is this recent uptick because of the speed of our advancing technologies - some of which are weaponized?

Is it because of the pending installation of satellites blanketing our skies in a dense network, each company and country competing for sky-space layering toward uplink-crosslink-downlink? We're heading for space, again - and it's a hard charge. We're pursuing colonization. Again, a hard charge, leaving (as usual) a trail of waste in our orbital wake with our latest impulse.

We cannot seem to design machines with self-modeled artificial intelligence fast enough - as if we possess and exercise the discipline not to replicate something even more self-serving and efficiency-driven, even less respectful and harmonic toward nature than ourselves.

Could extraterrestrial life be worried we're technologically 'gaining on them' and may pose a real threat to their anonymity and sovereignty? Do they see us as irresponsible alien 'youth' fascinated with potentially dangerous technology, playing with it and impressing one another in the darkened garage of arrogance-driven impending mayhem - the proverbial Pandora's Box? Do they fear they and other life may be in the cross-hairs, themselves?

The uptick might also be relative to the general unrest and rising tensions across a globe straining toward 8 billion and its constant political, economic and cultural clashes.

It could be related to our relentless, rather psychotic devastation of the Earth - our own host planet - and its nearing collapse. It could well be the unfathomable destruction of self and host - irrespective of life anywhere else on its surface, at its depths or in its skies. Or, maybe... having kept an eye on all of us for a long while, they're willing to just observe us, knowing we'll end all of this ourselves in pretty short order. A virus run amok and wiping out its own host. Ironic, isn't it, that there is now serious speculation we may have engineered such a replica of destructive self-tendency, now raging around the planet.

I say "we" a lot, and of course there are some - possibly many among us, with a far different approach to appreciating life, and find ourselves complicit in the devastating design of overly-competitive human 'development'. Can our visitors - our observers - distinguish that? That's a pretty micro-level of detection. Maybe nano, or even smaller... on scale.

The very presence of these craft and their pilots (remote, artificial or otherwise) may be tied to advanced space/time quantum mechanics and quantum biology, a conceptual grasp of which may be gained through physicist, Chad Orzel's simple and simply brilliant introduction of six key principals of physics. A link to Chad's intro lives below under June 13th's added resources, along with other useful resources.

Are these visitors angry? Frustrated? Wizened, patient, future-foretelling and here to help us reverse our destructive course?.

Despite innumerable sightings and encounters, there does not seem to have ever been a case of overt, let alone targeted hostility against humanity. Based on recorded evidence, it's not too much of a reach to suspect they possess the capability to take our entire species down while leaving the planet at least as in-tact as we have. But, despite a very apparent abundance of technology, they, moreover and more importantly, appear to possess the discipline and wisdom of self- (perhaps collective-) restraint. They seem to harbor and nurture an appreciation for life. A tolerance even - but perhaps only to a degree - for destructive life. Whoever or whatever these entities are, they have indeed and repeatedly attempted to evade us; mock-charge us in an apparent effort to frighten us; and, even temporarily disabled us to allow for their own escape.

While 'they' may be very highly advanced in capability, we are collectively pretty damn scary in our apparent irrationality and myopic aggression. Loose canons, cosmically speaking. And comparably, appearing not very bright when it comes to our housekeeping.

Judging from the diverse designs and capabilities of craft reported, These entities may be part of a cooperative alliance of worlds, each 'species' wheeling about in their own signature vessel. Or, they may be pretty much just like us - piloting different models of slowly evolving designs, each one suited for a particular purpose. The "Tic Tac" design - a sporty little number... the "Cigar" design rather like an intergalactic Mackerel.

Hey, maybe this is "Resort Earth" and they all just come here to vacation. Word may have finally gotten around space, and now there are all kinds of worm holes leading to "Destination Earth - Bring the whole family for a great time tearing up the environment and harassing the local wildlife!" Wait, that's more like us. Still though. Maybe they just get a kick out of buzzing us and dressing up like sasquatches and dashing across the road to freak us out.

Yes, there is a theory on the sasquatch alien connection...

And, could there be a cost in fouling their interstellar playground? If they think like us - and hopefully they do not - it's pretty predictable that they may see us as swarming pests, with no purpose at all other than to muck up their plans, cost them money and time and get in the way of the more collaborative and self-serving design of delusional and destructive economics.

But here's another possibility. Maybe they're here as a contingent of scientists, collecting, analyzing, preparing to preserve, re-boot or even re-seed Earth's essence elsewhere. I've been in the field with scientists, and this is kind of how they act. Deeply absorbed. Lingering in observation. Not always respecting one another's boundaries, or even the boundaries of their subjects. Distracted to the point of seeming evasive. Fleeting in their departure. Sometimes they even crash into things. If these entities have valuable insight to share, will they share it? Have they been trying to already? Are we capable of listening?

If there is intelligent life out there. Would we recognize it if we saw it?



My personal experiences with uncommon phenomena continue to guide my speculations. I don't use the word 'paranormal', because I believe such occurrences are actually a normal, functional aspect of our cosmos. They are merely uncommon - their origins unidentifiable; the larger structure producing the event and its poorly (if at all) perceived 'parts' unclear in their relation. So, these events are typically, commonly little understood and therefore sometimes feared; but, nonetheless, they exist, they are perceivable (under certain circumstances), personally experienceable. Normal in that way.

Really though, we are fumbling about in the dark, dependent upon our senses to both quantify and qualify our perception, which - while astonishing biologically sophisticated - may be pre-limited relative to other evolutionary entablements, such as our native environs (i.e. what causes us to react and thereby adapt). If, sadly, our perceptions fail to enable self-serving action, we are often very quick to intellectually dismiss any informative value they may otherwise offer.

So, it's helpful to keep an open mind attuned toward other, less perhaps obvious or at hand indicators, relative to our inherent efforts to merely measure and manipulate.

We, after all, share the cosmos. And the statistical chances of factoring an encounter with 'other' life forms is rather... um... astronomical. Which, by the way, does not even account for all the math we bring to bear in our physio-emotional prelimiting factoring. Cause, you know, we just really don't wanna deal with it.

I get that.

I really do.


Fact is: We've enjoined life - whether by chance or by individual or collective intent - to immerse ourselves in wonder and embrace the quest.

Successful navigation and our own endurance of it is relative to our projections... compatible, of course with the greater intentions of all else (meaning all others also). (See, perhaps, "The Path" here, on LinkedIn, as introductory article.)


Functional, encompassing genuine advance. I wonder if that's the simplified goal - toward the advancement of maintaining, in the least, a currently (no pun intended) relevant, electro-magnetic impulse - should that be the final expression of all our compatible efforts.

I hope life is more nuanced than that - and meaningful. Guided by benevolence. By some greater goal - than just reciprocal vibration toward tomorrow. We've kind of experimented along those lines and served only to fail our planetary host - and compromised a lot of other highly compatible life in the process. Destroying it even. Wantonly. As if it were collateral damage to a higher purpose - our own... self-defined, or perhaps rather self-subscribed by our collective self-interest.

Given the constant level of suffering humanity has brought upon its self and other life throughout our presumably short history as a species, we appear to be very much on our own to reduce our selves by our lowest common means to our lowest common denominator.

But I don't think life is all about self-servitude and crushing competitors. I think a greater realm of collaborative, cooperative benevolence awaits. And, thereby, its rewards.

It's not, however, looking likely that we'll get any other-worldly help in that developmental department.

So, we have to wonder: As a species, are we capable of that level of evolution?

I think so. With empathy and self-restraint. With cognitive, benevolent intent.

I am reminded that we all are, after all, born to evolve in this lifetime into something greater than the sum of our own parts. And we are challenged - indeed, invited - to advance toward something greater than self interest... including overcoming our justification of it.

Without any further reading of even this article, our own evolution toward greater perception could be accomplished by, say, simply paying attention to everything around us with an open mind. Noticing. Considering. Contemplating. Finding our own path toward what ultimately becomes a kind of collective, participatorily benevolent growth. Nature, in fact, leads the way in symbiosis. Where life - broadly - goes forward.

As with my own experiences as well as others', occurrences (invitations to notice) are as unique as the individuals experiencing them - though there are sometimes common, collective perceptions of an event when witnessed by more than one person. Each occurrence can be identified only in its consciously and objectively observable (sometimes recorded or in other ways commemorated and measured) characteristics.

For me certainly, these unusual, scattered, seemingly disassociated experiences represent a diverse enough spectrum over many decades to indicate there is genuine and rich phenomena occurring. Yet - it is largely unexplained. As a devoted student of life, I am therefore inclined to seek better determinations as to their origins as well as their specific relevance to our 'common' model of perceived (and relatively functional) reality.

The sound thinker and rational actor does this. They acknowledge the apparent situation; objectively pursue greater understanding; and, fit preliminary-to-developing findings - whether feared or not - within a rational, evident structure enabling greater all-around function. Every discovery a step further toward refinement or reexamination.

So, it's all a mystery... a puzzle... something intriguing to further figure out. A gift, one might also say, as each unusual experience has, for me at least, been in its own way an unexpected and truly marvelous gift of greater insight.

Forthcoming encounters will surely prove likewise - all the more broadly enabled when, without assumption, they are respected and, therein, better understood.

In the greatest tradition of science itself, let us begin by fearlessly acknowledging the possibilities.


[Added Resource August 21, 2021]

A SECONDARY LINK TO THE OFFICIAL UAP REPORT with commentary from the National Geographic Society by Joe Pappalardo / June 25, 2021



[Added Resource June 13, 2021]

Better Understanding Quantum - or, given the inherent connectivity of our cosmos, the probably far more correct "quanta", which is the plural...

"Physics" is the study of the physical. The idea (or characteristics) of "quantum" is a rather new-ish look into our perceived reality through the examination of its tiniest apparent components which appear to comprise our livable, physical world. Scientists gauge all of this in accordance with the ages-old scientific method.

The "Scientific Method" is a process utilized in the study of natural sciences by generally adhering to the following standard sequence: Observation; Research; Hypothesis; Test and Experiment; Analyze Data; Replicate outcome (if possible and therefore culminating in a predictive value); Extrapolate and assign predictive values to the next untested application in order to better refine and quantify/qualify your next hypothesis. And round it goes. Theoretically, we can reliably and further build on such a process-informed structure of 'knowing', or at least, and more apt, reasonably guess till we discover otherwise.

Wikipedia offers a good description of quantum mechanics which underlies quantum phenomena in the study of physics whether it is applied to quantum biology, quantum computing, etc. - "Quantum mechanics?is a fundamental theory?in physics?that provides a description of the physical properties of nature?at the scale of atoms?and subatomic particles."

Quantum mechanics are basically both the building blocks (especially particles like electrons); working parts (such as waves); and interfaces of a model which attempts to better understand how the idea of quantum affects and encompasses areas such as, in this case, cosmology and biology. A fundamental interest is in explaining how particles can behave like waves, while still being particles and perhaps further (under certain circumstances) occupying different locations at the same time.

As such, quantum has now been relegated as a sub study of physics which, like its parent field of inquiry is interpreted, quantified and qualified by scientists ever-searching.

Quantum physics, therefore, is highly speculative. And while that appropriately opens the field to free thinking and unrestricted conjecture, it can also serve a handful of wildly unaccountable projections – which can confuse the field, especially for a novice.

For me, one of the most lamentable realities currently plaguing the field of both physics and biology – particularly at the emerging interface of the wedded two, is the deeply saddening experimentation on innocent life. From fruit flies to mice to birds, as a student, it is difficult to embrace the relatively short history (100 years or so) of physics – with biology, of course, much longer – and not feel mired in the continuing human preoccupation of shackling living free will and driving it toward an often cruel science or economic gain. I wish it weren’t so.

It can be difficult to immerse in a host of presentations and not encounter such a reference, as well as the occasional physicist or biologist who actually laughs about the cruelty. I do not engage these individuals further. That said, however, each of the lecturers below possess a vast repertoire of work, and I’ve no idea whether or where such an ambush may lie, so forewarning.

Despite this ugly side of science, there is an inherent elegance in the form and function of physics; and, thereby, awe-inspiring beauty within its deeply imbedded and nuanced structure.

To paraphrase Einstein (one of the most intuitively holistic thinkers ever to embrace the alluring realm of physics, other than, Nikola Tesla): If you really understand your subject, you ought to be able to effectively explain it to a six year old. He also believed one should never confuse "education" with learning.

As an adjunct collegiate instructor, myself, I've always believed exactly that. Here, then, are a few purveyors of possibility that may help bring it all into quick and sharper focus:

Professor and physicist, Paul Davies’ latest book among a vast suite of books, papers and presentations: "The Demon in the Machine". Davies offers vital grounding to what can easily lapse into a highly flighty field. Lectures, articles and books by Paul Davies offer deeply and essentially holistic; conservatively measured; and, highly concise, ever-evolving thinking. He brings serious and essential perspective for any rounded collection of insight/foresight. He also seems quite kind and conscientious, so he’s right here at the top.

Physicist and co-founder of the World Science Festival, Brian Green (latest book: "The Hidden Reality") and neurologist, Dean Buonoman discuss the nature of ‘time’ and our biologic perception of it from a quantum physics point of view on stage at the World Science Festival https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FJWvEbeBps Greene is well known for his rich visual presentations and can bring a bold sense of often relatable wit and levity to his video presentations. This piece is an enlightening introduction to the heretofore recognized correlatives of time, space and gravity.

With a high degree of personal relevance, Professor Chad Orzal expertly narrows the focus of physics to a conceptual core, illustrates key principals and often provides a quick, historic review. He is author of the book: "How to Teach Quantum Physics to your Dog", and offers this primer: Chad Orzel - "Six things everyone should know about quantum physics" (Forbes, 2015): https://www.forbes.com/sites/chadorzel/2015/07/08/six-things-everyone-should-know-about-quantum-physics/?sh=738235617d46

Science writer and long-time former editor of Nature magazine, Philip Ball. Rather like Paul, Peter gets down to the essentials but in fast-moving, intellectual presentations best suited for those already broadly familiar with key principals. With the expert insight of a seasoned guide, Philip offers an intriguing train ride through what's known and what's next.



Lothar Bongartz

1der1.com - Marketing Focused Website Building with Artificial Webdesigner Intelligence

3 年

Hi Lisa, you are right. The universe is created for life and I am sure it is nearly everywhere. However, there are no ships flying in. It wouldn't make sense to travel the distance and then do next to nothing here. The UFOs are not using the air for flying, and they do not eject mass for propulsion. They could use anti-gravity, and NASA even has patented an anti-gravity craft. What if the owners are already on earth? Sending UFOs as drones to check for nuclear threats? Everything would make sense then.


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