Empowering Women: Catalysts for Environmental Sustainability and Peacebuilding

Empowering Women: Catalysts for Environmental Sustainability and Peacebuilding

Women, Peace and Security (WPS) first made it on to the Security Council’s agenda with the adoption of the Resolution 1325 on 31 October 2000. Reaffirming that women play a key role in the prevention and resolution of conflicts and peace negotiations, this resolution expresses its willingness to incorporate a gender approach into peace processes and involve women in different actions. In 2015, the Resolution 2242 recognized climate change as a security risk for women and girls. The ten Security Council resolutions on women, peace and security, including 1325 (2000), 1820 (2008), 1888 (2008), 1889 (2009), 1960 (2010), 2106 (2013), 2122 (2013), 2242 (2015), 2467 (2019) and 2493 (2019) provide the international framework for promoting and protecting women's rights in conflict and post-conflict situations. In this respect, it is undeniable that women are the most affected by the devastating effects of conflicts and the most vulnerable to climate change; they are 14 times more likely than men to die in disasters[1]. Nevertheless, they are still underrepresented in both discussions making for example only 1.7% of total NGO in environmental civil society.[2]Between 1992 and 2019, women represented 6 percent of mediators, 6 percent of signatories in peace processes and 13 percent of negotiators.[3]Sometimes, their presence in the negotiating and peace processes does not guarantee their active participation in discussions, nor that their needs will be heard. This article aims to analyze the role of women in environmental sustainability and peacebuilding. It discusses the gender dimensions of climate change and conflicts as well as the important role that women can play when it comes to environmental discussions and peace processes.

Understanding the dynamics between gender dimensions of climate change and conflicts

Climate crisis and conflict associated with gender inequality constitute one of the world's most pressing challenges, threatening the physical integrity, livelihoods, health and security of women and girls.

The gender dimensions of climate change and conflict refer to the unequal impacts they have on individuals based on their gender. It is therefore undeniable that gender and social roles influence climate change and conflict effects. Women disproportionately suffer the impacts of climate change because of traditional norms, unequal access to resources and the inequitable distribution of roles and power. In Africa, gender inequalities combined with climate change result in a lack of access to financial and social assets, exacerbating women's vulnerability to natural disasters and rising temperatures. For example, over 60%[4] of women in sub-Saharan Africa work in agriculture, producing 70%[5] of the continent's food. So when climatic events affect food production, they are the hardest hit, as they lose an essential source of income.

In addition to this, climate change and conflict have a significant impact on the supply of water and food, tasks which generally fall to women and girls. Women therefore bear the disproportionate burden of providing water, food and fuel in the face of environmental and conflict-related challenges because they have to walk further and spend more time fetching water and fuel. Girls sometimes have to drop out of school to help their mothers with these responsibilities, perpetuating the cycle of gender inequality.[6] As climate change fuels conflicts around the world, women and girls are more vulnerable to all its consequences including gender based violence, sexual conflict-related sexual exploitation, human trafficking and child marriage[7].

Climate change exacerbates resource scarcity, leading to conflicts over essential resources such as water and land. In the Central Sahel, violence is on the increase, mainly due to competition for natural resources in rural areas.[8] These conflicts can affect men and women differently, with the latter facing increased risks of violence, displacement and loss of livelihoods.

Understanding the interconnectedness between climate change and conflict requires acknowledging that the impacts of climate change can contribute to or intensify existing social and political tensions, leading to conflicts. Moreover, conflict itself can prevent effective responses to climate change, hindering sustainable development and exacerbating vulnerability.


Women as actors in promoting environmental sustainability and peacebuilding

Women's predominant role in the management of land and other natural resources means that they are the first to experience environmental degradation.? Faced with this reality, they can play an important role in environmental sustainability and peacebuilding in several ways.

Women are powerful advocates for environmental sustainability and peacebuilding by raising awareness about the importance of preserving the environment and promoting peaceful resolutions to conflicts. As they often play crucial roles in their communities as caregivers, educators, and organizers, their commitment to peace and environmental sustainability is often perceived as a break with social norms and gender roles. In this sense, their participation in leadership roles within environmental and peacebuilding processes can lead to more inclusive and effective solutions. Women peacebuilders, in their actions, recognize the need to implement measures and strategies to cope with the effects of conflict and promote environmental sustainability. In Colombia, women have been the main actors in building peace in the country. “Colombia’s legacy of natural resource fueled-conflict and continued environmental degradation have created adverse gendered impacts, but also opportunities for women to emerge as environmental peacebuilders. Their leadership is increasingly crucial as climate change further stresses natural resources in the country.”[9]The example of Colombia reveals that the inclusion of women as activists promotes gender equality and community resilience to climate shocks. It also shows that peace agreements are a means of advancing gender equality and integrating environmental peace-building.

In addition to this, women often have a deep understanding of their communities and can effectively engage with the local population to promote sustainable practices and peaceful dialogue. By educating their communities about environmental issues and conflict resolution, they can empower them to take action and make a positive impact. Women can therefore contribute to post-conflict peacebuilding through local-based discussions. In the early 1990s, Burundi was faced with the Arusha Peace and Reconciliation Agreement. Burundian women have historically played a key role as negotiators and educators in peace processes, going “ethnic divisions to articulate common demands on specific topics of Arusha, particularly that women should not be excluded and should be represented in the future institutions up to 40 per cent.”[10]

In Sudan, where women are largely responsible for household food security and children's education, and their decision-making power is limited, women activists and organizations have proved to be the most effective forces in the fight against the ongoing conflict. By focusing on peace-building and community involvement, Sudanese women have established themselves as key players in providing basic services and raising awareness of the need to stop the war.

Women's involvement in environmental issues and peace processes can also contribute to stability and sustainable development. Their perspectives, leadership, and participation are crucial for achieving positive outcomes in these areas. From the position of women as victims to the role of actors, women are succeeding in peace-building through their initiatives. The case of Sierra Leone shows how women have contributed to advancing the peacebuilding process, even in an informal role. Mobilized in community organizations and civil society groups, particularly in informal settlements, they have tackled the risks associated with fragile climatic conditions.


Addressing the challenges faced by women in environmental sustainability and peacebuilding processes

?By recognizing and valuing the contributions of women in these fields, we can build a more inclusive and sustainable future for the world and foster peace in conflict-affected regions. It’s really important to:


●??????? Promote the participation of women at all levels in negotiation and peace processes, particularly those related to environmental sustainability within peace-building organizations and governments. This includes involving women and their organizations, discussing with women's alliances and networks and ensuring women's representation in key decision-making institutions.

●??????? Include gender expertise: It's really important to work with gender experts in policy development through capacity building and technical assistance to help countries assess and address climate-related security threats.

●??????? Integrate an intersectional gender approach into any analysis of climate-related safety risks, in order to understand the specific needs of women and girls.

●??????? Empowering women to become peacebuilders by strengthening women's capacity to dialogue and take part in environmental sustainability and peacebuilding processes.


To meet the challenges faced by women, it is essential to integrate the gender dimension into policies and strategies relating to climate change and conflict. Empowering women, recognizing their role as agents of change and ensuring their participation in decision-making processes are essential steps towards building more resilient and peaceful societies in the face of climate change and conflict.

[1] UNDP, Women are hit hardest in disasters, so why are responses too often gender-blind?, March 2022 available here https://www.undp.org/blog/women-are-hit-hardest-disasters-so-why-are-responses-too-often-gender-blind

[2] OECD Environment Working Papers No. 193 : Women’s leadership in environmental action, 27 April 2022

[3] UN Women, Facts and figures: Women, peace, and security,

[4] World Economic Forum, Investing in Africa's female farmers helps their kids, communities and economies, October 18, 2019, available here


[5] World Economic Forum, Women grow 70% of Africa's food. But have few rights over the land they tend, Mar 21, 2018, available here


[6] SIDA, Gender perspectives on causes and effects of school dropouts – final paper, January 2016, available here https://cdn.sida.se/publications/files/sida62010en-gender-perspectives-on-causes-and-effects-of-school-dropouts.pdf

[7] UN Women, Explainer: How gender inequality and climate change are interconnected,

28 February, 2022 available here https://www.unwomen.org/en/news-stories/explainer/2022/02/explainer-how-gender-inequality-and-climate-change-are-interconnected

[8] International Crisis Group, The Central Sahel: Scene of New Climate Wars?, 24 April, 2020, available here https://www.crisisgroup.org/africa/sahel/b154-le-sahel-central-theatre-des-nouvelles-guerres-climatiques

[9] Dr. Jessica M. Smith, Lauren Olosky,Jennifer Grosman Fernández,The Climate-Gender Conflict Nexus Amplifying women's contributions at the grassroots, Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security, 2021

[10]National Survey on SCR 1325 : Status, Challenges and Strategies, March 2009

Tammy Lewis

CEO Founder - Community of Guardians

1 年

Hello I’m working hard to build my network with those who support #science and #sustainability. If you could please follow me and share my profile with your collègues I will be reaching out soon to share an invitation to contribute! I've started a nonprofit social enterprise called the Community of Guardians. It's a place where we can rally the world to action in pursuit of the United Nations #2030SDGs. It's a social media platform (Like FB) where the voice of science can be shared with anyone interested in learning ways to be more sustainable. We have 17 different groups on the platform to represent each of the 17 UN SDGs. We gather lessons and challenges from verified knowledge experts (#scientists, #indigenousknowledge keepers and #industry) and share these lessons and challenges on the platform where people from around the world can take action. We have gamified the platform and participants can earn CoGs points for each challenge they complete and be empowered by others who share their passions. I have shared a couple of my blogposts and a YouTube video for you to watch that shared the inspiration for this organization. https://lnkd.in/gu38qAjs https://lnkd.in/gHM7mS45 https://lnkd.in/gzTHZbZX



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