Enabling countries, one-country domination, one’s own country first, and a stabilizer for the world economy

Enabling countries, one-country domination, one’s own country first, and a stabilizer for the world economy

Terms to note from today’s PRC Ministry of Foreign Affairs press conference:

  • 本国优先? [běn guó yōu xiān]? one’s own country first; self-interest:?

Today’s quote:


China advocates a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization. We uphold that all countries need to jointly make the pie of economic growth bigger and distribute it better, and engage in and benefit from global economic growth on an equal footing. The “we first” approach and the domination by one country is not what the world economy needs. In recent years, China has accelerated the development of new quality productive forces, and injected driving forces to the transformation and upgrade of the world economy through its high-quality development. China has been committed to expanding high-standard opening up, and sharing with businesses all over the world the benefit of its supersized market with a better business environment and a shorter negative list. China has deepened cooperation in global connectivity. Local people in relevant regions get better off thanks to fast and convenient logistics networks, including China-Europe freight trains and the new western land-sea corridor train service. China has led the global green and low-carbon transition. We have provided solutions with cost-effective and climate-friendly technology to the Global South countries for their low-carbon development. In recent years, China has rolled out in Africa over 100 programs in clean energy and green development, such as the solar power farm in Kenya and the De Aar wind power project in South Africa. “It’s the Chinese friends who have brought light and hope to our land,” said the locals movingly.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 27, 2025)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? ... 应践行多边主义。面对层出不穷的全球性挑战,没有哪个国家能独善其身,搞本国优先只会造成各方“多输”。联合国是践行多边主义、推进全球治理的核心平台,已经为各国遮风挡雨近80年,未来的多极世界更加需要联合国。对于这座大厦,我们应该固本强基而不是拆梁毁柱;对于治理全球难题,应该共担责任而不是唯利是图;对于共同挑战,应该团结应对而不是阵营对抗。?

...? it is important to practice multilateralism. In the face of emerging global challenges, no country can stay unaffected, and the “we first” approach in international relations only leads to a lose-lose result. The U.N. is at the core of practicing multilateralism and advancing global governance. This edifice has shielded all countries from wind and rain for nearly 80 years, and is all the more needed in the multipolar world of the future. We should cement its foundation, rather than destroy its pillars. We should take up our responsibilities on governing global issues, rather than seek self-interests only. We should tackle common challenges in solidarity, rather than resort to bloc confrontation.? (Wang Yi_Speech_坚定做变革世界中的建设性力量_ A Steadfast Constructive Force in a Changing World_[2025.2.14] )?

?? ... 在多边与单边之间,我们坚定地选择多边。当今世界新老矛盾交织,单边主义抬头,“本国优先”凸显,国际社会治理赤字、信任赤字有增无减。?

... we firmly choose multilateralism over unilateralism. In the world today, old and new issues are intertwined: Unilateralism is reasserting itself, with “us first” becoming a more noticeable tendency; the governance and trust deficit in the international community is decidedly widening.? (Wang Yi_Address at the Symposium on the International Situation and China’s Foreign Relations_2024_01_09)?

?? 从“本国优先”的角度看,世界是狭小拥挤的,时时都是“激烈竞争”;从命运与共的角度看,世界是宽广博大的,处处都有合作机遇。?

Viewed from a “country-first” perspective, the world is small and crowded, and locked in “fierce competition”; viewed from the perspective of a shared future, the world is vast, and full of opportunities for cooperation.? (White_Paper_Global Community of Shared Future- China’s Proposals and Actions_携手构建人类命运共同体:中国的倡议与行动_2023_09_26)?

?? 正如秦刚国务委员兼外长在演讲中所说,作为世界上最大的发展中国家,中国始终胸怀天下,我们实现现代化不是为了孤芳自赏,更不是为了“本国优先”,而是在实现自身发展的同时,为世界和平注入更多正能量,为全球发展带来更多新机遇。?

As State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang noted in his speech, as the biggest developing country, China always keeps in mind the greater good of the whole world. The Chinese path to modernization is not a one-flower show, still less for self-interest. It is a path toward development of China, through which more positive energy will be added to global peace and new opportunities created for global development.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on April 21, 2023)

  • 赋能型大国? [fù néng xíng dà guó]? enabling country:?

Today’s quote:


China has been the stabilizer of the world economy. As the second largest economy in the world, China contributes to around 30 percent of global growth every year on average. We are the major trading partner of over 150 countries and regions, and remain the largest trader in goods and the second largest importer for years running. China is an indispensable part of the stable and unimpeded supply and industrial chains in the world. China advocates a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization. We uphold that all countries need to jointly make the pie of economic growth bigger and distribute it better, and engage in and benefit from global economic growth on an equal footing. The “we first” approach and the domination by one country is not what the world economy needs. In recent years, China has accelerated the development of new quality productive forces, and injected driving forces to the transformation and upgrade of the world economy through its high-quality development. China has been committed to expanding high-standard opening up, and sharing with businesses all over the world the benefit of its supersized market with a better business environment and a shorter negative list. China has deepened cooperation in global connectivity. Local people in relevant regions get better off thanks to fast and convenient logistics networks, including China-Europe freight trains and the new western land-sea corridor train service. China has led the global green and low-carbon transition. We have provided solutions with cost-effective and climate-friendly technology to the Global South countries for their low-carbon development. In recent years, China has rolled out in Africa over 100 programs in clean energy and green development, such as the solar power farm in Kenya and the De Aar wind power project in South Africa. “It’s the Chinese friends who have brought light and hope to our land,” said the locals movingly. China will continue to put development front and center on the agenda of international community, embrace the vision of a community with a shared future for mankind, firmly act as an “enabler,” and provide more stability and certainty for the world economy.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 27, 2025)??

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 应当坚持开放合作,以普惠包容的经济全球化来支撑平等有序的世界多极化。正是朝着这样的目标,中国坚定同各国共享发展机遇。有位澳大利亚学者把中国称为“赋能型大国”,我认为很形象。去年中国GDP增长5%,对世界经济增长的贡献率接近30%,担当起全球经济增长的重要引擎,向世界释放超大规模市场红利。中国愿推动高质量共建“一带一路”同欧盟“全球门户”战略对接,赋能彼此,也赋能世界。?

It is important to pursue open cooperation, and support an equal and orderly multipolar world with a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization. It is for this goal that China stays committed to sharing development opportunities with all countries. An Australian scholar called China an “enabler,” which I find very fitting. With a five-percent GDP growth last year, China contributed to nearly 30 percent of the world economic growth. It has served as an important engine for global economic growth, and shared with the world the benefit of its supersized market. China is willing to synergize high-quality Belt and Road cooperation with the European Union’s Global Gateway strategy, so as to empower each other and empower the entire world.? (Wang Yi_Speech_坚定做变革世界中的建设性力量_ A Steadfast Constructive Force in a Changing World_[2025.2.14])?

  • 遣返回国? [qiǎn fǎn huí guó]? repatriation:?

Today’s quote:


On February 27 [2025], 40 Chinese nationals who illegally entered Thailand have been repatriated to China. The repatriation is carried out in accordance with the laws of China and Thailand, international law and common practices. It is a step taken by the two sides to jointly combat human smuggling and other cross-border crimes. The lawful rights and interests of individuals concerned are fully protected.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 27, 2025)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 这次还有一名在美潜逃多年的逃犯被遣返回国,这说明天网恢恢,任何地方都不可能永远成为“避罪天堂”。中国政府将继续开展追逃追赃,有逃必追、一追到底。?

Among those sent back from the US is a fugitive who fled to the US many years ago and has now been repatriated to China. No one can escape justice, and no place on earth can be a safe haven forever for crime. The Chinese government will continue its work to bring back fugitives and recover their illegal proceeds, and will not rest until they are all brought to justice.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on November 28, 2024)?

?? 在疫情背景之下,美国还不顾国际社会反对,将成千上万感染新冠病毒的非法移民加紧遣返回国,直接造成许多拉美国家疫情加剧。?

Amid COVID-19, the US speeded up the repatriation of tens of thousands of COVID-infected illegal migrants despite international opposition. This directly worsened the pandemic situation in many Latin American countries.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on June 29, 2022)?

?? 经中方有关部门和办案机关不懈努力,余振东、许超凡先后于2004年、2018年被遣返回国。?

Thanks to the unremitting efforts of relevant Chinese authorities and organs handling the case, Yu Zhendong and Xu Chaofan were repatriated to China in 2004 and 2018 respectively.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on November 15, 2021)

  • 稳定器? [wěn dìng qì]? stabilizer:?

Today’s quote:


China has been the stabilizer of the world economy. As the second largest economy in the world, China contributes to around 30 percent of global growth every year on average. We are the major trading partner of over 150 countries and regions, and remain the largest trader in goods and the second largest importer for years running. China is an indispensable part of the stable and unimpeded supply and industrial chains in the world. China advocates a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization. We uphold that all countries need to jointly make the pie of economic growth bigger and distribute it better, and engage in and benefit from global economic growth on an equal footing. The “we first” approach and the domination by one country is not what the world economy needs. In recent years, China has accelerated the development of new quality productive forces, and injected driving forces to the transformation and upgrade of the world economy through its high-quality development. China has been committed to expanding high-standard opening up, and sharing with businesses all over the world the benefit of its supersized market with a better business environment and a shorter negative list. China has deepened cooperation in global connectivity. Local people in relevant regions get better off thanks to fast and convenient logistics networks, including China-Europe freight trains and the new western land-sea corridor train service. China has led the global green and low-carbon transition. We have provided solutions with cost-effective and climate-friendly technology to the Global South countries for their low-carbon development. In recent years, China has rolled out in Africa over 100 programs in clean energy and green development, such as the solar power farm in Kenya and the De Aar wind power project in South Africa. “It’s the Chinese friends who have brought light and hope to our land,” said the locals movingly. China will continue to put development front and center on the agenda of international community, embrace the vision of a community with a shared future for mankind, firmly act as an “enabler,” and provide more stability and certainty for the world economy.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 27, 2025)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 经贸合作是中国与拉美国家关系的“压舱石”和“稳定器”。中拉经济互补性强,合作潜力巨大。双方在贸易、投资、工程承包等领域合作成果斐然。拉美地区是“21世纪海上丝绸之路”的自然延伸,已有21个国家与中方签署“一带一路”合作文件。近年来,中拉经贸合作克服新冠肺炎疫情的不利影响,展现出强劲韧性和发展势头,目前已全面恢复并超过疫前水平。?

Trade and economic cooperation is the ballast and stabilizer of the relations between China and Latin American countries. With strong economic complementarities and huge cooperation potential, China and Latin American countries have achieved remarkable results in trade, investment and project contracting cooperation. Latin America is a natural extension of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, and 21 countries in the region have signed cooperation documents under the Belt and Road Initiative with China. In recent years, our trade and economic cooperation has overcome the adverse impact of the Covid-19, showing strong resilience and development momentum. It has fully recovered and exceeded the pre-Covid level.? (Regular Press Conference of MOFCOM_November 24, 2022)?

?? 社会保障体系是人民生活的安全网和社会运行的稳定器。?

The social security system provides a safety net for people's livelihoods' and helps ensure social stability.? (Xi_Jinping_Speech at the 20th National Party Congress_2022_10_16)?

?? 相比而言,中国经济发展在主要经济体中仍处于较好水平,中国仍是世界经济增长的重要稳定器和动力源。?

On the whole, the Chinese economy is doing well among the major economies, and it remains an important anchor of stability and driving force for global growth.? (Press conference on the 20th CPC National Congress)?

?? 今年以来,在新冠肺炎疫情蔓延和国际局势动荡的背景下,中欧班列克服多重困难,保持安全稳定运行,1-6月累计开行7514列、发送72.4万标箱,单月开行连续26个月保持千列以上,成为畅通中欧贸易的“稳定器”和“加速阀”。?

Since the beginning of this year [2022], despite the ongoing pandemic and turbulence in the world, the China-Europe freight trains have managed to maintain safe and stable operation. In the first six months of this year, 7,514 trips were made, carrying 724,000 TEUs of goods. For 26 consecutive months, more than 1,000 trips were made each month. The China-Europe freight train service has become the stabilizer and accelerator of China-Europe trade.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on July 21, 2022)

  • 一国主导? [yī guó zhǔ dǎo]? domination by one country:?


China advocates a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization. We uphold that all countries need to jointly make the pie of economic growth bigger and distribute it better, and engage in and benefit from global economic growth on an equal footing. The “we first” approach and the domination by one country is not what the world economy needs. In recent years, China has accelerated the development of new quality productive forces, and injected driving forces to the transformation and upgrade of the world economy through its high-quality development. China has been committed to expanding high-standard opening up, and sharing with businesses all over the world the benefit of its supersized market with a better business environment and a shorter negative list. China has deepened cooperation in global connectivity. Local people in relevant regions get better off thanks to fast and convenient logistics networks, including China-Europe freight trains and the new western land-sea corridor train service. China has led the global green and low-carbon transition. We have provided solutions with cost-effective and climate-friendly technology to the Global South countries for their low-carbon development. In recent years, China has rolled out in Africa over 100 programs in clean energy and green development, such as the solar power farm in Kenya and the De Aar wind power project in South Africa. “It’s the Chinese friends who have brought light and hope to our land,” said the locals movingly.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 27, 2025)

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