emQonnect - September Issue

emQonnect - September Issue

Our 12th issue marks the completion of a year of emQonnect. Thank you for your readership. In this issue we show you the way to Digital Transformation in our article Go Paperless. Our other content shows you how to interpret body language, as a leader embrace imperfections, and finally, how to rekindle your relationship with nature.

emQonnect September Issue

This newsletter is written, designed and developed by our content team.


Go Paperless – Digital Transformation Tip

FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) on digital transformation is haunting businesses that are lagging behind because they find it hard to get on the train. Start thinking of a paperless office and you’ll know how to get aboard.

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Mastering the Art of Reading Body Language

As far as the dynamics of human interactions are concerned, words are just one part of the equation. Much of our communication happens without uttering a single syllable. The cues lie in our gestures, postures and expressions, a language you need to decipher.

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Eco-Spirituality: Mindful Awakening in Nature

Being amidst nature is a refreshing feel. These moments lend you peace and clarity. So, if you’ve felt a sacred connection with nature and want to deepen here are ways.

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Leaders Take Off your Mask

Imperfections make us human and interesting. However, a few leaders rather than embracing their imperfections try to conceal it. Learn why this projection of perfection creates a disconnect from your people.

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PODCAST: How to Innovate

Coming up with good ideas is hard. It’s not because we’re not creative or smart enough, but just that we haven’t learned how. Fortunately, Sheena Iyengar provides answers to the question — How to innovate?

APP: CocoonWeaver

CocoonWeaver enables you to instantly transcribe audio notes into categories and gain intuitive access to your mind. Use this thoughtfully designed journal to capture and organize your thoughts.

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