Empowerment is a path to the future

Empowerment is a path to the future

"Worse than training an employee and seeing him leave, is not training and seeing him stay." This quote became famous a few years ago among leaders who questioned the importance of investing in training their employees. For me, the truth has always been one: we are in this world to learn. And learning happens every day.

 Every trained employee has chances to better develop their professional skills. And, of course, this is reflected in the company itself. More than that, I think empowering is caring. It means giving opportunities that employees often did not find at any point in their professional journey. It's making a difference to the employee's life. And for their future.

 Investing in the training of our employees starts as soon as they are hired. With the training, the climate becomes much healthier and the professionals feel recognized as a fundamental part of the business and start to think about a future here as well. In other words: the employee feels happy.

 And a study by the University of California found that a happy worker is, on average, 31% more productive, three times more creative, and sells 37% more compared to others. In other words, an engaged and well-qualified team is worth a thousand.

 All individuals have, in their life project, the intention to improve and grow. Upon receiving the opportunity to improve themselves from the company, they recognize in this attitude a confirmation of their importance within the organizational context and strengthen their expectations for the future.

 I'm bringing this data today because the person I'm interviewing for this series of tributes on my blog has been living proof of what courses and training have done for his career and his life. I present you Adilson Santos de Jesus, our logistics team leader.

 Adilson Santos de Jesus - Team Leader | Logistics

 - Tell us about your start at Inoar.

In May 2013, I started working at Inoar Cosméticos. In the beginning it was very difficult to adapt as I had never worked in logistics like Inoar's, but little by little I adapted and now I have Inoar as my second home. I love working at the company, I love what I do and I dedicate myself more every day to giving my best.

 - What are the challenges and lessons learned in your daily life?

One of the challenges I had at the beginning was to show my potential and show why I came to work at Inoar Cosmeticos. Getting to show my experiences and my skills were some of the challenges I had.

And with these challenges I learned good things that made me move forward and never give up on doing what I wanted. I've learned a lot and I'm looking to learn even more without wanting to knock down or go over people, I'm learning more every day.

 - Name one of the best moments of your career.

There are several, but one never forgotten was when I turned 5 years working here and got my sign for being part of the Inoar family, it was very important to me.

 - What moment of your professional journey at Inoar do you take to life?

I take all the moments, both the good times and the bad times, because it was through the bad times that I managed to get to the good times. Through Inoar, I gained a History Faculty. After two years of a degree in History, I got my postgraduate degree in Organizational Psychology and today I'm doing an MBA in Strategic People Management. So all I have today is thanks to God and to D. Inocência Manoel for opening the door of her company so that today I could open my mouth and say I'm part of the Inoar family.

Moments I will take forever. Thank you very much.



