Encore (another opportunity)
Experienced in handling operations & docs for containers, bulk/break-bulk shipments. Expert in Warehouse magagement.
When history will judge us, they will see our weaknesses, our flaws and our inhumanity. We could have beaten this virus in merely 15 days, just by sitting at home and doing nothing. If each and everyone of us, who were capable of staying at home, could have stayed... if we could have stood silent only for a second and had a thought to care about each other, we would have stopped this threat... a tiny virus, not even a living organism, which has ravaged eukaryotic cells like it has done multiple times in past... but we failed again as we have failed in past... majestically...
Doing nothing is next to impossible for our ‘electron-speed information enabled’ generation. We are busy fighting our mundane battles, while the virus is feasting on our elderly, most vulnerable, weakest and mutest of our society.
It has shown us our greatest weakness that we are morally bankrupt. And that our collective global lack of empathy has made us sitting ducks for a "THING" which according to modern science doesn't even qualify as living.
Our future generation will bestow upon us a far more derogatory title than “selfish dark age people 2020”.
Still we have the opportunity to contain this virus in just 15 days! Now it’s up to us, to either unite as one and fight or just be a sitting duck.
We are one crew or enemy of one crew! Choose wisely!