Empowering Vision: Inauguration of the Vasantha-Krupa Palakurthi Vision-Aid CVI Resource Center

Empowering Vision: Inauguration of the Vasantha-Krupa Palakurthi Vision-Aid CVI Resource Center

On Thursday, January 4th, 2024, Vision-Aid team had the immense honor of Participating in the grand inauguration of the Vasantha-Krupa Palakurthi Vision-Aid CVI Resource Center. Not just a new facility but a heartfelt celebration of the incredible Dr. Krupasagar Palakurthi's life and legacy.

Teamwork and Generosity

With Vision Aid, USA, and Palakurthi Foundation, this center is a tribute to Dr. Krupasagar Palakurthi—an amazing person who dedicated his life to serving the underprivileged. Cerebral Visual Impairment (CVI), also known as cortical visual impairment, is the challenge we're tackling here.

Promising Empowerment and Inclusivity

This new CVI center is all about serving children with Cortical/Cerebral Visual Impairment and their families. CVI might be a leading cause of childhood blindness, but we're not just doing clinical examinations here. We've got tailored vision assessments and holistic set of programs unlocking a world where these children and their families can live life to the max.

A Light of Hope Beyond Andhra Pradesh

Pioneering a new era in Andhra Pradesh! This facility isn't just the first of its kind locally; it's on track to become a pivotal hub for training vision professionals across India in the upcoming

months. Anticipate a ripple effect as this center extends its influence beyond state borders, shaping the future of Vision Rehabilitation professionals in the realm of CVI.

Opening Doors to Opportunities and Dreams

As we inaugurate this center, we are not merely unveiling its physical doors to a facility; we are unlocking gateways to novel opportunities, aspirations, and a future wherein every child, irrespective of their challenges, is afforded the opportunity to flourish, acquire knowledge, and assume leadership roles.

Recognition for the Key Contributors

We extend our sincere congratulations and gratitude to all individuals who played a pivotal role in bringing this vision to fruition. We commend the LVPEI team for their exceptional partnership and express our deep appreciation to the Palakurthi family for their unwavering support.

Together, let us embark on a journey towards a future marked by hope, achievements, and endless possibilities for the numerous children this center is committed to serving.



