Empowering Yourself: The Science and Psychology of Choosing Your Responses to Life's Challenges
Luigino Bottega
Life is the biggest match we will ever play: we can win or lose depending on the quality of our game.
"Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response." - Viktor Frankl
In the midst of the many influences that affect our actions, lies a key element of our humanity - our freedom to choose. This idea was famously championed by Viktor Frankl, an Austrian neurologist, and psychiatrist who survived the Holocaust and wrote extensively about the importance of human agency in the face of adversity.
At the heart of Frankl's philosophy was the idea that humans have the ability to choose their response to any given situation, regardless of the stimuli they are exposed to. He believed that, while we may not have control over external factors, we always have the power to choose our internal response to those factors.
This concept is grounded in both science and psychology. In neuroscience, the concept of stimulus and response space refers to the idea that our actions are determined by the complex interplay between our environment, our biology, and our own volition. In other words, while external factors can influence our behavior, our responses are not predetermined, and we always have some degree of agency in how we choose to act.
Psychologically, this idea is related to the concept of locus of control. Individuals with an internal locus of control believe that their actions and decisions have a direct impact on their outcomes, while those with an external locus of control believe that their fate is determined by external factors such as luck, fate, or other people's actions.
The importance of embracing our freedom to choose lies in the distinction between being proactive versus reactive. When we are reactive, we allow external factors to determine our responses, which can leave us feeling powerless and out of control. On the other hand, being proactive means actively choosing our responses, which empowers us and helps us to take control of our lives.
While our freedom to choose is an essential part of our humanity, it can be challenging to exercise this freedom in practice. We are often influenced by our past experiences, our social conditioning, and our own cognitive biases. However, by becoming more aware of these influences and actively choosing our responses, we can become more proactive and take control of our lives.
"It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters." - Epictetus
Here are five pieces of advice for becoming more aware of the influences that affect our responses, and for actively choosing our actions:
In conclusion, the science and psychology of stimulus and response space highlights the importance of our freedom to choose. Viktor Frankl's philosophy emphasizes the power of human agency in the face of adversity, and reminds us that, while external factors may influence our behavior, we always have the power to choose our internal response.
By embracing our freedom to choose and becoming more proactive in our responses, we can take control of our lives and lead more fulfilling and empowered existences.
"You cannot always control what goes on outside, but you can always control what goes on inside." - Wayne Dyer
Here are five books related to the topic of actively choosing our responses in the face of life's challenges:
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