[EN] Decline of the masculinity and rules.

[EN] Decline of the masculinity and rules.

When I was a little boy, I had a deep conviction of my Father's stubbornness, a stubbornness that seemed to turn into signs of stupidity in some places. This was because my Father had an extensive collection of topics, which had a predetermined outcome, if they were discussed. 

You probably understand my surprise when, convinced of Father's mistakenness, I was overwhelmed with boisterousness, and sometimes I went mad at him. 

It took me some time before I entered puberty and, let's call it masculinity, a childish bristle, and I realized that what I experienced was principles, a picture of a higher masculinity, a higher humanity, I would say. 

And it is about principles that I would like to talk a little bit about. 

I observe the world and have a strange conviction that the canon of principles has died with past generations who have guided their lives with individual iron forms as a scaffold of their character and strength. I am not in a position to judge everyone, so forgive me if this sounds very general, my reflections are purely subjective based on an individual observation of the environment - so close and so slightly further. So I think that somewhere as individuals we have lost the rules and have undergone psychological automation allowing ourselves to follow the social direction - instead of defining it ourselves. Many of us consider ourselves individualists when we actually reproduce models from our environment blindly believing in our uniqueness, but this is our nature. But when we look deep down - and of course I'm also talking about myself here - we find out that we're so unspecial and many are in our place. The rules are a comfort that the strongest can afford - we must follow the model, because without it we will inevitably perish - rejected by the state, trampled on by social media. We observe with shining eyes those who have decided to be themselves and have reached the top. So where are our principles? Where are we in all this, where our depth and our convictions. 

What he's going to write now may be a bit stupid, maybe absurd. 

But isn't it a bit like that today there are no more rules worth dying for? There are only occasions for which it is worth betraying. 

Of themselves. 

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


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