Empowering vulnerable groups: a key process for sustainable and resilient development

In a global context marked by economic, social, environmental, and security challenges, the issue of sustainable development is more than ever at the heart of our concerns. Countries have adopted several strategies to achieve sustainable development. However, it is clear that few countries are achieving their development goals. Could the key to achieving sustainable development lie in empowering vulnerable populations?

Empowering vulnerable populations: what do we need to understand?

Vulnerable populations, including youth, women and people with disabilities, represent a significant part of the population in several countries. Empowering these populations means strengthening their skills and potential, so that they can improve their living conditions and actively contribute to the development of their communities.

Empowerment, a multidimensional process

It is essential to understand that empowering vulnerable populations is a complex process that requires the commitment of all relevant actors. At the heart of this process is the ability of vulnerable individuals and communities to make informed decisions to improve their own situations.

This involves providing them with the necessary resources (i.e. knowledge, skills and/or financial resources) they can use to take concrete action to transform their own realities. Empowerment can only be sustainable if it is based on tangible and measurable results, testifying to a real improvement in living conditions.

Empowering in the face of the challenges of climate change and conflict

Vulnerable communities are often the hardest hit by the effects of climate change and conflict. Natural disasters, environmental degradation, forced displacement and political instability exacerbate inequalities and undermine development efforts. The empowerment of vulnerable populations is therefore essential to strengthen the resilience of communities in the face of these challenges. By empowering people to adapt, innovate and rebuild, empowerment fosters the emergence of more resilient and sustainable societies.

Concrete empowerment actions in this area include:

●??????? Training in sustainable and climate-resilient agricultural practices

●??????? Support for green entrepreneurship and the circular economy

●??????? Strengthening capacities for natural disaster risk prevention and management

●??????? Access to resilient basic services (water, sanitation, energy, health, education)


Why is empowerment crucial for developing countries?

Developing countries are particularly concerned with the issue of empowering vulnerable populations. Indeed, these countries concentrate a large part of the world's population living in poverty and facing multiple obstacles to access basic social services and employment.

According to the World Bank, nearly 85% of people living in extreme poverty live in low- and middle-income countries (World Bank, 2021). In these contexts, the empowerment of vulnerable populations is an essential lever to break the vicious circle of poverty and stimulate sustainable development.

Indeed, the access of young people, women and people with disabilities to education, employment, entrepreneurship and civic life strengthens their purchasing power, creates opportunities for their communities and contributes to reducing inequalities. This in turn contributes to the creation of a virtuous circle that benefits society as a whole and lays the foundations for sustainable and inclusive development.

From this perspective, active investment in the empowerment of youth, women and persons with disabilities can help developing countries unlock considerable human and economic potential. An immediate benefit would be the improvement of social and political stability, by giving a voice and an active role to marginalized groups.


Some global statistics that show the importance of empowerment

●??????? According to a report by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), nearly 1.3 billion people live in multidimensional poverty, 84.3% of whom are in developing countries (UNDP Strategic Plan for the Period 2022-2025, 2021).

●??????? According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), the youth unemployment rate (15-24 years old) reached 13.6% in 2021, almost three times that of adults (ILO, Africa Employment Report, 2021).

●??????? According to UN Women, globally, women earn only 77 cents for every dollar earned by men. This pay inequality limits their economic empowerment (UN Women, 2020).


Concrete examples of empowerment measures:

●??????? Facilitating access to micro-credit and finance to support entrepreneurship

●??????? Promoting gender equality and supporting women-led initiatives

●??????? Development of inclusive infrastructure and services (education, health, transport)


Social and political empowerment, a crucial aspect

Beyond economic empowerment, it is essential to foster the social and political empowerment of vulnerable populations. This requires concrete actions aimed at strengthening the representation and participation of these marginalized groups at all levels of decision-making bodies. Key measures in to achieve social and political empowerment include:

●??????? Raising awareness of civil rights and the importance of civic engagement

●??????? Establishment of inclusive consultation and dialogue mechanisms

●??????? Promoting diversity and inclusion in public and private institutions

Empowering vulnerable populations, in all its dimensions – economic, social and political – is an essential process for any country wishing to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and build resilience to global challenges. It is time for governments, international organizations, the private sector and civil society to join forces and invest massively and adequately in ambitious empowerment programs, putting vulnerable individuals and groups at the heart of decision-making. By giving every individual, regardless of gender, age or condition, the appropriate resources and opportunities to fulfil their potential, adapt to change and participate fully in society, we are building a fairer, more inclusive, more resilient and more prosperous future for all. Empowerment is no longer an option, but a necessity to unlock sustainable development globally, especially in developing countries.


How does your organization contribute to the empowerment of vulnerable groups? Share your inspiring initiatives and your convincing results in the comments!





