Empowerment of women through technology, gender in the selection and training of Chinese astronauts, and the World Conference on Women

Empowerment of women through technology, gender in the selection and training of Chinese astronauts, and the World Conference on Women

Terms to note from today’s PRC Ministry of Foreign Affairs press conference:

  • 北京宣言? [běi jīng xuān yán]? Beijing Declaration (issued on December 5, 2023 at? the International Symposium Commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Beijing, for advancing the world’s human rights cause; see also 北京宣言? běi jīng xuān yán Beijing Declaration (July 23, 2024).):?


This year [2025] marks the 30th anniversary of the World Conference on Women in Beijing. On February 24, according to the resolution jointly proposed by China and relevant countries, a panel discussion themed on “commemorating the thirtieth anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action adopted at the Fourth World Conference on Women” was held at the 58th session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. Several female heads of U.N. agencies delivered remarks as panelists. Liu Yang, China’s first female astronaut in space, delivered a keynote speech via video link as a representative of outstanding women in the world, sharing China’s visions and achievements in the high-quality development in women’s cause in the new era. In her speech, Liu Yang noted that she is a beneficiary and practitioner of the spirit of Beijing Declaration, and as well as a witness of women empowerment through technology. When the engine of the Shenzhou spacecraft was ignited, she felt not only the shock of 600 tonnes of thrust, but also the power of hundreds of millions of Chinese women backing it up. The concept that “standards know gender in the selection and training of Chinese astronauts” reflects the core logic of women’s cause in China, that is to institutionalize a fair and equitable competition environment for both men and women. This is also a concrete realization of the spirit of the Beijing Declaration. The adoption of Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action marks a milestone in the development of women’s cause globally and has had a positive and profound influence on the protection and advancement of women’s rights. As we mark the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, China will work with the international community to inject strong new impetus to the development of women’s cause globally at this new historical starting point.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 26, 2025)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 1948年的12月10日,联合国大会通过了《世界人权宣言》,在人类文明发展史上具有重大意义。1950年,联大将12月10日定为世界人权日。为纪念《世界人权宣言》发表75周年,中方日前在北京举办了国际研讨会。中共中央政治局委员、外交部长王毅出席研讨会并发表主旨演讲,深入宣介习近平主席关于人权问题的重要论述、中国人权发展道路的丰富内涵以及中国关于全球人权治理的立场主张。会议发表了主席声明“北京宣言”,引发热烈反响。?

On December 10, 1948, the UN General Assembly (UNGA) adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a significant document in the history of human civilization. In 1950, the UNGA designated December 10 as Human Rights Day.? To commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Right, China held an International Symposium in Beijing. Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Foreign Minister Wang Yi attended the symposium and delivered a keynote speech, in which he elaborated on the important views of President Xi Jinping on human rights, China’s human rights development path, and China’s position and propositions on global human rights governance. The Beijing Declaration was issued at the symposium and received warm response.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on December 11, 2023)?

?? 12月5日,中国人权发展基金会在北京举办“纪念《世界人权宣言》发表75周年”国际研讨会。亚洲、非洲、拉美、欧洲各国和联合国人权高专办的高级别官员及驻华使节、专家学者、民间组织代表等出席。中共中央政治局委员、外交部长王毅出席开幕式并作主旨发言,深入宣介习近平主席关于人权问题的重要论述、中国人权发展道路的丰富内涵以及关于全球人权治理的立场主张。各方在研讨会上围绕促进经济社会文化权利、人权发展道路、全球人权治理等议题进行深入研讨,就新形势下改革完善全球人权治理的路径发表真知灼见。研讨会发表的“北京宣言”,反映了国际社会共识,为推进世界人权事业提供了有益启示。?

On December 5 [2023], the China Foundation for Human Rights Development held the International Symposium Commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Beijing. Senior officials from Asian, African, Latin American and European countries and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights as well as diplomats in China, experts and scholars, and representatives from civil society organizations attended the symposium. Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Foreign Minister Wang Yi attended the opening ceremony and delivered a keynote speech, in which he elaborated on the important views of President Xi Jinping on human rights, China’s human rights development path, and China’s position and propositions on global human rights governance. Relevant parties had in-depth discussions at the symposium on the promotion of economic, social and cultural rights, human rights development paths and global human rights governance, and shared their insights on ways of reforming and improving global human rights governance under the new situation. The Beijing Declaration issued at the symposium reflects international consensus and provides useful ideas on advancing the world’s human rights cause.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on December 6, 2023)

  • 《北京宣言》和《行动纲领》? [běi jīng xuān yán hé xíng dòng gāng lǐng]? Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (”to advance the goals of equality, development and peace for all women everywhere in the interest of all humanity,” adopted by the UN on September 15, 1995):?

Today’s quote:


This year [2025] marks the 30th anniversary of the World Conference on Women in Beijing. On February 24, according to the resolution jointly proposed by China and relevant countries, a panel discussion themed on “commemorating the thirtieth anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action adopted at the Fourth World Conference on Women” was held at the 58th session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. Several female heads of U.N. agencies delivered remarks as panelists. Liu Yang, China’s first female astronaut in space, delivered a keynote speech via video link as a representative of outstanding women in the world, sharing China’s visions and achievements in the high-quality development in women’s cause in the new era. In her speech, Liu Yang noted that she is a beneficiary and practitioner of the spirit of Beijing Declaration, and as well as a witness of women empowerment through technology. When the engine of the Shenzhou spacecraft was ignited, she felt not only the shock of 600 tonnes of thrust, but also the power of hundreds of millions of Chinese women backing it up. The concept that “standards know gender in the selection and training of Chinese astronauts” reflects the core logic of women’s cause in China, that is to institutionalize a fair and equitable competition environment for both men and women. This is also a concrete realization of the spirit of the Beijing Declaration. The adoption of Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action marks a milestone in the development of women’s cause globally and has had a positive and profound influence on the protection and advancement of women’s rights. As we mark the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, China will work with the international community to inject strong new impetus to the development of women’s cause globally at this new historical starting point.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 26, 2025)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 当地时间10月9日,联合国人权理事会第57届会议以协商一致方式通过中国代表丹麦、法国、肯尼亚和墨西哥共同提交的“纪念《北京宣言》和《行动纲领》通过三十周年”决议。决议获得广泛支持,有112个国家参与共提。近三十年前,北京第四次世界妇女大会通过了《北京宣言》和《行动纲领》,这是世界妇女事业发展的里程碑。三十年来,妇女社会地位显著提升,同时全面落实《北京宣言》仍然面临挑战。中方已倡议在2025年北京世妇会召开30周年之际再次召开全球妇女峰会,在此背景下,中方提出有关决议,旨在重振《北京宣言》精神,反映了各方希望加快实现性别平等、合作应对挑战的共同心声,不少国家代表对人权理事会通过这一决议深感鼓舞。中方决议获得协商一致通过和广泛共提也表明,坚持多边主义,坚持平等和相互尊重原则,秉持建设性对话与合作精神,是人权理事会工作健康发展的应有之义,也是全球人权治理行稳致远的重要启示。?

On October 9 [2024] local time, the 57th session of the UN Human Rights Council adopted by consensus the resolution on marking the 30th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action submitted by China on behalf of Denmark, France, Kenya and Mexico. The resolution received extensive support and was co-sponsored by 112 countries. Nearly three decades ago, the fourth World Conference on Women held in Beijing adopted the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, marking a milestone in the development of women’s cause globally. Over the past three decades, women’s social status has been elevated significantly, yet the comprehensive implementation of the Beijing Declaration still faces challenges. China proposed the convening in 2025 of another Global Leaders’ Meeting on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment to mark the 30th anniversary of the World Conference on Women in Beijing. Against this backdrop, China proposed the resolution which aims to revitalize the spirit of the Beijing Declaration. The resolution reflects the common aspiration of all sides in achieving gender equality and dealing with challenges through cooperation at a faster pace. Representatives from many countries were greatly encouraged by the adoption of the resolution at the UN Human Rights Council. The fact that China’s resolution was adopted by consensus and co-sponsored by a vast number of countries shows that sound development of the work of the UN Human Rights Council cannot be achieved without upholding multilateralism, the principle of equality and mutual respect, and the spirit of constructive dialogue and cooperation. These principles also provide an important source of inspiration for the steady and sustained progress in global human rights governance.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on October 10, 2024)

  • 科技赋能妇女? [kē jì fù néng fù nǚ]? empowerment of women through technology:?


This year [2025] marks the 30th anniversary of the World Conference on Women in Beijing. On February 24, according to the resolution jointly proposed by China and relevant countries, a panel discussion themed on “commemorating the thirtieth anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action adopted at the Fourth World Conference on Women” was held at the 58th session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. Several female heads of U.N. agencies delivered remarks as panelists. Liu Yang, China’s first female astronaut in space, delivered a keynote speech via video link as a representative of outstanding women in the world, sharing China’s visions and achievements in the high-quality development in women’s cause in the new era. In her speech, Liu Yang noted that she is a beneficiary and practitioner of the spirit of Beijing Declaration, and as well as a witness of women empowerment through technology. When the engine of the Shenzhou spacecraft was ignited, she felt not only the shock of 600 tonnes of thrust, but also the power of hundreds of millions of Chinese women backing it up. The concept that “standards know gender in the selection and training of Chinese astronauts” reflects the core logic of women’s cause in China, that is to institutionalize a fair and equitable competition environment for both men and women. This is also a concrete realization of the spirit of the Beijing Declaration.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 26, 2025)

  • 世界妇女大会? [shì jiè fùn ǚ dà huì]? World Conference on Women:?

Today’s quote:


This year [2025] marks the 30th anniversary of the World Conference on Women in Beijing. On February 24, according to the resolution jointly proposed by China and relevant countries, a panel discussion themed on “commemorating the thirtieth anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action adopted at the Fourth World Conference on Women” was held at the 58th session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. Several female heads of U.N. agencies delivered remarks as panelists. Liu Yang, China’s first female astronaut in space, delivered a keynote speech via video link as a representative of outstanding women in the world, sharing China’s visions and achievements in the high-quality development in women’s cause in the new era. In her speech, Liu Yang noted that she is a beneficiary and practitioner of the spirit of Beijing Declaration, and as well as a witness of women empowerment through technology. When the engine of the Shenzhou spacecraft was ignited, she felt not only the shock of 600 tonnes of thrust, but also the power of hundreds of millions of Chinese women backing it up. The concept that “standards know gender in the selection and training of Chinese astronauts” reflects the core logic of women’s cause in China, that is to institutionalize a fair and equitable competition environment for both men and women. This is also a concrete realization of the spirit of the Beijing Declaration.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 26, 2025)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 近三十年前,北京第四次世界妇女大会通过了《北京宣言》和《行动纲领》,这是世界妇女事业发展的里程碑。?

Nearly three decades ago, the fourth World Conference on Women held in Beijing adopted the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, marking a milestone in the development of women’s cause globally.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on October 10, 2024)?

?? 近三十年前,北京第四次世界妇女大会通过了《北京宣言》和《行动纲领》,这是世界妇女事业发展的里程碑。?

Nearly three decades ago, the fourth World Conference on Women held in Beijing adopted the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, marking a milestone in the development of women’s cause globally.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on October 10, 2024)?

?? 中国推动联合国人权理事会通过“纪念第四次世界妇女大会暨《北京宣言》和《行动纲领》通过20周年”主席声明、“加强公共卫生能力建设促进健康权”“发展对享有所有人权的贡献”“在人权领域促进合作共赢”等决议。?

China has supported the passing of many resolutions by the UNHRC, including the President’s Statement on the Twentieth Anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women and of the Adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, Promoting the Right to Health through Enhancing Capacity-building in Public Health, The Contribution of Development to the Enjoyment of All Human Rights, and Promoting Mutually Beneficial Cooperation in the Field of Human Rights.? (White_Paper_Progress in Human Rights over the 40 Years of Reform and Opening Up in China_改革开放40年中国人权事业的发展进步_2018_12_12)?

?? 推动联合国人权理事会通过中国倡议提出的“纪念第四次世界妇女大会暨《北京宣言》和《行动纲领》通过20周年”主席声明。参与联合国妇女署规章制度和行动规划的制定,加大合作力度。积极承办和举办第四次世界妇女大会后续行动的相关会议、妇女与减灾、妇女与可持续发展等国际会议。?

China has galvanized the UN Human Rights Council to adopt the presidential statement, which was advocated by China to mark the 20th anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women and the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and the Platform for Action. China participates in the making of regulations and action plans for UN Women, and increases cooperation with it. China has hosted and held meetings on actions to follow up the Fourth World Conference on Women, and international meetings on women and disaster reduction, and women and sustainable development.? (White_Paper_Gender Equality and Women's Development in China_《中国性别平等与妇女发展》_2015_09_22)

  • 中国航天标准面前无性别? [zhōng guó háng tiān biāo zhǔn miàn qián wú xìng bié]? standards know gender in the selection and training of Chinese astronauts:?


This year [2025] marks the 30th anniversary of the World Conference on Women in Beijing. On February 24, according to the resolution jointly proposed by China and relevant countries, a panel discussion themed on “commemorating the thirtieth anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action adopted at the Fourth World Conference on Women” was held at the 58th session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. Several female heads of U.N. agencies delivered remarks as panelists. Liu Yang, China’s first female astronaut in space, delivered a keynote speech via video link as a representative of outstanding women in the world, sharing China’s visions and achievements in the high-quality development in women’s cause in the new era. In her speech, Liu Yang noted that she is a beneficiary and practitioner of the spirit of Beijing Declaration, and as well as a witness of women empowerment through technology. When the engine of the Shenzhou spacecraft was ignited, she felt not only the shock of 600 tonnes of thrust, but also the power of hundreds of millions of Chinese women backing it up. The concept that “standards know gender in the selection and training of Chinese astronauts” reflects the core logic of women’s cause in China, that is to institutionalize a fair and equitable competition environment for both men and women. This is also a concrete realization of the spirit of the Beijing Declaration.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 26, 2025)

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